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研究生: 劉建賢
Chien-hsien Liu
論文名稱: 製作新型雙層微透鏡光學薄膜應用於提升太陽能板效率之研究
Fabrication of new dual-layer microlens optical film applied to enhance the efficiency of solar panel
指導教授: 趙振綱
Ching-kong Chao
Tsung-hung Lin
口試委員: 張瑞慶
Rwei-ching Chang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 機械工程系
Department of Mechanical Engineering
論文出版年: 2012
畢業學年度: 100
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 108
中文關鍵詞: 聚光太陽能電池菲涅爾方程式微透鏡陣列
外文關鍵詞: Concentrator Photovoltaic, Fresnel equation, microlens array
相關次數: 點閱:451下載:4
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This thesis presents a new optical film with PDMS dual-layer microlens by using thermal reflow, CNC machining machine and PDMS replica process for an solar panel package is fabricated, by which method the receiving wide-angle incident light and the light absorption efficiency of a solar panel can be enhanced. The light-concentrating film includes a first and a second transparent material layers. The first transparent material layer has a flat surface and a cambered surface located at the opposite side of the flat surface. The second transparent material layer has an upper surface having a plurality of microstructures parallel with each other. The various parameters of the microlens are analyzed and characterized. The profile of the microlens was determined by using a commercial optical simulation software. Based on the simulated result, the optical film with the dual-layer microlens has the better total average illuminance value and the optical absorption efficiency than the single-layer microlens array and no dual-layer microlens. Finally, the films with microlens array are attached to an solar cell to measure their total photocurrent gain. The optical film with dual-layer microlens of the solar panel is total photocurrent gain of about 12.58%. In addition, the measured results are compared with simulated ones. They show good agreement with each other.

中文摘要 I ABSTRACT II 誌謝 III 目錄 IV 符號索引 VI 圖目錄 IX 表目錄 XII 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 前言 1 1.2 太陽能電池簡介 3 1.3 太陽能電池種類 3 1.4 太陽能電池構造與發電原理 6 1.5 太陽能電池最主要考慮因素 7 1.6 文獻回顧 10 1.6.1 透鏡型 10 1.6.2 非透鏡型 16 1.7 微透鏡之介紹與製程 19 1.7.1 微透鏡之介紹 19 1.7.2 微透鏡之製程 20 1.8 研究動機與目的 28 1.9 論文架構 28 第二章 基礎理論 30 2.1 幾何光學 30 2.2 Fresnel方程式與Fresnel 損失 33 2.3 TracePro光學模擬軟體介紹 34 第三章 雙層微透鏡之光學模擬設計 36 3.1 模擬與實驗規劃 36 3.2 光學模擬軟體Trace Pro操作流程 37 3.3 光學模擬 39 3.3.1 建立幾何模型 39 3.3.2 定義太陽光光源參數 41 3.3.3 雙層微透鏡之條件設定 45 3.3.4 雙層微透鏡之模擬機制 46 3.3.5 雙層微透鏡之參數設計 46 3.4 田口方法分析介紹 49 第四章 雙層微透鏡模擬之光學模擬結果 51 4.1 光學模擬結果 51 4.1.1 單層長圓柱狀微透鏡與雙層長圓柱狀微透鏡陣列結果比較 51 4.1.2 大顆微透鏡高度(H) 53 4.1.3 小顆微透鏡高度(h) 56 4.1.4 不同形狀雙層微透鏡結構之結果比較 62 4.1.5 田口方法分析雙層平行長圓柱狀微透鏡陣列結果 65 4.1.6 貢獻度分析 79 4.2 光學模擬結果討論 80 第五章 PDMS雙層微透鏡光學薄膜製作 81 5.1 黃光微影製程 81 5.2 PDMS雙層微透鏡光學薄膜 89 5.3 實驗量測設備 92 5.4 實驗結果與討論 93 5.5 光學檢測 95 第六章 結論與未來展望 102 6.1 結論 102 6.2 未來展望 103 參考文獻 105 作者簡介 108

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