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研究生: 江維楨
Wei-Chen Chiang
論文名稱: 智慧資本於企業整併之決策探討
Study of the Decision for Intellectual Capital of Corporate Merge
指導教授: 周子銓
Tzu-Chuan Chou
口試委員: 李國光
Gwo-Guang Lee
Ju-Yu Huang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Management
論文出版年: 2012
畢業學年度: 100
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 52
中文關鍵詞: 競爭優勢資源基礎理論智慧資本組織承諾非正式組織
外文關鍵詞: Competitive Advantage, Resources-Based Theory, Intellectual Capital, Organizational Commitment, Informal Organization
相關次數: 點閱:340下載:24
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  • 這個個案的故事背景發生於2006年,經營IP Camera網路監控攝影機的尚亞科技董事會通過與明泰科技合併案,總經理Eric必須執行董事會通過的合併案,但是執行副總Robert很清楚以軟體研發主管Angus為首的研發團隊必定會選擇離開,不會接受此案。面對此次合併案,經營團隊成員多次開會討論並多方評估另一方案–損失營業額比重30%的母公司訂單,從此與集團漸行漸遠及往後獨自面臨風險的情勢。此時IP Camera產業才剛開始,處處充滿機會,經營團隊對IP Camera市場的經營有極高的期望,所作的選擇將至為關鍵,影響尚亞未來發展。

    This case is regarding the merger into Alpha Network has accepted by the board of director at Cellvision Systems, an IP Camera solution providers in 2006. The general manger Eric has to perform his duties, but the executive VP Robert is quite clear about the software RD director Angus and his team members will certainly choose to leave to against the merger. The members of management team held several meetings to discuss and evaluate another proposal – 30% loss of sales revenue from the parent company, prepare to break up with parent company and then confront the risk alone. The IP Camera market has just begun, full of opportunities. The management team has very high expectations of IP Camera market, how they choose will deeply affect the future of Cellvision Systems.
    This case study will discuss a merger, starting with evaluating the fundamental elements of internal resources and external competitive environment, from two different points of view to examine the competitive advantage. The reasons of merger are to collect the similar resources and the recombination of unique abilities from the internal and external resources through mergers and acquisitions (M&A) activities in order to create higher value and become the future source of competitive advantage. For sustained competitive advantage, this source must combine the intangible assets and operations of corporation into intellectual capital. Furthermore, staff (human beings) is the most important assets, the competitive advantage, the resources-based and intellectual capital are created by them. To avoid the resistance and increase the M&A synergy, it is not only to extend the organizational commitment, but also to understand the impact of the informal organization. It becomes the major tasks to plan the appropriate M&A strategies and give priority to the corporation. This case study strives to combine the theory and practical experiences in hopes of providing a solid reference for M&A within a corporation. Related theories include Competitive Advantage, Resources-Based Theory, Intellectual Capital, Organizational Commitment and Informal Organization.

    推薦書 I 審定書 II 摘要 III ABSTRACT IV 誌謝 V 目錄 VI 圖目錄 VIII 表目錄 IX 壹、 個案本文 1 一、 尚亞科技合併案:留住研發團隊的困境 (A) 1 (一) 個案投資決策背景 1 (二) IP Camera產業概況 1 (三) 尚亞科技草創初期 3 (四) 塞翁失馬,焉知非福 4 (五) 核心團隊形成 4 (六) 併購首部曲,相同的DNA? 5 (七) 過於執著,種下後因 5 (八) 市場詭變多端 6 (九) 母公司的變奏曲:長歪的樹、長不高 6 (十) 尚亞與明泰合併之優勢 7 (十一) 尚亞與明泰合併之劣勢 8 (十二) 尚亞所面臨的決策難題及風險 8 (十三) 決策問題探討 9 二、 尚亞科技合併案:留住研發團隊的困境 (B) 10 (一) 萬事具備,只欠互通 10 (二) 分道揚鑣,各奔前程 10 (三) 合併成效,見仁見智 11 三、 附件 13 貳、 個案討論 19 一、 個案總覽 19 二、 教學目標與適用課程 19 三、 學生課前討論問題 22 四、 個案背景 22 五、 個案分析 23 (一) 課程目標一:併購決策探討 24 (二) 課程目標二:智慧資本探討 28 (三) 課程目標三:組織承諾探討 33 (四) 課程目標四:非正式組織探討 37 六、 課程結論 42 七、 教學建議 42 八、 板書規劃 46 (一) 課程教案板書一:Porter五力分析 46 (二) 課程教案板書二:資源基礎的策略分析架構 46 (三) 課程教案板書三:智慧資本組成要素 47 (四) 課程教案板書四:智慧資本與企業營運機能的關係 47 (五) 課程教案板書五:組織承諾的本質 48 (六) 課程教案板書六:非正式組織的劃分 48 (七) 課程教案板書七:併購的核心主角 49 參、 參考文獻 50 一、 英文部分 50 二、 中文部分 51

    一、 英文部分
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