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研究生: 陳永芳
Yung-Fang Chen
論文名稱: 調節焦點對限時購物情境下之購後認知失調與購後後悔之影響
The Effects of Regulatory Focus on Post-purchase Cognitive Dissonance and Post-purchase Regret in the Limited-time Shopping Situation
指導教授: 吳克振
Cou-Chen Wu
口試委員: 張順教
Shun-Chiao Chang
Hui-Chih Wang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 企業管理系
Department of Business Administration
論文出版年: 2022
畢業學年度: 110
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 77
中文關鍵詞: 時間壓力調節焦點產品涉入度購後認知失調購後後悔
外文關鍵詞: time pressure, regulatory focus, product involvement, post-purchase dissonance, post-purchase regret
相關次數: 點閱:649下載:0
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The rapid development of science and technology has brought convenience to life. Consumers nowadays can not only shop in physical stores, but also shop online through 3C products. Therefore, for shopkeepers and business owners, how to attract consumers' attention and make them take practical actions in a highly competitive market has become an important issue, and "limited-time marketing strategy" is one of the methods they often use. Study 1 used the situational manipulation of the presence or absence of time pressure to find out whether consumers with different regulatory focus have significant differences in their purchase intentions for the high and low involvement product. Then, study 2 further explored the effect of post-purchase cognitive dissonance on post-purchase regret of consumers with different regulatory focus after they purchased commodities of different product involvement. In this way, it can help shopkeepers and business owners find out the factors that may lead to consumers' negative post-purchase emotions, reduce their post-purchase regret and increase their willingness to repurchase.
The results of study 1 showed that the promotion-focused consumers had significant differences in their purchase intentions for low involvement product under time pressure and without time pressure. When they were under time pressure, their purchase intention was higher. Nevertheless, they did not have significant differences in their purchase intentions for high involvement product under time pressure and without time pressure. In addition, the prevention-focused consumers did not have significant differences in their purchase intentions for either low or high involvement product under time pressure and without time pressure. Furthermore, the results of study 2 showed that the post-purchase cognitive dissonance had different effects on post-purchase regret for different types of regulatory focus consumers who bought the low or high involvement product. There were two interesting findings in those results. Firstly, after the promotion-focused consumers bought the low involvement product, their post-purchase regret was not affected by the concern of deal; however, after they bought the high involvement product, their post-purchase regret was affected by it. Secondly, after the prevention-focused consumers bought the low involvement product, their post-purchase regret was affected by the wisdom of purchase; however, after they bought the high involvement product, their post-purchase regret was not affected by it.

摘要 i Abstract ii 謝誌 iv 目錄 v 圖目錄 viii 表目錄 ix 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景與動機 1 第二節 研究目的 3 第三節 研究重要性 3 第四節 研究流程圖 1 第二章 文獻回顧 2 第一節 購買意願 2 第二節 時間壓力 2 第一項 壓力之定義 2 第二項 時間壓力之定義 2 第三節 產品涉入度 3 第一項 涉入之定義 3 第二項 涉入之分類 4 第四節 調節焦點理論 5 第一項 調節焦點理論之定義 5 第二項 調節匹配原則 6 第五節 購後認知失調 7 第一項 購後認知失調之定義 7 第二項 購後認知失調之影響因素 8 第三項 購後認知失調之測量方法 9 第六節 購後後悔 9 第一項 購後後悔之定義 9 第二項 後悔之類型 10 第三項 購後後悔扮演之重要角色 11 第四項 購後後悔之影響因素 12 第三章 消費者在有無時間壓力之購物情境下之購買意願差異 15 第一節 假說理論與研究架構 15 第二節 研究方法 18 第一項 前測:產品之選擇及時間壓力之限制條件 18 第二項 問卷設計 20 第三節 研究結果與討論 22 第一項 敘述統計 22 第二項 信效度分析 23 第三項 變數操弄檢驗 24 第四項 假說驗證 26 第五項 結果與討論 29 第四章 限時購物情境下之購後認知失調對購後後悔的影響 31 第一節 假說理論與研究架構 31 第二節 研究方法 35 第一項 問卷設計 35 第三節 研究結果與討論 37 第一項 敘述統計 37 第二項 信效度分析 38 第三項 假說驗證 39 第四項 結果與討論 43 第五章 結論與建議 47 第一節 研究結論 47 第二節 管理意涵與貢獻 49 第三節 研究限制與建議 50 參考文獻 51

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