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研究生: 張文聰
Wen-Tsung Chang
論文名稱: 以「落下試驗」測定外裝用瓦楞紙箱設計之脆度因素值研究
The Research on the Measurements of Fragility Factors of Types of Corrugated Shipping Containers in Drop Test
指導教授: 王韋堯
Regina W. Y. Wang
口試委員: 姚村雄
Tsun-Hsiung Yao
Tung-Jung Sung
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學院 - 設計系
Department of Design
論文出版年: 2007
畢業學年度: 95
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 100
中文關鍵詞: 瓦楞紙箱包裝設計脆度因素G值落下試驗
外文關鍵詞: corrugated container, packaging design, fragility factor, G factor, drop test
相關次數: 點閱:496下載:13
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    再由各面研究調查結果發現:調查內容物為音響、電腦主機之包裝,在依變項(落下G值)之分析結果下,會因自變數外包裝(6面)落下部位的不同而有所差異,需進一步比較各面G值與產品G值的大小關係:調查之包裝其中一面的落下部位所遭受之G值較大,且大於產品本身G值,不符合落下安全規範,說明此「面」將是包裝設計人員首先應改善的部位。惟調查內容物為微波爐之包裝,在依變項(落下G值)之分析結果下,不因自變數(6面)落下部位的不同而有所差異,所以包裝設計人員執行內容物為微波爐,形狀為長方體,尺寸為530mm* 395mm* 340mm,淨重為19.5kg之包裝落下試驗時,應該需得到1面數據,即可判定是否符合落下安全規範(外包裝G值應小於產品本身G值)。

    本研究調查結果發現:不同外裝用瓦楞紙箱型式(A-1、A-2、A-3、A-4、A-5與A-6),在不同產品(音響、電腦主機及微波爐)重量與不同落下高度(76cm、61cm及45.7cm),落下試驗之G值無顯著差異存在;也就是說「落下G值」不會因『外裝用瓦楞紙箱之型式(A-1~A-6)』之不同而有顯著差異存在。故由上述得知,包裝設計人員從事內容物為音響(形狀為立方體,尺寸為265mm* 290mm* 295mm,淨重為6.5kg)、電腦主機(形狀為長方體、尺寸為485mm* 190mm* 430mm、淨重為13kg)及微波爐(形狀為長方體、尺寸為530mm* 395mm* 340mm、淨重為19.5kg)之瓦楞紙箱設計,較不需考量A-1~A-6六種外裝用瓦楞紙箱型式不同,可以根據設計師或客戶主觀偏好需求,設計出適當的包裝結構即可。


    Packaging Industry is an industry which has no boundary in regions, and it crosses over various fields; with the coordination of technology integrations, marketing strategies, aesthetics applications and the involvement of production, sales channel and consumption. It has become a profession in the product processing service. Packaging container has served as a bridge between a manufacturer and a consumer. Among numerous packaging containers, the corrugated container has been recognized as the most economical, practical, convenient and widely used in transit containers.

    With the collaborations of exquisite measuring equipment and the computer technology, the “drop test” can provide a sophisticate measuring variables and graphs. It offers the packaging designer with an objective reference to base upon in order to judge the quality of the packaging design fairly and also enables to dictate the weak areas according to the scientific data, so that the package can be determined by the designer to re-design or to make corrections. At present the approval of the package by the manufacturers are mostly using the “drop test” method as the key measurement, provided it meets the “ G factor” standard by the demand of the manufacturers, and then the design of the package will be approved.

    From a survey result in comparing the corner, square beam and surface of types of corrugated shipping containers: the G factor displays a big difference among the content objects such as stereo, computer mother board and microwave. According to the statistics, it explains that the G factor which measures significantly small from corner and square beam than the surface which is on the dropping position, it is because the G factor is scattered across two or three different planes. This further explains the G factor in “surface” is far greater than the corner and beam square which are on the dropping position. Therefore, every “side” of the corner, beam square and surface, among which are under investigating and which also will be the first priority for the packaging designer to reinforce and to improve.

