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研究生: 廖信堯
Hsin-Yao Liao
論文名稱: An institutional framework of problem solving speed and creativity through technology orientation towards exploitative and exploratory innovation
An institutional framework of problem solving speed and creativity through technology orientation towards exploitative and exploratory innovation
指導教授: 盛麗慧
Li-Huei Sheng
口試委員: 陳正綱
Zheng-Gang Chen
Zong-Cheng Wu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 企業管理系
Department of Business Administration
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 43
中文關鍵詞: 應用式創新探索式創新問題解決速度問題解決創意技術導向制度理論制度化
外文關鍵詞: exploitative innovation, exploratory innovation, problem solving speed, problem solving creativity, technology orientation, institutional theory, institutionalization
相關次數: 點閱:611下載:0
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This study develops an institutional framework of problem solving speed and creativity through technology towards exploitative and exploratory innovation. Problem solving speed helps organizations discover and implement a large number of solutions speedily. Problem solving creativity helps organization find and implement novel and cost-effective solutions. The paper examine the effect of problem solving speed and problem solving creativity on firm’s exploitative and exploratory innovation. Furthermore, we argue that exploitative and exploratory innovation would depend on firm’s technology orientation to combine and transform the knowledge generated from problem solving speed and creativity through institutionalization, which is maintenance, disruption and change of institutions. Technology orientation is considered as institution in the framework and institutionalization, defined as the maintenance, disruption and change of institutions, is the central process to attain exploitative and exploratory innovation.

摘要 iii ABSTRACT iv CONTENT.....v CHAPTER1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Introduction 1 CHAPTER2 LITERATURE REVIEW 7 2.1 Conceptual framework 7 2.2 Hypothesis development 10 2.2.1 Exploitative innovation and Exploratory innovation 10 2.2.2 Technology orientation 11 2.2.3 Problem solving competence 13 2.2.4 The mediating effect of technology orientation 16 CHAPTER3 RESEARCH METHOD 19 3.1 Data and sampling 19 3.2 Construct measures 20 3.3 Reliability and validity 22 3.4 Control variable 24 3.5 Assessment of common method bias 26 CHAPTER4 ANALYSES AND RESULTS 27 4.1 Analyses and results 27 4.2 Post Hoc tests 29 CHAPTER5 DISCUSSIONS 30 5.1 Theoretical and managerial implications 30 5.2 Limitations and future research directions 35 REFERENCES 36

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