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研究生: 廖家鋒
Chai-Feng Liao
論文名稱: SAP系統導入之研究-以K公司為例
SAP System Implementation – a Case Study on K Company
指導教授: 歐陽超
Chao Ou-Yang
口試委員: 郭人介
Ren-Jieh Kuo
Kung-Jeng Wang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 工業管理系
Department of Industrial Management
論文出版年: 2017
畢業學年度: 105
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 59
中文關鍵詞: SWOT-TOWS分析模組化模組化設計指揮台上的管理課
外文關鍵詞: SWOT-TOWS analysis, Modularity, Modular Design, The Application Of Management Class View On The Podium
相關次數: 點閱:545下載:0
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K公司於1930年由謝董在高雄成立公司,隨著大環境的改變及客戶的需求,逐步建立起品牌加上代工的一條龍的服務,整合供應鏈並且拓展出新的代銷模式,建立自有的商業模式。也藉由後續SAP系統導入整合企業內部的資訊,提供企業財務、物管、生管、銷售和人力資源等相關重要的訊息,也因應了目前主流工業4.0並且可透過網際網路連結全世界和上下游廠商相容,快速且正確的提供及交換資訊。SAP系統是目前市場上絕大多數屬於國際級套裝軟體,且設計十分複雜及龐大,因此一旦企業決定導入ERP 系統,就宛如進行流程再造一般,必須從整體運作、組織、人員角色與心態重建的工作起步,否則很可能只流於形式。


In today's rapidly changing and competitive environment, companies are under pressure from the market, technology and society. Business owners need to make the right decisions more quickly to achieve their business objectives, and IT is thriving to give businesses A new opportunity to enable enterprises to create new value-added through the introduction of information systems, in order to more efficient mode of operation to obtain greater profits. Enterprises to import SAP system to enhance the competitiveness of enterprises.

K musical instrument company in 1930 by Hsieh President in Kaohsiung to set up the company, with the change of the environment and customer needs, and gradually build up the brand with OEM's one-stop service, integrated supply chain and expand the new consignment model, Establish their own business model. But also through the follow-up SAP system integration into the enterprise information, to provide corporate finance, property management, health management, sales and human resources and other relevant important information, but also in response to the current mainstream industry 4.0 and can be linked through the Internet and the world Upstream and downstream manufacturers compatible, fast and accurate provision and exchange of information. SAP system is currently on the market the vast majority of international-class suite of software, and the design is very complex and large, so once the enterprise decided to import ERP system, just like the process reengineering general, must be the overall operation, organization, personnel and mentality reconstruction Work started, otherwise, is likely to only a mere formality.

In this case, K Musical Instrument Company, through the evolution of the environment and the company experienced the problems and decision-making, the company encountered problems in decision-making and thinking, through the import system and process reengineering has improved the company's own competitiveness, and The solution is proposed from the internal and customer's point of view, and then the system automation is put forward in the existing competition mode. When the musical instrument industry faces competition and transformation, SWOT analysis and TOWS analysis can be used to formulate the strategy. To improve the efficiency of the use of modular design concept of planning a new business model and the use of podium management to explore the project management issues encountered in the introduction of research proposals as a case-related industry development reference.

摘要 I ABSTRACT II 誌謝 IV 目錄 V 表目錄 VI 圖目錄 VII 第1章 個案本文 1 1.1、序場 1 1.2、背景 3 1.3、發展與核心能力 4 1.4、料號建立模式 6 1.5、改變前後經營模式 7 1.5.1銷售模式(區域銷售: 區分為大中華地區) 8 1.5.2工廠管理方式(N+1出貨方式 : 生產到出貨只需一個月) 9 1.5.3供應鏈管理(庫存管理 : SAP與POS連線,隨時掌握即時資訊) 11 1.6、SAP導入過程遇到困難及解決方式 12 1.7、SAP導入後的成效 14 1.8、成果與未來 16 1.9、附錄 17 1.9.1 K集團大事紀 17 第2章、個案討論 19 2.1、個案總覽 19 2.2、教學目標與適用課程 20 2.3、學生課前討論問題 23 2.4、個案人物背景 23 2.5、個案分析 25 課程目標一:強弱危機分析(SWOT-TOWS)分析 26 課程目標二:模組化及模組化設計的探討 31 課程目標三:指揮台上的管理課 36 2.6、課程結論 40 2.7、教學建議 42 2.8、板書規劃 45 第3章 後記 46 參考文獻 47

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