    According to different research results which show the content objects as the survey objects in the containers such as stereo and computer mother broad, under the analysis result of the category change( drop G factor), it will change due to the variable outer package of the six sides in different dropping positions. It requires to further comparing size ratio from G factor of all sides and G factor of the product: according to the survey on the side which is in dropping position of the package with a greater G factor and even greater than the G factor of the product itself, if it doesn’t follow drop safety measures, it will clearly indicates that this “side” would be the first priority for improvement by the packaging designer. When investigating the content object in the package such as microwave, under the analysis result of the category change (drop G factor), it will not change due to the six sides in different dropping positions. Therefore when the packaging designer is working on the microwave as the content object and conducting the package for drop test; the shape will be rectangular, the size will be 530mm*395mm*340mm, and the net weight is 19.5kg, it should be able to acquire one side data, and immediately to make a judgment on whether it applies to drop safety measures (the G factor of outer package should be smaller than the product per se.)

    There are results found by this research that different types of corrugated shipping containers (A-1, A-2, A-3, A-4, A-5and A-6), in various products(stereo, computer mother board and microwave), and weight and different drop height (76cm,61cm and 45.7cm), its G factor displays no differences in these tow factors in drop test. In other words, the “drop G factor” will not change due to the “types of corrugated shipping containers (A-1~A-6).” It can be learned from above mentioned that, the design of corrugated containers by the packaging designer in the content objects such as stereo in rectangular shape with the size of 265mm* 290mm* 295mm and net weight of 6.5kg, computer mother board in rectangular shape with the size of 485mm* 190mm* 430mm and net weight of 13kg, and microwave in rectangular shape with the size of 530mm* 395mm* 340mm and net weight of 19.5kg. It does not require in considering the six types of corrugated shipping containers A-1~A-6 for designing the package, however it can be based on the subjective preference by the designer or the customer to come up with an appropriate package structure to meet the demand.

