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研究生: 劉政原
Cheng-Yuan Liu
論文名稱: 可攜式條碼擷取及無線傳輸系統設計
Design of a portable device for barcode signal acquisition and wireless transmission system
指導教授: 黃進芳
Jhin-Fang Huang
口試委員: 徐敬文
Ching-Wen Hsue
Sheng-Lyang Jang
Chih-Ming Tsai
Kuo-Lung Chen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電子工程系
Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering
論文出版年: 2006
畢業學年度: 94
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 118
中文關鍵詞: 條碼擷取無線傳輸可攜式
外文關鍵詞: WLAN, Bluetooth, GSM, Barcode
相關次數: 點閱:447下載:3
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目前條碼擷取系統多以個人電腦為平台,以公眾電話交換網路(Public Switched Telephone Network, PSTN)為傳輸媒介,對於條碼擷取而言,缺乏移動性與可攜性,於是許多單位開發可攜式條碼擷取系統,其開發的裝置多以單晶片核心及封閉式作業系統,缺乏良好的人機介面及網路傳輸功能,造成使用者許多不便與限制。
為改善上述缺點,本文中探討應用Windows CE PDA(Personal Digital Assistant)平台設計一個可攜式條碼訊號擷取及無線傳輸的系統。本系統不僅擁有良好的人機介面、體積小、完整的I/O功能與彈性高的程式設計功能,最重要的是具有無線網路傳輸能力,所以使用PDA開發可攜式條碼訊號擷取及無線傳輸的系統是目前最佳的解決方案之一。
本系統將分成三部份來討論,1. PDA主機部分,2. 條碼擷取模組部分,3. 無線傳輸模組部分。
PDA主機部分,主要分析設計架構及流程,如何商品化過程。條碼擷取模組部分,將條碼經由條碼擷取器取得訊號,透過解碼器後,經由非同步式串列介面Universal Asynchronous Receiver and Transmitter(UART)或是通用串列匯流排Universal Serial Bus (USB)傳送到PDA。無線傳輸模組部分,利用非同步式串列介面(UART)或是通用串列匯流排(USB)介面連接藍芽模組(Bluetooth Module)及泛歐式數位式行動電話系統/整合封包無線電服務Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) / General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) ,使用Compact Flash 介面連接無線區域網路(Wireless LAN) ;如何整合Bluetooth、Wireless LAN、GSM/GPRS無線傳輸系統傳送至個人電腦(PC)或公司內部資訊網路(Intranet)或網際網路(Internet) 或是虛擬專線網路(Virtual Private Network;VPN),讓系統即時處理資訊也被討論在此篇論文中。

Nowadays the barcode signal acquisition system has adopted a PC platform and uses the Public Switched Telephone Network as a transmission media thus lacking portability. Therefore, people have developed a portable, mainly single chip core, but closed operating system of barcode reading which is limited and causes some inconvenience to end-users due to the lack of a user-friendly interface and network transmission abilities.
As an improvement on this situation, a Windows CE PDA (Personal Digital Assistant) which combines portable barcode reading and radio frequency transmission abilities will be discussed in this dissertation. This WinCE PDA has a nice user-friendly interface, is compact with complete I/O functions and a flexible programming design as well as capable of radio frequency transmissions. That is why it has become one of the best solutions at this time.
We can divide this system into three modules: the 1st PDA main system, the 2nd barcode signal acquisition module and the 3rd wireless transmission module.
The design structure, process and merchandising are analyzed in the PDA main system part. As for the barcode signal acquisition module the transmission of the scanned barcode signals, after decoding, to PDA via UART (Universal Asynchronous Receiver and Transmitter) or USB (Universal Serial Bus) will be discussed. For the wireless transmission via radio frequency, Bluetooth module, GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications)/ GPRS (Global Packet Radio Service) which can be connected via UART or USB interface, and Wireless LAN via Compact Flash Interface will be looked at. How to integrate the Bluetooth RF transmission system as well as Wireless LAN and GSM/GPRS to PCs, Intranet, Internet or VPN (Virtual Private Network) for real-time data-processing are also topics in this dissertation.

摘要 I ABSTRACT III 誌謝 V CONTENTS VI FIGURES AND TABLE CONTENTS VIII CHAPTER 1 1 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 MOTIVATION 1 1.2 OUTLINE OF THE CONTENT 3 CHAPTER 2 4 BACKGROUND 4 2.1 INTRODUCTION OF PERSONAL DIGITAL ASSISTANT 4 2.2 CHARACTERISTIC OF BARCODE SIGNAL ACQUISITION 8 2.2.1 One Dimensional Barcode 8 2.2.2 Two Dimensional Barcode 10 2.2.3 Barcode Signal Acquisition System 13 2.3 FUNDAMENTAL OF WIRELESS TRANSMISSION 14 2.3.1 WLAN 14 2.3.2 Bluetooth 17 2.3.3 GSM/GPRS 18 CHAPTER 3 21 SYSTEM DESIGN OVERVIEW 21 3.1 SYSTEM DESIGN PHILOSOPHY 21 3.2 INDUSTRY DESIGN 24 3.3 ELECTRONIC CIRCUIT DESIGN 26 3.3.1 PDA System Design 26 3.3.2 Barcode Signal Acquisition Module Integration Design 34 3.3.3 Wireless Transmission Integration Design 42 3.3.4 Antenna Integration Design 47 3.4 PCB LAYOUT DESIGN 49 CHAPTER 4 54 IMPLEMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT 54 4.1 BARCODE SIGNAL ACQUISITION MODULES 55 4.1.1 One Dimensional Barcode 56 4.1.2 Two Dimensional Barcode 63 4.2 WIRELESS TRANSMISSION MODULES 70 4.2.1 WLAN 72 4.2.2 Bluetooth 79 4.2.3 GSM/GPRS 84 4.3 PDA SYSTEM 88 CHAPTER 5 94 CONCLUSION 94 REFERENCES 98 APPENDIX A. SYSTEM SPECIFICATION 101 APPENDIX B. PDA SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM 103 作者簡介 109

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