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研究生: 劉皇佑
Huang-You Liu
論文名稱: 景氣循環下的財務危機預警模型-納入產業與集團探討
Financial distress prediction models during business cycle- evidence for industry factor and group factor
指導教授: 徐中琦
Jon-Chi Shyu
口試委員: 劉邦典
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 財務金融研究所
Graduate Institute of Finance
論文出版年: 2009
畢業學年度: 97
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 73
中文關鍵詞: 財務危機預警模型區別分析邏輯斯迴歸DEA-DA景氣循環電子業營建業
外文關鍵詞: financial distress prediction model, discriminant analysis model, logit regression model, DEA-DA, business cycle, electronic firms, construction firms
相關次數: 點閱:576下載:17
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Financial distress prediction model is generally using financial statements to observe the whole operation condition of a company, and discriminate whether a company is financial distress corporation. Preview research has indicated the bankruptcy cost is very huge and important, it could damage firm operation and reputation and hurt investor with investment loss. Therefore, how to construct a financial distress model which is suit the business condition of Taiwan is worth to discuss. There are many factors might influence financial distress prediction model, including macroeconomic environment factor, industry factor and business group factor. The difference between economic boom and recession might influence financial performance and the information on corporate financial statements; industry factor and business group factor might effect the corporate management style, it will also effect financial performance.
Nevertheless, to date, there only few researchs consider to include the factors mentioned before into financial distress prediction models. Therefore, this project would investigate three financial distress prediction model, including discriminant analysis model, logit regression model and DEA-DA model and discuss the influence of the macroeconomic environment factor, industry factor and business group on prediction model by data classification. The goal of this research is to construct a practical financial distress prediction model for Taiwan business groups, firms in electronic and construction industry during economic up- trend and down- trend. We hope this research can provide corporate managers and investors some valuable information on their decision making and also lead to some important direction for future research.

誌謝................................................................................................................................................ Ⅰ 中文摘要............................................................................................................................................ Ⅱ 英文摘要............................................................................................................................................ Ⅲ 目錄.................................................................................................................................................. Ⅳ 圖表索引............................................................................................................................................ Ⅴ 第壹章 緒論........................................................................................................................................ 1 第一節 研究背景與動機........................................................................................................................ 1 第二節 研究流程.................................................................................................................................. 4 第貳章 參考文獻回顧與探討.................................................................................................................. 6 第一節 財務危機之定義........................................................................................................................ 6 第二節 財務危機預警模型相關文獻......................................................................................................... 7 第三節 景氣,財務績效與財務預警模型相關文獻.................................................................................... 12 第四節 產業,集團與財務預警模型相關文獻.......................................................................................... 14 第參章 研究設計與方法....................................................................................................................... 18 第一節 研究架構.................................................................................................................................. 18 第二節 研究樣本操作定義..................................................................................................................... 19 第三節 研究期間與研究對象.................................................................................................................. 20 第四節 變數選取.................................................................................................................................. 25 第五節 研究模型.................................................................................................................................. 29 第六節 研究方法.................................................................................................................................. 33 第肆章 實證結果與分析........................................................................................................................ 34 第一節 敘述性統計.............................................................................................................................. 34 第二節 全樣本下預警模型實證結果......................................................................................................... 48 第三節 產業分類下預警模型實證結果..................................................................................................... 53 第四節 集團分類下預警模型實證結果...................................................................................................... 61 第伍章 結論與建議............................................................................................................................... 67 第一節 研究結論................................................................................................................................... 67 第二節 建議......................................................................................................................................... 69 第三節 研究限制.................................................................................................................................. 69 參考文獻............................................................................................................................................ 70

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