    目 錄 中文摘要…………………………………………………………………………I 英文摘要…………………………………………………………………………III 誌謝………………………………………………………………………………VI 目錄………………………………………………………………………………VII 表索引……………………………………………………………………………XI 圖索引……………………………………………………………………………XIII 第一章 緒論…………………………………………………………………1 1.1 研究背景與動機………………………………………………………1 1.2 研究目的………………………………………………………………2 1.3 研究假設………………………………………………………………3 1.4 研究限制與範圍………………………………………………………3 1.5 研究相關名詞詮釋……………………………………………………4 1.5.1 外裝用瓦楞紙箱型式………………………………………………4 1.5.2 G值(脆度因素值)………………………………………………6 1.5.3 落下試驗……………………………………………………………6 1.6 研究架構與流程………………………………………………………9 第二章 文獻探討…………………………………………………………10 2.1 包裝物流環境與緩衝特性……………………………………………10 2.1.1 包裝與物流環境……………………………………………………10 2.1.2 物流過程與緩衝功能………………………………………………12 2.1.3 瓦楞紙緩衝特性與G值……………………………………………13 2.2 瓦楞紙箱材料種類與特性.…………………………………………14 2.2.1 瓦楞紙箱之優缺點…………………………………………………14 2.2.2 瓦楞種類與強度特性………………………………………………15 2.2.3 瓦楞紙板種類與特性……………………………………………16 2.3 瓦楞紙箱包裝應用型式………………………………………………18 2.3.1 瓦楞紙箱基本型式包裝……………………………………………18 2.3.2 一體成型緩衝包裝…………………………………………………19 2.4 瓦楞紙箱設計…………………………………………………………19 2.4.1 瓦楞紙箱基本設計…………………………………………………20 2.4.2 瓦楞紙箱內尺度及展開尺度………………………………………21 2.5 瓦楞紙箱型式…………………………………………………………23 2.5.1 瓦楞紙箱型式、代碼及其說明……………………………………24 2.5.2 常用瓦楞紙箱型式…………………………………………………25 2.6 外裝用瓦楞紙箱之常用型式…………………………………………32 第三章 瓦楞紙箱包裝試驗現況分析………………………………………37 3.1 包裝試驗之評估項目……………………………………………………38 3.2 外裝用瓦楞紙箱包裝試驗………………………………………………40 3.3 CNS與FedEx外裝用瓦楞紙箱之包裝試驗種類比較分析………………43 3.4 外裝用瓦楞紙箱之『落下試驗』探討…………………………………45 3.5 分析與討論………………………………………………………………48 第四章 研究方法……………………………………………………………51 4.1 調查研究樣本…………………………………………………………52 4.1.1 包裝之內容物樣本…………………………………………………52 4.1.2外裝用瓦楞紙箱之型式樣本………………………………………54 4.1.3 內包裝(緩衝包裝)………………………………………………57 4.2 調查研究設計…………………………………………………………58 4.3 調查研究工具及環境…………………………………………………59 4.3.1 調查研究工具………………………………………………………59 4.3.2 落下高度的設定……………………………………………………61 4.3.3 調查研究環境與時間………………………………………………63 4.4 調查研究步驟…………………………………………………………63 4.5 資料分析方法…………………………………………………………68 第五章 結果與討論…………………………………………………………69 5.1 調查一:內容物為音響之包裝調查結果分析………………………69 5.1.1 音響瓦楞紙箱角、稜與面等落下部位G值之變異數分析………70 5.1.2 音響瓦楞紙箱角、稜與面等落下部位G值之事後比較分析……71 5.1.3 音響瓦楞紙箱各面落下部位G值之變異數分析…………………71 5.1.4 音響瓦楞紙箱各面落下部位G值之事後比較分析………………73 5.2 調查二:內容物為電腦主機之包裝調查結果分析…………………74 5.2.1 電腦主機瓦楞紙箱角、稜與面等落下部位G值之變異數分析…75 5.2.2 電腦主機瓦楞紙箱角、稜與面等落下部位G值之事後比較分析76 