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研究生: 翁丹苓
Tan-Lin Weng
論文名稱: 體驗式旅遊行動商務平台互動面板與介面導覽選單研究
Research on the Interactive Panels and Interface Navigation Menus to the Experience Tourism Mobile Commerce Platforms
指導教授: 陳建雄
Chien-Hsiung Chen
口試委員: 曹永慶
Chih-Hsiang Ko
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學院 - 設計系
Department of Design
論文出版年: 2021
畢業學年度: 109
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 131
中文關鍵詞: 行動商務互動設計使用性評估使用者經驗行動版網頁體驗式旅遊
外文關鍵詞: Mobile commerce, Interactive design, Usability, User experience, Mobile web, Experiential tourism
相關次數: 點閱:377下載:33
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本研究包含兩個部分:(1)前導實驗:依據文獻探討初步針對坊間三款具有代表性的的體驗旅遊行動版網頁介面進行使用性測試,包含任務操作與問卷量表與訪談,藉此釐清與了解體驗旅遊與行動商務介面上的使用性的差異。(2)驗證實驗:根據前導實驗結果與文獻探,針對導覽選單模式與功能面板互動模式兩個研究變項進行探討,測試不同設計原型樣本的使用性與滿意度。驗證實驗流程中將模擬介面,並採用3(目的地導覽選單模式) x 2 (功能面板互動模式)雙因子混合實驗進行介面原型測試,「目的地導覽選單模式」採用3個層級:(i)純文字式導覽選單、(ii)圖文式導覽選單、(iii)地圖輔助式導覽選單;而「功能面板互動模式」採用2個層級,分別為:(i)新開滑動面板、(ii)半屏覆蓋式面板。


Due to the development of science and technology and the prevalence of mobile devices, self-service in travel has become easier and more popular. Within only a few clicks, the series of sophisticated interactive technology in mobile commerce platforms effectively help their visitors to build his or her personal travel experiences so that all the activities satisfy a wide range of their personal needs, from pleasure to a search for meaning. The trend has brought out experience tourism in recent years as well; therefore, the mobile commerce platforms grow remarkably in global markets. However, despite of a few establishments of such platforms in Taiwan, consumers’ buying habits have not changed significantly. The purpose of this research study is to explore the use experiences of product ordering process, find out the issues to be improved in the product search information and ordering processes, and help enhance a smooth user experience.

This research study consists of two parts: (1) Preliminary experiment: Based on the literature review, we initially conduct usability tests on three representative experience tourism mobile web interfaces in markets. By conducting task operations, questionnaires, and interviews, the differences of usability between the experience tourism and mobile commerce interfaces are clarified and better be understood. (2) Verification experiment: According to the findings of the preliminary experiment and the literature exploration, the two research variables of the navigation menu mode and the function panel interaction mode are discussed. The usability and satisfaction of different design prototype samples are tested. In the verification experiment process, the interfaces are simulated, and 3 (destination navigation menu mode) x 2 (function panel interaction mode) two-factor mixed experiment is used for interface prototype test. The destination navigation menu mode uses 3 levels: (i) text-based navigation menu, (ii) graphical navigation menu, (iii) map-assisted navigation menu; the function panel interactive mode adopts 2 levels: (i) newly-opened sliding panel, (ii) half-screen overlay panel.

The research findings show that: (a) The half-screen overlay panel is suitable to showcase concise content, rather than to implement long vertical informative navigation menu. Because of its fast and convenient features, the newly-opened sliding panel is more suitable for placement of a larger amount of data, which can be displayed on the screen. (b) The well-designed graphic navigation menu usually has beautiful layouts, but large numbers of image buttons make reading clumsy. Therefore, it is more suitable to use graphic buttons in key areas, while the information can be presented in text buttons. (c) The function buttons with hierarchical relationship should be placed in adjacent areas as much as possible. Take the filtering and sorting functions as an example, the usage rate of adjacent search boxes gets higher. (d) In case of travel products, the completeness of the disclosure of information content is users’ first concern, and the speed of order execution is the second.

論文摘要 I Abstract II 誌謝 IV 目錄 V 圖表索引 VIII 第一章 緒論 1 1.1研究背景與動機 1 1.2研究目的 3 1.3研究範圍與限制 4 1.4研究架構 4 第二章 文獻探討 6 2.1行動商務 6 2.1.1 行動商務興起 6 2.1.2旅遊行動商務的發展 7 2.1.3小結 8 2.2使用者經驗 8 2.2.1使用者經驗 8 2.2.2認知心理學 10 2.2.3使用性 12 2.2.4小結 13 2.3互動設計 13 2.3.1使用者經驗 13 2.3.2行動版網頁 15 2.3.3行動裝置的介面互動設計 17 2.3.4小結 21 第三章 研究方法 22 3.1研究進行步驟 22 3.2 實驗方法 23 3.3 實驗流程建構 25 第四章 研究成果與分析 26 4.1實驗受試者與實驗設備 27 4.2 旅遊商品購買調查結果 27 4.3 前導實驗任務績效分析 29 4.3.1操作績效分析 31 4.3.2系統使用性尺度量表(SUS) 42 4.3.3使用者互動滿意度量表(QUIS) 43 4.4 前導性實驗結果與建議 51 第五章 驗證實驗 52 5.1 驗證實驗方法 52 5.1.1 驗證實驗變項 52 5.1.2 驗證實驗原型製作 54 5.1.3 驗證實驗設計 55 5.1.4 驗證實驗流程與步驟 59 5.1.5 驗證實驗對象 61 5.2驗證實驗結果 63 5.2.1 實驗任務時間操作績效分析 64 5.2.2系統使用性尺度量表(SUS) 分析與討論 78 5.2.3使用者互動滿意度量表(QUIS)分析與討論 82 第六章 結論與建議 91 6.1研究成果 91 6.1.1 驗證實驗績效整理 91 6.2結論與建議 96 6.3 後續研究與建議 98 參考文獻 99 附錄一:前導實驗問卷 105 附錄二:驗證實驗問卷 110

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