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研究生: 梁煥昌
Huan-Chang Luiang
論文名稱: 鋁塗層於氯化鈉/硫酸鈉熱腐蝕環境之固定荷重負載的劣化行為
Degradation of Commercial Aluminides in NaCl/Na2SO4 Hot Corrosion Environment under Static Loading
指導教授: 王朝正
Chaur-Jeng Wang
口試委員: 林招松
Chao-Sung Lin
Jyh-Wei Lee
Wu Kai
Yuan-Ching Lin
Wei-Chun CHeng
Chaur-Jeng Wang
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 機械工程系
Department of Mechanical Engineering
論文出版年: 2019
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 222
中文關鍵詞: 鋁塗層熱腐蝕固定荷重劣化熱浸鍍鋁
外文關鍵詞: Commercial aluminides, Hot corrosion, Static loading, Degradation, Hot-dipping aluminum
相關次數: 點閱:357下載:12
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本研究以低碳鋼為基材,以熱浸鍍為表面處理之方法。探討不同鋁塗層結構之鋼材於超超臨界鍋爐工作環境下 (燃燒溫度:700 ~ 760 °C 及蒸汽壓力:25 ~ 35 MPa),高溫擴散、高溫腐蝕、應力對其鍍層防護性及使用壽命之影響。分析表面鋁化處理之鋼材透過固定應力於高溫腐蝕的環境中,鋁塗層之失效機制及鋼材的高溫機械性質影響性。研究浸鍍厚度、鋁塗層結構在低外加應力下之高溫腐蝕的防護性影響評估。利用後熱處理製程及電鍍鎳製程,藉由調整介金屬成分及相分佈,控制鋁化層之厚度及平整度。進一步研究介金屬之厚度與平整度對鋁塗層高溫防護之影響。
  熱浸鍍鋁處理於鋼材生成連續的 FeAl 及 FeAl2 相具有阻礙裂紋成長的作用,表面開口裂紋向下延伸觸碰到相介面,產生遲滯現象而減緩裂紋成長速率。隨著試驗時間增加,外部鋁塗層中的 Fe2Al5 相受到熱腐蝕及局部張應力作用變為多孔、碎裂的組織,但內部鋁塗層中的 FeAl 及 FeAl2 相仍具有耐高溫腐蝕及抑制裂紋成長的效能。經過短時間的高溫擴散處理,FeAl相的厚度逐漸提升,Kirkendall孔洞沿Fe2Al5相之舌片狀組織分布。相較於熱浸鍍鋁處理試片,48小時的高溫擴散處理試片之失效壽命具有較小的標準差。隨著擴散處理的時間增長,Kirkendall孔洞的密度大幅上升,造成開口裂紋沿鋁塗層內部的孔洞向下延伸,形成簡易路徑,提供混合熔鹽侵蝕FeAl相。透過高溫拉伸試驗結果,熱浸鍍鋁處理使低碳鋼基材金屬在高溫於外加作用力情況中,具有高溫腐蝕防護性。
  電鍍鎳緩衝層熱浸鍍鋁處理於鋼材生成層狀組織,鍍鎳緩衝層阻礙鐵原子向外擴散,使得鍍層的結構於試驗初期較為穩定。隨著試驗時間增加,外部鋁塗層中的NiAl相受到熱腐蝕逐漸減薄。受到Ni-Al交互擴散的影響,內部鋁塗層的層狀結構逐漸轉變為柱狀結構。混合熔鹽沿柱狀結構間的裂紋向內侵蝕,使基材 / 鍍鎳層介面的碳化物受到氧化並逸失。氧化鐵自內部向外成長,造成鋁塗層失效。

