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研究生: 王凱諄
Kaichun - Wang
論文名稱: 績效評核制度個案研究-強迫排名能否使管理奏效?
A Case Study of Performance Evaluation System-Does Forced Ranking Make Management Work?
指導教授: 鄭仁偉
Jen-wei Cheng
口試委員: 欒斌
Pin Luarn
Tom M. Y. Lin
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Management
論文出版年: 2013
畢業學年度: 101
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 53
中文關鍵詞: 績效管理績效考核強迫排名末位淘汰組織變革
外文關鍵詞: Performance Management, Performance Appraisal, Forced Ranking, Bottom Out, Organizational Change
相關次數: 點閱:569下載:5
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  • 人才管理是近年來企業發展人力資源最重視的課題之一,每家企業都希望培育出優秀人才,為組織創造更高績效表現,提高整體競爭優勢。培育人才的前提在於如何有效地區別出人才,而績效管理則為常見的重要工具。

    Talent Management is one of the most important topics for corporate human resource development in recent years. Talents can deliver better performance and as a key, to enhance the company’s competitive advantage over competitors. Before talking about managing talents, the crucial question is what the best way to identity good performers? Performance evaluation system is the most common tool in use.
    Traditionally, performance evaluation system focuses most in the process of performance appraisal and largely ignores its alignment with people management, talent development, and corporate strategy. For people management, the result of performance appraisal shall be tied to important decisions such as bonuses, raises, promotions, retention or layoff. For talent development, performance management helps keeping good performers for continuous growth and helps poor performers finding out the gap for improvement. The most significant advantage of performance management is to make sure all employees are bound to the same direction with corporate overall goal.
    In this case story, the company is in manufacturing and international trading business and has been established for over forty years. In face of growing competition, it has been losing its competitive advantage and profitability rapidly. In the process of turnaround, from a typical family-owned managerial style to a west-modern managerial style, the company has hired a new CEO for changing management. With the lead of the CEO and the advice from consulting company, strategic performance management system has been implemented. At beginning, the company has using several tools to develop a strategy map and to set up goals from top to bottom. Then, forced ranking evaluation and distinguished reward system has been carried out to make sure that the company hold the best and the brightest talents. However, it seems no improvement in terms of the company’s overall profitability. In order to improve the workforce, some managers suggest the company shall eliminate poor performers to aid the effectiveness of turnaround. With the conflicts of two different managerial styles, from pay-for-tenure to pay-for-performance, some top managers and senior employees have lose their trust on company and the moral is going down.
    Harvard Business Case study method is used in this study to discuss the scenario of different managerial issues during the implementation of strategic performance management system. This study includes two parts, case scenario and instructor teaching note. Readers are expected to understand the importance of performance management in terms of corporate strategy and how to execute the system in details. The objective of this study is to help readers understand what possible scenarios can be happened during the introduction of a new HR policy; further, to provide valuable advises for later study.

    摘 要 I ABSTRACT II 致謝 IV 目 錄 V 圖目錄 VI 表目錄 VII 開場白 1 壹、個案本文 5 一、績效管理制度的導入 5 二、強迫排名與人才差異化 11 三、末位淘汰的爭議性 16 貳、教師教學手冊(TEACHING NOTE) 20 一、個案總覽 20 二、教學主題與適用課程 20 三、學員課前討論問題 23 四、學員課前準備 24 五、個案角色介紹 24 六、教學重點與時間分配 26 七、教學項目 27 八、板書規劃 47 參考文獻 51 一、網路部分 51 二、中文部分 51 三、英文部分 52

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