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研究生: 陳柏如
Bo-Ju Chen
論文名稱: 創新綠色通勤-微笑單車的公私協奏曲
Innovative Green Commuting:The Public Private Harmonic Concerto in YouBike
指導教授: 周子銓
Tzu-Chuan Chou
口試委員: 李國光
Gwo-Guang Lee
Jau-Rong Chen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 資訊管理系
Department of Information Management
論文出版年: 2015
畢業學年度: 103
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 66
中文關鍵詞: 交通生態系統主導邏輯商業模式PPP模式YouBike微笑單車
外文關鍵詞: Traffic Ecosystem, Public Private Partnership Model, sYouBike
相關次數: 點閱:427下載:28
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Driven by the economic growth, the most urban planning around the world were dominated by vehicles and road-oriented to design the "car-centered traffic" concept. But now, energy shortages and global warming issues are persistently getting fever, in order to pursuing urban sustainable development, every countries aggressively promote energy saving, carbon reduction, green transportation, mass transit-oriented and other relevant policies to focus on efficient transport system with more emphasis on humane city space to meet environmental and quality of life. With low-pollution-low-energy moving method, YouBike extend public transport routes, make up the transport network in the last Mile Drive, offers the return to different place rental and the short-range point to point connection service.
Initially, YouBike was commissioned GIANT to build public bicycle system by Taipei City Government Department of Transportation. The demonstration planning was launched in 11 March 2009, yet, due to the complex loan procedure; high registration threshold and small riding range, caused the low using rate of this service. Public and private sectors re-consider the situation, add on the user-experience and design thinking technologies. In August 30, 2012, the second generation of YouBike program was formally executed, and the average daily turnover rate exceed 10 times improved, this is to pest of the world. The business module of YouBike, which under the public-private joint collaboration, not only improved the traffic and the city profile but also achieved the goal of carbon reduction, improving the health of citizen both physical and spiritual, boosting people's livelihood and economic development of the bicycle industry. The high-quality software and hardware systems attracted other countries attention, they come to Taiwan, want to learn from the significant achievement of this program.
GIANT has a dream, to build up the "Taiwan Bicycle Island", so, GIANT lead to founded the "A-Team" and "Cycling Life-Style Foundation" to promote Taiwan as a bicycle industry innovative R&D center and riding paradise! With YouBike, let Taipei become a bike-friendly city with the use of green innovative commuting transiting tool, and the dream of “Taiwan Bicycle Island” finally was come true.
This study adapted the Harvard Case Study as the research method to discuss the relative issues as traffic ecosystem, dominant logic, business models and the Public Private Partnership. We were dedicated to learn: How organization develops the infrastructure of public bicycle service via dominant logic and the control degree of the transport ecosystem; How the public and private sectors to work together with PPP mode and to develop a beyond the profits business model to cause the profound impact and contribution to the environment society and the publics.

摘要 I ABSTRACT II 誌謝 IV 目錄 V 表目錄 VII 圖目錄 VIII 壹、 個案本文 1 一、 序場 – 台灣自行車島最後一塊拼圖 1 二、 創新綠色通勤全球蔓延 2 城市永續發展下的綠色運輸 2 公共自行車系統 PBS 2 三、 YOUBIKE微笑計劃 4 G.I.A.N.T. 自小鎮崛起的巨人 4 踏出艱辛第一步 6 YOUBIKE 核心團隊成形 6 YOUBIKE 微笑起飛 8 四、 一點都不簡單的 YOUBIKE 10 微笑品牌力 10 整合台灣自行車產業實力的微笑單車 11 鐵骨注入靈魂的營運軟實力 13 五、 適地性在地化的微笑 15 六、 築夢「踏」實的故事延續 16 七、 附錄 18 貳、 個案討論 26 一、 個案總覽 26 綠色通勤潮流 26 台北YOUBIKE計劃及效應 26 YOUBIKE的下一步 26 二、 教學目標與適用課程 27 三、 學生課前討論問題 30 四、 個案人物背景 31 五、 個案分析 32 課程目標一:交通生態系統的探討 33 課程目標二:主導邏輯的探討 37 課程目標三:商業模式的探討 42 課程目標四:PPP(PUBLIC PRIVATE PARTNERSHIP)模式的探討 48 六、 課程結論 57 七、 教學建議 58 八、 板書規劃 62 參、 參考文獻 63 一、 中文參考文獻 63 二、 英文參考文獻 65 三、 網站部分 66

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