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研究生: 萬子綾
Tzu-Ling Wan
論文名稱: 基於從入口點的位元序列之物聯網惡意軟體辨識與家族分類
IoT Malware Detection and Family Classification Based on Byte Sequences from Entry Point
指導教授: 鄭欣明
Shin-Ming Cheng
口試委員: 李漢銘
Hahn-Ming Lee
Chun-Ying Huang
Hsu-Chun Hsiao
Chia-Mu Yu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 資訊工程系
Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 44
中文關鍵詞: 物聯網惡意軟體分析靜態分析機器學習
外文關鍵詞: IoT malware, malware analysis, static analysis, machine learning
相關次數: 點閱:227下載:0
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  • 因物聯網(Internet of Things; IoT)設備的操作功能相當單一,使得物聯網容易遭受到惡意程式的攻擊。為了了解物聯網惡意程式的行為以減緩攻擊,使用靜態分析惡意程式的原始碼是一種可行的方法。但是,目前使用opcode或是控制流程圖的研究都沒有考慮到多種CPU架構,而且消耗非常多運算資源。本文使用從ELF檔案的入口點開始提取二進制特徵,做出了一種有效的檢測與分類的機器學習方法。由於位元序列代表程式主要的動作,因此很容易區分惡意程式與良性的程式。我們的實驗資料集總共有七種CPU架構,其中包含11萬個良性程式、12萬個惡意程式。實驗結果表明,此方法辨識良性與惡意程式的準確率達到99.9%,且辨識8個惡意程式的家族的準確率達到98.4%。此外,若在同一個CPU架構下,我們可以使用更少的特徵,但依舊可以維持高效能。

    The simple implementation and monotonous operation features make Internet of Thing (IoT) vulnerable to malware attack. In order to understand the behavior of IoT malware for further mitigation, static analysis on source code of IoT malware is a feasible approach. However, current analysis approaches based on opcode or call-graph do not consider the diverse CPU architectures and are resource-consuming. In this paper, we propose an efficient detection and classification machine learning method based on the static binary features extracted from entry point of ELF files. It is easy to differentiate the byte sequences from entry point of malware between that of benignware since they represent the primary actions of the software. 111K benignware and 124K malware with seven CPU architectures from real-world are considered in our experiment. Our experiment results show that the proposed method can achieve accuracy of 99.9% for detection and 98.4% accuracy for classification of eight malware families. Additionally, SVM maintains high performance by considering much less features in the same CPU architecture.

    Chinese Abstract Abstract Table of Contents List of Tables List of Illustrations 1 Introduction 2 Background and Related Work 2.1 IoT malware 2.2 Malware detection 2.2.1 Operation Code (opcode) 2.2.2 Graph-based features 2.2.3 Others 2.3 Byte sequences in static analysis 2.4 Entry Point 3 Methodology 3.1 Data collection 3.2 Feature extraction 3.3 Classification methods 4 Experiment 4.1 Dataset 4.2 Visualization 4.3 Parameter Tuning 4.4 Evaluation Metrics 4.5 Numerical Result 4.5.1 IoT Malware Detection 4.5.2 Family classification 4.5.3 CPU-Specific Results 5 Discussion 5.1 Comparison with Related Work 5.2 Limitation on Malware Family Classification 6 Conclusion References

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