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研究生: 張嘉倫
Chia-Lun Chang
論文名稱: 探討行動支付的拒絕意願-以台灣為例
Abandoning intention of mobile payment in Taiwan
指導教授: 盧希鵬
Hsi-Peng Lu
口試委員: 黃世禎
Sun-Jen Huang
Huei-Ju Yu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 資訊管理系
Department of Information Management
論文出版年: 2016
畢業學年度: 104
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 44
中文關鍵詞: 行動支付成本效益網路外部性拒絕意願GOMAJI PAY
外文關鍵詞: cost benefit approach, network effect, mobile payment, Abandoning intention, GOMAJI PAY
相關次數: 點閱:627下載:1
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本研究以量化的方式進行研究,並以GOMAJI PAY作為問卷中的研究案例。從問卷分析中發現:(1) 身邊使用者的影響對使用者的拒絕意願比店家的影響來的大,表示在推動行動支付時,要先以使用者為推廣對象,而非增加配合店家; (2) 知覺無用、知覺風險對於使用者的拒絕意願有正向的影響,也就是使用者知覺產品或服務越無用或是風險高,便會拒絕使用; (3) 外部性對於曾經使用過行動支付的人而言影響不大;然而,對於從未使用過的人,較容易受到身邊使用者的影響。

As smartphones widely used in life, mobile payment has becoming an issue that gradually discussed. Along with this trend, Taiwan actively promoted mobile payment as well as worked on the relevant laws and regulations. However, it is rarely to see someone using mobile payment-related services in our living area. Therefore, increasing consumers’ willingness of using mobile payment becomes important. There are many studies explored the willingness of using mobile payments, and mostly focused on the adoption intention. Since Taiwan is still in the stage of promotion, mobile payment remains a new term to people. This research tries to use a different perspective to understand the reason of unwillingness of using mobile payment. This research discusses the abandoning intention of using mobile payment by applying “less merchants” and “less users” as external factors, as well as “perceived uselessness” and “perceived risk” as intermediary variables.
Through qualitative method, this research adopted GOMAJI PAY, a mobile payment application, as a research case in the questionnaire. After literature review and analyzing the data, the cross reference found that: (1) for the users’ abandoning intention, the impact of peers is greater than the impact of merchants. This indicates that we must focus on the users rather than increase cooperate merchants in stage of promoting mobile payment. (2) Perceived uselessness and perceived risk have a positive impact on users’ abandoning intention, which implies the more uselessness and risk the users perceived, the higher probability they will refuse to use. (3) Externalities has little effect on the people who have ever used mobile payment and strong effect on those who have not.

中文摘要 I Abstract II 誌謝 III Table of Contents IV List of Figures VI List of Tables VII 1. Introduction 1 1.1 Background and motivation 1 1.2 Research questions 3 1.3 Value of research 3 1.4 Overview 3 2. Literature Review 5 2.1 Mobile payment 5 2.2 The trend of mobile payment 6 2.3 Cost benefit approach 9 2.4 Network effects 9 3. Proposed model and research hypotheses 11 4. Methodology 14 4.1 Case description 14 4.2 Questionnaire 14 4.3 Sample 15 4.4 Data analysis 16 5. Result 19 6. Conclusion and Limitations 23 6.1 Conclusion and discussion 23 6.2 Theoretical implications 23 6.3 Practice recommendations 23 6.4 Limitations 24 6.5 Future research 24 References 26 Appendix. Questionnaire 33

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Chinese part
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