5.2.3 電腦主機瓦楞紙箱各面落下部位G值之變異數分析……………76 5.2.4 電腦主機瓦楞紙箱各面落下部位G值之事後比較分析…………78 5.3 調查三:內容物為微波爐之包裝調查結果分析……………………79 5.3.1 微波爐瓦楞紙箱角、稜與面等落下部位G值之變異數分析……80 5.3.2 微波爐瓦楞紙箱角、稜與面等落下部位G值之事後比較分析…81 5.3.3 微波爐瓦楞紙箱各面落下部位G值之變異數分析………………81 5.4 比較分析………………………………………………………………83 5.4.1 三種調查之角、稜與面等落下部位比較分析……………………83 5.4.2 三種調查之各面落下部位比較分析………………………………84 5.4.3 三種調查之不同外裝用瓦楞紙箱型式之比較分析………………85 5.4.4 三種調查各面之不同外裝用瓦楞紙箱型式之比較分析…………86 第六章 結論與建議…………………………………………………………88 6.1 六種外裝用瓦楞紙箱常用型式與用途…………………………………89 6.2 G值對外裝用瓦楞紙箱設計的影響………………………………………90 6.3 外裝用瓦楞紙箱之不同落下部位,產生的G值…………………………91 6.4 不同產品重量與不同落下高度,對不同瓦楞紙箱型式之緩衝閾值的影響…………………………………………………………………………92 6.5 後續研究建議……………………………………………………………92 註釋…………………………………………………………………………………94 參考文獻……………………………………………………………………………95 表索引 表1-1 外裝用瓦楞紙箱型式等相關名詞定義……………………………………5 表1-2 G值等相關名詞定義…………………………………………………………6 表1-3 落下試驗相關名詞定義……………………………………………………8 表2-1 楞形結構與特性……………………………………………………………16 表2-2 瓦楞紙箱設計之加算值……………………………………………………20 表2-3 箱內尺度之記號……………………………………………………………22 表2-4 一般所使用之加算值………………………………………………………22 表2-5 A型瓦楞紙箱之型式及其用途………………………………………………36 表3-1 包裝試驗服務項目…………………………………………………………39 表3-2 國家標準CNS 外裝用瓦楞紙箱包裝試驗種類調查………………………44 表3-3 美國聯邦快遞公司150磅以下包裝貨物的包裝試驗………………………45 表3-4 外裝用瓦楞紙箱落下順序及次數………………………………………47 表3-5 CNS外裝用瓦楞紙箱包裝試驗與產業別應用分析………………………49 表4-1 ASTM D4169中規定之落下試驗高度………………………………………62 表4-2 ISTA 1A中規定之落下高度…………………………………………………62 表5-1 內容物為音響之包裝數據統計……………………………………………69 表5-2 音響瓦楞紙箱角、稜與面等落下部位G值之描述統計量…………………70 表5-3 音響瓦楞紙箱角、稜與面等落下部位的平均G值(標準差)與F檢定之結果…………………………………………………………………………71 表5-4 音響瓦楞紙箱角、稜與面等落下部位G值之Scheffe事後比較表………71 表5-5 音響瓦楞紙箱各面落下部位G值之描述統計量…………………………72 表5-6 音響瓦楞紙箱各面落下部位的平均值(標準差)與F檢定之結果……73 表5-7 音響瓦楞紙箱各面落下部位不同G值之Scheffe事後比較表……………74 表5-8 內容物為電腦主機之包裝數據統計………………………………………74 表5-9 電腦主機瓦楞紙箱角、稜與面等落下部位G值之描述統計量……………75 表5-10 電腦主機瓦楞紙箱角、稜與面等落下部位的平均G值(標準差)與F檢定之結果…………………………………………………………………76 表5-11 電腦主機瓦楞紙箱角、稜與面等落下部位G值之Scheffe事後比較表…76 表5-12 電腦主機瓦楞紙箱各面落下部位G值之描述統計量……………………77 表5-13 電腦主機瓦楞紙箱各面落下部位的平均G值(標準差)與F檢定之結果…………………………………………………………………………78 表5-14 電腦主機瓦楞紙箱各面落下部位G值之Scheffe事後比較表…………79 表5-15 內容物為微波爐之包裝數據統計………………………………………79 表5-16 微波爐瓦楞紙箱角、稜與面等落下部位G值之描述統計量……………80 表5-17 微波爐瓦楞紙箱角、稜與面等落下部位的平均G值(標準差)與F檢定之結果……………………………………………………………………81 表5-18 微波爐瓦楞紙箱角、稜與面等落下部位G值之Scheffe事後比較表……81 表5-19 微波爐瓦楞紙箱各面落下部位G值之描述統計量………………………82 表5-20 微波爐瓦楞紙箱各面落下部位的平均G值(標準差)與F檢定之結果…83 表5-21 三種試驗之角、稜與面等落下部位的平均G值(標準差)與F檢定之結果比較……………………………………………………………………84 表5-22 三種試驗之各面落下部位的平均G值(標準差)與F檢定之結果比較…………………………………………………………………………85 表5-23 