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研究生: 鄭百榕
Pai-jung Cheng
論文名稱: 爐石飛灰複合型無機聚合物於常溫及高溫環境之工程性質
Engineering Properties of Slag-Fly Ash Composite Geopolymer at Room and Elevated Temperatures
指導教授: 張大鵬
Ta-peng Chang
口試委員: 劉玉雯
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 營建工程系
Department of Civil and Construction Engineering
論文出版年: 2013
畢業學年度: 101
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 198
中文關鍵詞: 無機聚合物乾縮高溫爐石飛灰
外文關鍵詞: geopolymer, drying shrinkage, elevated temperatures, slag, fly ash
相關次數: 點閱:462下載:7
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研究結果顯示:(1)水固比及飛灰取代量與新拌漿體之工作性有密切之關聯,鹼激發量固定為3 %時,流度值隨水固比(0.35至0.40)及飛灰取代量(0 %至50 %)之提升約增加25 %~80 %,凝結時間也得以延長39分鐘~97分鐘,水化溫度相對較低。(2)當飛灰取代為30 %時,試體之抗壓強度約降低19 %,而其他工程性質,超音波波速、動態彈性模數及動態剪力模數皆小幅降低5 %~7 %。(3)提升鹼激發量及降低水固比,皆可使無機聚合物之工程性質上升,但當超過適當範圍時,即易使試體產生脆化易碎等問題。(4)試體之乾燥收縮量皆會因添加飛灰而大幅降低約80 %。(5)添加飛灰會使熱傳導係數產生些微上升,但影響不大。(6)添加細粒料皆可使工程性質及體積穩定性提升,但對其高溫煅燒後之強度及體積穩定性則無明顯幫助。(7)添加飛灰可使試體之高溫煅燒後強度大幅提升,以煅燒溫度400 oC時,效果最為明顯約可提升40 %~60 %,但對於試體之高溫收縮量則無顯著之影響皆為1 %~3 %。(8)掃描式電子顯微鏡結果顯示,添加飛灰於常溫時雖有許多未反應之顆粒,但其於抑制乾縮及裂縫有相當之效果;於高溫之環境下,則因燒結反應而使結構更加緻密,進而有提升強度之效果。

In this study, the sodium hydroxide and sodium silicate were used as the alkali activator to activate the powder activity. Under the condition of fixed modulus of sodium silicate, experimental parameters including different dosages of activator, water-solid ratios, amounts of sand and proportions of slag-fly ash mixtures were used to investigate the effects of various combinations of parameters on the fresh and hardened properties. The second is to investigate the effects of exposure tovarious elevated temperatures for one hour on the properties of of composite geopolymer. Finally, the variations of composition and microstructures of geopolymer were examined by the X-Ray Diffraction analyzer and Scanning Electron Microscopy.

The research results show that: (1) Both the water-solid ratio and the amount of fly ash replacement have close correlation with the workability of fresh paste. At the fixed activator of 3 %, the increases of water-solid ratios from 0.35 to 0.40 and amount of fly ash replacement from 0 to 50 %, the flowability of paste increases by 25 % to 80 %, the setting times extends to 39 to 97 minutes, and the temperature of hydration is relatively lower. (2) When amount of fly ash replacement is 30 %, the compressive strength of specimen decreases about 19 %, other engineering properties, ultrasonic pulse velocity, dynamic elastic modulus and dynamic shear modulus were slightly decreased by 5 % to 7 %. (3) Both the increase of dosages of activator and decrease of water-solid ratio can enhance the engineering properties, but overdosage tends to easily cause the fragile and fragmentation problems. (4) The drying shrinkage of specimens with the addition of fly ash significantly decreases by about 80 %. (5) The addition of fly ash only causes a slight increase of the thermal conductivity (6) The addition of fine aggregates can get better engineering properties and volume stability, but no apparent effects on the strength and volumetric stability exposed to elevated temperatures for one hour. (7) The additon of fly ash can significantly increase the strength of specimen with a best increae of 40 % when the elevated temperature is 400 oC for one hour. (8) The result of SEM indicates that although a large number of unreactive fly ash particles exist at room temperature, they apparently help the suppression of drying shrinkage and crack. The structure of geopolymer becomes denser to enhance the strength of specimen exposed to elevated temperatures.

