簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 吳羿蓉
Yi-Jung Wu
論文名稱: 互動手法應用於身心障礙兒童議題設計創作
Apply Interactive Creative Design on the Concept of Disabled Children Issues
指導教授: 李根在
Ken-Tsai Lee
口試委員: 王韋堯
Regina W. Y. Wang
Chun-Di Chen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學院 - 設計系
Department of Design
論文出版年: 2015
畢業學年度: 104
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 123
中文關鍵詞: 社會設計互動設計公益慈善身心障礙
外文關鍵詞: Social design, Interaction design, Charity, Disability
相關次數: 點閱:628下載:54
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近幾年台灣的捐款風看似盛行,但往往是一個事件的發生或一段故事被揭發而引起的群眾效益, 然而真正從根本解決社會上弱勢族群的問題,還是需要集結多數人的力量一同伸出援手,並且長時間投入關懷,進而分享相關資訊,讓弱勢族群的議題觸及到更多、更廣的層面。在意識到身心障礙兒童與他們的照顧者當今所面臨的問題,是目前亟須被關切、注意的議題外,如何透過設計的互動手法,將這個議題有效且正確的傳達給關心公益慈善團體的民眾,同時又能誘發其興趣,進而有意願了解更多、投入更多,便是本次創作論文設計的方向。


In recent years, Taiwan's contribution to the charities seems growing higher and higher. However, this kind of situation usually occurs due to an event or a story and causes the masses benefit. To solve real problems of disadvantaged groups in society, which needs people to pay attention to the disadvantages and also give them a long-term instances no matter in donation or social benefits, and then further share relevant information so that the subject could be able to touch to much more broader range of people’s awareness. Aware of the difficulties of children with disabilities and their caregivers, families which they have been facing today, it is urgent to convey this issue correctly to the audiences via design, and it’s also significant to trigger the attraction of audiences to make them to pay more attention to related issues and indeed do the real action to those people in need.

In this creative design thesis, it takes "interactive design" as an approach, which is not limited to any form of the creative method, and applies this design into the subject of "the children with disabilities." In the beginning of design process, import the design research related approaches to give a clue to the following interactive design so that subsequent interaction design constructs firmly with logic. Moreover, “Give the Children A Hand” is the main concept that goes throughout the whole design. In the end of interactive activity, there is a public campaign, and supported by "Taipei Truth Church – Joyful Garden" and "Coffee Beibei", which contribute a fascinating impact to the design and bring the overall design efficiency which includes the growing number of Facebook page followers and the great amount of donation.

Finally, this creative design thesis reveals reviews and feedback of participants from the campaign and provides several design suggestions in the end of the thesis. Hope it will be a valuable reference for the future associated design.

論文摘要 英文摘要 誌謝 目錄 圖目錄 表目錄 第一章、緒論 1.1 創作背景與動機 1.2 創作目的 1.3 創作架構與流程 第二章、文獻探討 2.1 社會設計 2.2 身心障礙兒童議題探討 2.2.1 身心障礙兒童定義 2.2.2 身心障礙兒童照顧者的困境 2.3 感知經驗與認知心理 2.3.1 感覺與知覺 2.3.2 訊息處理模型 2.4 互動 2.4.1 互動的定義 2.4.2 互動的形式 2.4.3 互動的價值 2.5 設計效益評估 第三章、案例分析與設計方向 3.1 兒童社會議題設計上的案例分析 3.2 互動形式藝術與設計上的案例分析 3.3 相關族群訪談 3.4 基金會 / 團體分析與企業贊助 3.5 設計範圍與限制 3.6 預定進度時程表 第四章、設計創作與創作成果 4.1 文宣互動 4.1.1 設計背景 4.1.2 創作過程 4.1.3 設計成果 4.2 創作互動 4.2.1 設計背景 4.2.2 創作過程 4.2.3 設計成果 4.3 線上互動 4.3.1 設計背景 4.3.2 創作過程 4.3.3 設計成果 4.4 現場活動互動 4.4.1 設計背景 4.4.2 創作過程 4.4.3 設計成果 4.5 喜樂園介紹影片 4.5.1 創作過程 4.5.2 設計成果 第五章、 成果績效與設計結論 5.1 設計效益 5.1.1 有形效益 5.1.2 無形效益 5.2自我評述 5.3設計檢討與建議 5.4 結語 參考文獻 附件

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