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研究生: 吳重昇
Chong-Sheng Wu
論文名稱: 高效能自適應背景濾除與混合式指靜脈身份辨識系統
Effectively Adaptive Background Subtraction and Hybrid Finger-vein Identification System
指導教授: 郭景明
Jing-Ming Guo
口試委員: 林昇源
Sheng-Yuan Lin
Gee-Sern Hsu
Jian-Jiun Ding
Jar-Ferr Yang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電機工程系
Department of Electrical Engineering
論文出版年: 2016
畢業學年度: 104
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 235
中文關鍵詞: 背景濾除移動物件偵測有序抖動法ViBe半色調技術指靜脈生物辨識局部不變特徵特徵描述影像品質評估技術。
外文關鍵詞: ViBe, Finger-Vein Recognition, Vascular Biometrics, Binary Robust Invariant Elementary Feature.
相關次數: 點閱:531下載:5
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另外,我們提出嶄新的兩階段混合式演算法於指靜脈辨識系統,其第一階段之特徵點比對演算法中,以自適應快速角點之快速二元強健不變特徵進行指靜脈影像之特徵點比對,以自適應臨界值的方式萃取適當數量的角點特徵資訊。基於二元強健不變特徵,以對強健特徵點進行特徵描述;第二階段之多重影像品質相似度評估以影像品質評估技術對輸入影像及資料庫影像感興趣區進行人眼視覺的相似度評估。多重影像品質相似度評估由多個有效的影像品質評估演算法組成,並以多數決投票機制進行辨識。此外,本技術之感興趣區的擷取方式有別於傳統的指靜脈辨識技術,可基於第一階特徵點比對後的特徵點區域進行感興趣區擷取,無需使用任何形態學操作的演算法,同時減少前處理運算複雜度。實驗數據分析共包含自行拍攝的指靜脈資料庫及公用資料。本論文提出之混合式指靜脈演算法具備低運算複雜度(平均單次比對時間< 0.5s),並可於公用資料庫達錯誤相等率約0.69%。

This thesis presents two contributions, namely effectively adaptive background subtraction and hybrid finger-vein identification system. Compared to the state-of-the-art relevant methods, we can achieve a better performance in both accuracy and complexity.
In the feature modeling of effectively adaptive background subtraction, we adopt both RGB color feature and local textural feature using Regional Hamming Ratio of binary Ordered Dithering (RHROD). The RGB color feature is one of the most fundamental features in moving object detection applications. However, it is difficult to segment foregrounds with similar background colors. Thus, we combined the regional texture feature using RHROD in pixel-based foreground segmentation process. Binary textural bitmap generated by the pre-defined and trained Ordered Dithering (OD) array is a more effective candidate for the estimation of texture information within individual blocks. As a result, the OD feature becomes an important supplement to RGB color feature. As documented in the experimental results, the uniqueness of this approach can yield superior performance over the existing methods based on the ChangeDetection.net datasets.
The hybrid finger-vein identification system combined feature point based approach and human visual verification. Herein, the Binary Robust Invariant Elementary Feature (BRIEF) based on FAST feature points (FBRIEF) are presented with the proposed adaptive thresholding strategy. Subsequently, Multi-Image Quality Assessments (MIQA) are utilized to form a second verification after FBRIEF matching. As opposed to former approaches, the Region of Interest (ROI) are directly extracted by the range of normalized feature point area without any morphological operations, which significantly reduces the complexity of pre-processing. Based on this recognition structure, we can achieve an efficient feature point matching by FBRIEF and also have a rigorous verification credited by MIQA process. The quantitative evaluation conducted with both public database FVUSM and self-made dataset shows that both high identification rate and process efficiency are assured. Comparisons with other literature works demonstrate superiority of the proposed method. Experimental result shows that we could achieve the best EER performance 0.69% for FVUSM datasets.

第一章 緒論 1.1 背景濾除(Background Subtraction) 1.1.1 研究背景與動機 1.1.2 研究目的 1.2 指靜脈生物辨識(Finger-vein Identification) 1.2.1 研究背景與動機 1.2.2 研究目的 1.3 論文架構 第二章 文獻探討 2.1 背景濾除(Background Subtraction) 2.1.1 前言 2.1.2 背景濾除相關演算法 2.1.3 背景濾除遭遇的問題 2.2 指靜脈生物辨識(Finger-vein Identification) 2.2.1 前言 2.2.2 指靜脈辨識相關前處理演算法 2.2.3 特徵點擷取技術探討 2.2.4 指靜脈生物辨識遭遇的問題 第三章 高效能自適應背景濾除 3.1 系統流程(Flow Chart) 3.2 特徵模型(Feature Modeling) 3.3 背景模型(Background Feature Modeling) 3.4 參數自適應(Adaptive Adjustment Scheme) 3.4.1 全域式臨界值調整(Global Threshold Control Method) 3.4.2 區域式參數調整(Local Adjustment Scheme) 3.4.3 色彩模型進行臨界值微調(Color Model Threshold Refinement) 3.5 多層式背景模型架構(Multi-layer Background Model Structure) 3.6 背景紋理更新(Background OD Bitmap Updating Strategy) 3.6.1 自適應二元有序背景紋理 3.6.2 相關紋理演算法效能比較 3.7 實驗結果 3.7.1 ChangeDetection 2012 3.7.2 ChangeDetection 2014 3.7.3 ChangeDetection運算效能 3.7.4 ChangeDetection各類別前景 第四章 混合式指靜脈身分辨識系統 4.1 系統架構(Flow Chart) 4.2 影像前處理(Image Pre-processing) 4.3 角點特徵萃取(Feature Point Extraction) 4.3.1 快速角點偵測(Feature from Accelerated Segment Test) 4.3.2 自適應臨界值(Adaptive Thresholding) 4.4 影像正規化(Image Normalization) 4.5 特徵描述(Feature Descriptor) 4.5.1 二元強健獨立基礎特徵(BRIEF) 4.5.2 積分圖(Integral Image) 4.6 特徵匹配與除錯(Feature Matching) 4.6.1 漢明距離(Hamming Distance) 4.6.2 最佳點匹配 4.6.3 RANSAC 4.7 第一階段:特徵點比對辨識(Feature Point Matched Recognition) 4.8 第二階段:多影像品質評估投票機制(Multi-IQA Voting Strategy) 4.8.1 SSIM、MSSIM與MS-SSIM 4.8.2 PSNR與HPSNR 4.8.3 多種影像品質評估投票機制 4.9 實驗結果 4.9.1 公用資料庫 4.9.2 設備資料庫 4.9.3 效能評估及處理時間 4.10 紅外光靜脈掃描器 4.10.1 硬體資訊 4.10.2 MFC介面系統 第五章 結論與未來展望

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