摘要 i Abstract ii 致謝 iv 總目錄 vi 表目錄 xi 圖目錄 xiii 第一章 緒論 1 1-1研究動機 1 1-2研究目的 1 1-3研究內容與流程 2 第二章 文獻回顧 4 2-1前言 4 2-2無機聚合物之發展 4 2-3無機聚合物之聚合反應 5 2-3-1聚合反應機制 5 2-3-2無機聚合物之基本組成結構 10 2-4無機聚合物之組成材料及其影響 11 2-4-1爐石 11 2-4-1-1爐石之物化性質 11 2-4-2不同爐石屬性對其鹼性激發劑之影響 14 2-4-3爐石粉屬性與水玻璃模數間相互之影響 15 2-4-4飛灰 16 2-4-4-1飛灰之物化性質 17 2-4-5鹼激發飛灰無機聚合物 20 2-4-6鹼性激發劑 21 2-4-6-1不同鹼性激發劑之影響 21 2-4-6-2不同濃度鹼性激發劑之影響 23 2-4-6-3鹼性激發劑混合方式之影響 24 2-5配比參數之影響 24 2-5-1水玻璃模數與鹼性激發劑比例之影響 24 2-5-2液固比之影響 26 2-6不同養護環境與時間之影響 27 2-7無機聚合物之體積穩定性 28 2-7-1體積收縮發生機制 28 2-7-2無機聚合物之乾縮狀況 29 2-7-3抑制乾縮之方式 30 2-7-3-1挑選鹼性激發劑種類與適當濃度抑制乾縮 30 2-7-3-2以養護環境抑制乾縮 30 2-8無機聚合物之耐高溫性質 31 2-9爐石飛灰基複合型無機聚合物 33 第三章 試驗計畫 50 3-1試驗內容與流程 50 3-2試驗材料 51 3-3試驗儀器與設備 52 3-4各試驗變數及項目 55 3-4-1試驗內容說明 55 3-4-2試體編號及項目說明 57 3-5無機聚合物之試體拌合與製作 59 3-5-1無機聚合物之漿體試體製作 59 3-5-2無機聚合物之砂漿試體製作 60 3-6試驗方法 60 3-6-1新拌性質試驗 60 3-6-2硬固性質試驗 62 3-6-3高溫試驗 66 3-6-4微觀試驗 67 第四章 結果與討論 86 4-1無機聚合物漿體試驗結果 86 4-1-1新拌性質試驗 86 4-1-1-1流度 86 4-1-1-2凝結時間 87 4-1-1-3水化熱 89 4-1-2硬固性質試驗 90 4-1-2-1抗壓強度 90 4-1-2-2超音波波速 93 4-1-2-3動態彈性與動態剪力模數 95 4-1-2-4熱傳導係數 98 4-1-2-5體積穩定性 100 4-2無機聚合物砂漿試驗結果 102 4-2-1抗壓強度 102 4-2-2超音波波速 104 4-2-3動態彈性與動態剪力模數 105 4-2-4熱傳導係數 107 4-2-5體積穩定性 108 4-3無機聚合物高溫試驗結果 110 4-3-1煅燒後強度 110 4-3-2體積穩定性 118 4-4無機聚合物之微觀結構 121 4-4-1 X光繞射分析 121 4-4-2掃描式電子顯微鏡 122 4-4-2-1常溫下之試體微觀結構 122 4-4-2-2高溫煅燒後試體之微觀結構 123 第五章 結論與建議 187 5-1結論 187 5-2建議 189 參考文獻 190

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