The low carbon steels (LCS) were aluminized by hot dipping. The effect of diffusion, hot corrosion, constant loading applied on the corrosion resistance of aluminides and the failure model of aluminized steel was fully studied in advanced ultra-supercritical combusting system with a working temperature in a range of 700 to 760 °C, the steam pressure in a range of 25 to 35 MPa. The effect of the difference between microstructure, phase distribution on aluminized structure, and the abilities of hot corrosion resistance were also discussed. In addition, the failure model of aluminides and the mechanical properties of steel at high temperature under low stress applied was investigated. The hot corrosion resistance of aluminide affected by phase distribution, porosity, uniformity at the aluminide/substrate interface was also discussed.
The continuity of the Fe-rich phase, FeAl, retards the crack propagation from the surface. Although the outer aluminide, Fe2Al5, becomes porous and fragment-shaped, both FeAl and FeAl2 served as the protective barriers. After short-term diffusion treatment (DT), the thickness of the FeAl increases while the Kirkendall void forms at the FeAl2/ Fe2Al5 interface. A 48-hour DTs shows a reliable lifetime before rupture, which is relatively higher than that of the hot dipped aluminum (HDA) samples. However, the density of the Kirkendall void dramatically rises due to the long-term DT, and the cracks take the voids as the easy-path, which weaken the barrier effect of FeAl. The high-temperature tensile testing, furthermore, indicates the strength of HDA sample and guarantees the corrosion resistance of iron aluminide on LCS under the external force applied. The results illustrate the failure mode of the HDA sample whether DT is carried out or not, and show the performance of iron aluminide under loading in hot corrosion environment induced by the salt mixture.
The failure mechanism of hot-dip aluminized low carbon steel with nickel interlayer was carried out in hot corrosion induced by salt mixture under static load at 750 °C. The Ni-HDA showed great ability to sustain the hot corrosion accompanied with creep effect at the initial stage. The topcoat aluminum layer became porous due to the hot corrosion and ended up with its thickness reduction. Once the Ni/Al inter-metallic microstructure changed from lamellar to columnar structure, both corrosion resistance and coating continuity rapidly decreased. The consequences of coating failure were the easy-path generated for salt mixture and the coalesce of replacement of oxide to carbide. The effect of nickel interlayer on HDA extended the elongation and rupture time. It gratefully enhanced the performance of aluminide under static load at hot corrosion environment.
In order to improve the hot corrosion resistance under the static loading of LCS, this study conducted three kinds of surface modification: hot dipping aluminum (HDA), HDA with post diffusion treatment, and HDA with pre-plating nickel interlayer. These treatments aimed to change the microstructure and constitution of aluminides. The results show that the HDA has a relatively better resistance of crack propagation, total elongation before rupture, and anti-hot-corrosion capability. The wavy interface of intermetallic phases plays an essential role in the feature of crack deflection, while the hot corrosion resistance contributes to lower the growth rate of opening crack.

摘要 I ABSTRACT III 誌謝 V 目錄 VI 圖目錄 IX 表目錄 XXV 第一章 前言 1 第二章 文獻回顧 4 2.1 耐高溫保護層受應力作用之破裂機制 4 2.1.1 脆性耐高溫保護層 4 2.1.2 延性/脆性混合結構耐高溫保護層 15 2.2 熱浸鍍鋁 22 2.2.1 鐵鋁介金屬之形成機制 22 2.2.2 鋁塗層相變化與分布 26 2.2.3 鐵鋁介金屬之機械性質 31 2.3 電鍍鎳緩衝層 38 2.3.1 後熱浸鍍鋁處理 38 2.3.2 鎳鋁介金屬之機械性質 44 2.4 混合鹽熱腐蝕 48 第三章 實驗方法 53 3.1 研究材料製備 55 3.1.1 拉伸試片 55 3.1.2 熱浸鍍鋁 (hot dipping aluminum,HDA) 56 3.1.3 高溫擴散後熱處理 (diffusion treatment,HD-DT) 59 3.1.4 電鍍鎳緩衝層之熱浸鍍鋁 (nickel interlayer,Ni-HDA) 61 3.1.5 混合鹽沉積 (salt mixture deposited) 62 3.2 高溫拉伸試驗 (HIGH-TEMPERATURE TENSILE TESTING) 63 3.3 高溫固定荷重負載試驗 (STATIC LOAD TESTING) 65 3.4 分析設備 66 3.5 實驗方法 67 第四章 實驗結果 69 4.1 熱浸鍍鋁 (HDA) 在不同形變量狀態 69 4.1.1 表面破裂行為觀察 69 4.1.2 顯微結構觀察 87 4.2 高溫擴散 (DIFFUSION TREATMENT,HD-DT) 在不同形變量狀態 107 4.2.1 表面破裂行為觀察 107 4.2.2 顯微結構觀察 124 4.3 電鍍鎳緩衝層之熱浸鍍鋁 (NICKEL INTERLAYER,NI-HDA) 在不同形變量狀態 135 4.3.1 表面破裂行為觀察 135 4.3.2 顯微結構觀察 143 第五章 討論 157 5.1 形變量對熱浸鍍鋁塗層之劣化行為影響 157 5.1.1 裂紋成長狀態與殘留鋁塗層 157 5.1.2 HDA失效模型 160 5.2 鐵鋁介金屬層結構對鋁鍍塗層之劣化行為影響 163 5.2.1 裂紋成長狀態與殘留鋁塗層 163 5.2.2 HD-DT失效模型 167 5.3 電鍍鎳緩衝層對鋁塗層之劣化行為影響 173 5.3.1 裂紋成長狀態與殘留鋁塗層 173 5.3.2 Ni-HDA失效模型 175 第六章 結論 178 參考文獻 181

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