研究生: |
陳宥凱 Yu-Kai Chen |
論文名稱: |
考量外部資訊的智慧需求預測方法:以伺服器產業為例 Intelligent Demand Forecasting for Server Industry considering External Information |
指導教授: |
Yu-Chung Tsao |
口試委員: |
Kung-Jeng Wang 郭伯勳 Po-Hsun Kuo |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
管理學院 - 工業管理系 Department of Industrial Management |
論文出版年: | 2020 |
畢業學年度: | 108 |
語文別: | 英文 |
論文頁數: | 39 |
中文關鍵詞: | 需求預測 、機器學習 、外部資訊 、市場資訊 、Google搜尋趨勢 、時間序列 |
外文關鍵詞: | Demand Forecasting, Machine Learning, External Information, Market Signal, Google Trend, Time series |
相關次數: | 點閱:702 下載:0 |
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查詢本校圖書館目錄 查詢臺灣博碩士論文知識加值系統 勘誤回報 |
過去採用外部資訊的研究顯示社群媒體資訊的應用對 於Business-to-customer (B2C) 企業的需求預測可有效降低其預測誤差。然而對於Business-to-business (B2B) 企業來說,銷售對象並非市場上使用社群媒體的終端消費者,因此社群媒體資訊在其銷售需求趨勢表現上相對不顯著。不僅如此,過去對於需求預測的研究中,大多將外部資訊指標結合歷史銷售數據做為新的訓練資料集,有鑒於此,本篇研究提出了一種智慧需求預測方法包含如何選取與利用外部資訊指標,並應用於B2B企業中的一間美國伺服器產業,以其真實銷售資料為需求預測之研究對象。本篇研究採用網路爬蟲技術與Google趨勢搜尋蒐集相關市場指標作為本篇伺服器產業之外部資訊指標,採用分群分類分析與迴歸分析處理外部資訊指標,所建立的模型對於突發性需求之高峰與低谷值能適時反映其結果。研究結果中顯示以隨機森林演算法預測之樣本外測試的均方誤差為19.772 (平均平方根百分比誤差為62.11%),而透過本篇所提出的方法,可進一步降低預測均方誤差至11.87 (平均平方根百分比誤差降低至16.77%)。本研究提出的智慧預測方法相對於該公司的預測在成果上能顯著降低預測均方誤差並提升預測精確度超過63% (平均平方根百分比誤差降低61.25%)。因此,本篇研究揭示了外部資訊指標在B2B企業需求預測上的價值貢獻並提出一套方法有效利用外部資訊指標。
A fundamental aspect of inventory management is accurate demand forecasting. Forecasting is both challenging and difficult task when the demand suddenly increases or decreases. In terms of business-to-customer (B2C), prior researches have been adopting social media information to improve demand forecast accuracy. However, due to a lack of end-consumer evaluations, social media information is not significantly performed in business-to-business (B2B).
In summary, this research focus on interesting issues which is to capture and utilize external information to improve the B2B demand forecast. For this purpose, this research develops and utilizes an intelligent demand forecasting approach to a server of B2B company which is in the United States. Furthermore, we implement time series and machine learning methods and choose the best approach as a baseline model and use web crawler and Google Trends search to collect related market signals and google trends as the external information index. Finally, the external information indexes are incorporated into a machine learning method (i.e., classification and clustering) to adjust the demand peak or valley, which uses both internal (historical) data and external information. The results of this research demonstrate whether using the external information index or not yields different out‐of‐sample MSE with 11.87 and 19.77 by the random forest. The accuracy of the internal forecast is significantly improved more than 63.10% of MSE (44.1% of MAE and 61.26% of RMSPE) adopting intelligent forecasting in this research. In this research, the external information is considered as an efficient way to increase the accuracy of the machine learning model and sheds light on the rule of demand forecasting using external information index for the B2B industry.
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