三種試驗之不同外裝用瓦楞紙箱型式的平均G值(標準差)與F檢定之結果比較…………………………………………………………………86 表5-24 三種試驗各面之不同外裝用瓦楞紙箱型式的平均G值(標準差)與F檢定之結果比較……………………………………………………………87 圖索引 圖1-1 研究架構與流程圖…………………………………………………………9 圖2-1 包裝、產品與物流環境示意圖……………………………………………11 圖2-2 瓦楞紙板的種類……………………………………………………………17 圖2-3 瓦楞紙箱基本型式包裝範例………………………………………………18 圖2-4 一體成型緩衝包裝範例……………………………………………………19 圖2-5 瓦楞紙箱設計基本ㄩ字型、L字型及楞差…………………………………20 圖2-6 瓦楞紙箱設計之尺度示意圖………………………………………………21 圖2-7 0201(A-1)箱型展開尺度及展開圖………………………………………22 圖2-8 A-1(0201)瓦楞紙箱立體圖………………………………………………26 圖2-9 A-2(0202)瓦楞紙箱立體圖………………………………………………26 圖2-10 A-3(0204)瓦楞紙箱立體圖………………………………………………27 圖2-11 A-4(0205)瓦楞紙箱立體圖………………………………………………27 圖2-12 A-5(0203)瓦楞紙箱立體圖………………………………………………28 圖2-13 A-6(0206)瓦楞紙箱立體圖………………………………………………28 圖2-14 B型瓦楞紙箱立體圖………………………………………………………29 圖2-15 C型瓦楞紙箱立體圖………………………………………………………30 圖2-16 特別型瓦楞紙箱立體圖…………………………………………………31 圖2-17 A-1(0201)瓦楞紙箱展開圖、立體圖………………………………………32 圖2-18 A-2(0202)瓦楞紙箱展開圖、立體圖………………………………………33 圖2-19 A-3(0204)瓦楞紙箱展開圖、立體圖………………………………………33 圖2-20 A-4(0205)瓦楞紙箱展開圖、立體圖………………………………………34 圖2-21 A-5(0203)瓦楞紙箱展開圖、立體圖………………………………………34 圖2-22 A-6(0206)瓦楞紙箱展開圖、立體圖………………………………………35 圖3-1 落下試驗機範例……………………………………………………………40 圖3-2 振動試驗機範例……………………………………………………………41 圖3-3 傾斜衝擊試驗機範例………………………………………………………42 圖3-4 六角滾桶試驗機範例………………………………………………………42 圖3-5 耐壓強度試驗機範例………………………………………………………43 圖3-6 外裝用瓦楞紙箱「面」之記號標示………………………………………46 圖3-7 外裝用瓦楞紙箱「稜」、「角」之記號標示……………………………47 圖4-1 調查研究架構圖……………………………………………………………51 圖4-2 包裝之內容物--音響………………………………………………………53 圖4-3 包裝之內容物--電腦主機…………………………………………………53 圖4-4 包裝之內容物--微波爐……………………………………………………54 圖4-5 音響瓦楞紙箱樣本(一)…………………………………………………55 圖4-6 音響瓦楞紙箱樣本(二)…………………………………………………55 圖4-7 電腦主機瓦楞紙箱樣本(一)……………………………………………56 圖4-8 電腦主機瓦楞紙箱樣本(二)……………………………………………56 圖4-9 微波爐瓦楞紙箱樣本(一)………………………………………………57 圖4-10 微波爐瓦楞紙箱樣本(二)………………………………………………57 圖4-11 發泡聚乙稀(EPE)角墊及其包裝方式…………………………………58 圖4-12 Design Software…………………………………………………………59 圖4-13 Sample make………………………………………………………………60 圖4-14 落下試驗機範例……………………………………………………………61 圖4-15 落下試驗機實況範例………………………………………………………63 圖4-16 調查流程圖…………………………………………………………………64 圖4-17 加速度感應器及固定於內容物上…………………………………………64 圖4-18 調整落下高度……………………………………………………………65 圖4-19 一角三稜六面落下試驗…………………………………………………65 圖4-20 訊號擷取系統及其加速度與時間之脈波………………………………66 圖4-21 脈波較平緩………………………………………………………………67 圖4-22 脈波較尖銳………………………………………………………………67 圖5-1 音響瓦楞紙箱各面落下部位之平均G值…………………………………72 圖5-2 電腦主機瓦楞紙箱各面落下部位之平均G值……………………………77 圖5-3 微波爐瓦楞紙箱各面落下部位之平均G值………………………………82




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