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研究生: 張仙佩
Hsien-Pri Chang
論文名稱: 國際媒體報導下的新商品–台幣債券ETF
International Media Give Attention to the New Product -Taiwan Dollar Bond ETF
指導教授: 陳俊男
Chun-Nan Chen
口試委員: 鄭仁偉
Jen-Wei Cheng
Yung-Ming Li
Hsuan-Chu Lin
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Management
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 48
中文關鍵詞: 債券ETF債券ETF資源基礎企業轉型組織敏捷性
外文關鍵詞: Bonds, ETFs, Bond ETFs, Resources-Based View, Enterprise Transformation, Organizational agility
相關次數: 點閱:790下載:0
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  • 西元2017年4月C投信總經理Jerry,也是一手主導發展ETF發展上市,二年之內台幣債券ETF規模從不到10億元到2019年底2,361億元,其中債券ETF規模佔整體18%。隨著當初董事會要求進入台幣ETF市場以來,在ETF市場已經沒有先進入者優勢的狀態下,如何發展出屬於自己的利基及市場占有率,進而衍生出該有的利潤。在此情況下,Jerry總經理該如何決策公司的未來產品發展政策?

    The general manager of C Investment Trust Corporation, Jerry, was responsible for the company's ETF listing and development. At the end of 2017, the company's Asset under Management for bond ETF was less than 1 billion NTD, and expanded to 236.1 billion NTD two years later, accounting for 18% of the domestic bond ETF market. With a saturated market and currently missing the advantage of product pioneer, how would Jerry develop C Investment Trust Corporation’s own niche and maximize company profits? How would Jerry decide the company's future product development strategy?
    The case is based on Harvard Case Study research methodology to discuss the following issues: resources-based view, enterprise transformation, organizational agility, and so forth. First, the case discusses how company leaders develop new product offerings based on company’s existing product lines, hence to establish the first investment grade corporate bond ETF in Taiwan. Secondly, after successfully raised the funds, as a company leader, how he uses company resources to establish a complete product line to meet customer needs, subsequently lead to increasing customer support and expanding asset under management.

    摘要 I ABSTRACT II 誌謝 III 圖目錄 VI 表目錄 VII 第一章 個案本文 1 1.1開場白 2 1.2產業背景 2 1.3考驗的來臨 5 1.3.1危機降臨-共同基金規模的成長及產品受侷限 5 1.3.2產品線延伸的決定-發展股權ETF及後續衍生到債券ETF 5 1.3.3公司整體支持-研究/業務/會計系統/IT資源及時整合 6 1.3.4債券ETF的誕生-為何設計以美債產業債IG為出發點 7 1.4現實的歷練 8 1.4.1市場需求何在-第一桶金/改良交易流程/人員配置 8 1.4.2第一檔產業債美債ETF的誕生 10 1.4.3產品多元化的策略-產業債之後往信評債為出發 12 1.5跳脫僵局的嘗試 12 1.5.1意外的合作-幫客戶量身訂做 12 1.5.2把大家的餅都做大-債券ETF從產業債、信評債、EM債、中國債到短債讓市場規模大幅成長 13 1.6競合共好的契機-同業互競共創共好、未來策略 14 第二章、教學指引 16 2.1、個案總覽 16 2.2、教學目標與適用課程 17 2.3、學員課前準備 18 2.4、學員問題討論 18 2.5、個案背景 19 2.6、個案分析 19 2.7、教學建議 32 2.8、板書規劃 33 第三章、參考文獻 37 一、中文參考文獻 37 二、英文參考文獻 37 三、網路參考 38

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    1. Barney, Jay (1991), “Firm Resources and Sustained Competitive Advantage.,” Journal of Management, 17(1), 99-120.
    2. Canals, Jordi (2001), “How to Think about Corporate Growth?,” European Management Journal, 19(6), 587-598.
    3. Grant, Robert M.(1991), The Resource-Based Theory of Competitive Advantage:Implications for Strategy Formulation, California Management Review,33(3):115.
    4. Prahalad, Coimbatore Krishnarao and Gary Hamel (1990), “The Core Competence of the Corporation.,” Harvard Business Review, 79-91.

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