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研究生: 李昱萱
Yu-Syuan Li
論文名稱: 添加塑化劑製備彈性3D列印支架並探討無毒塑化劑之替代及應用
Preparation of Flexible 3D Printed Scaffold by Adding Plasticizer and Investigation of Non-toxic Plasticizer Substitution and Application
指導教授: 何明樺
Ming-Hua Ho
口試委員: 陳崇賢
Chorng-Shyan Chern
Wei-Wen Hsiao
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 化學工程系
Department of Chemical Engineering
論文出版年: 2023
畢業學年度: 111
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 173
中文關鍵詞: 3D列印支架塑化劑骨母細胞動態培養
外文關鍵詞: 3D printing, Scaffold, plasticizer, Osteoblast, Dynamic culture
相關次數: 點閱:233下載:0
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  • 在人體內真實的細胞與組織環境是三維且動態的,然而,傳統細胞培養多為二維靜態培養,與人體內部真實情況存在差異,無法準確了解細胞在體內的行為。3D列印能有效率並精準地製備出理想的三維結構,但動態系統的支架需要高彈性,而常用於3D列印的光固化樹脂固化成型後的材料硬度較高,限制其在骨組織工程的應用。因此,本研究使用各種塑化劑添加到PCL-HEMA光固化樹脂與擠製成型墨水中,同時以TA (Triacetin,三乙酸甘油酯)、MESA (Methyl salicylate,水楊酸甲酯)、DMSU (Dimethyl succinate,琥珀酸二甲酯)和DBM (Dibutyl maleate,馬來酸二丁酯)作為生物型塑化劑,並以工業上最常使用的塑化劑,鄰苯二甲酸二丁酯 (Dibutyl phthalate,DBP)作為對照組,開發具有高彈性的支架,並提供週期性循環壓縮模擬人體日常運動行為,觀察細胞在三維結構上受動態刺激時的表現。
    實驗結果顯示,添加塑化劑可以降低樹脂的熱性質,此外,塑化劑的添加降低了樹脂的黏度,提高了其流動性,也導致樹脂的壓縮強度下降,並且在老化實驗中了解樹脂顏色變化和材料的穩定性,證明塑化劑的加入成功地提高光固化樹脂的柔韌性,整體以添加DMSU的增塑效果最為顯著。在擠製成型系統方面,加入塑化劑能有效提升PCL (Polycaprolactone,聚己內酯)/HA (Hydroxyapatite,羥基磷灰石)複合樹脂彈性,使壓縮率最高提升至70%。

    The actual cell and tissue environment within the human body is three-dimensional and dynamic. However, conventional cell culture methods primarily utilize a two-dimensional and static approach, which differs from the natural human body environment. Consequently, cell behaviors observed in vitro are not biomimetic. In order to simulate in vivo morphologies, 3D printing offers an efficient and accurate means of producing ideal three-dimensional structures. Nonetheless, the commonly used cured resin in 3D printing is typically rigid and tough, limiting its application in dynamic cultures. Thus, this study aimed to enhance the flexibility of 3D-printed products by incorporating various plasticizers, such as triacetin (TA), methyl salicylate (MESA), dimethyl succinate (DMSU), and dibutyl maleate (DBM), into photo-curable resins and extrusion bio-inks. Additionally, dibutyl phthalate (DBP), currently the most widely used plasticizer in 3D printing, was also employed.
    The experimental results demonstrated that the incorporation of plasticizers resulted in a decrease in the glass transition temperature (Tg) and decomposition temperature (Td) of the photo-cured resins, thereby enhancing the softness of the 3D-printed products. The addition of plasticizers also led to a reduction in resin viscosity and accelerated aging effects, indicating that the plasticizers promote the mobility of molecular chains within the photo-resin. A comparison among the different plasticizers revealed that DMSU exhibited the most effective plasticizing properties in this study. One possible reason for this is the relatively small molecular weight of DMSU, which enhances its diffusion ability. Additionally, the high affinity between DMSU and oligomers reduces the intermolecular forces among the oligomers to a significant extent.
    In the extrusion system, the incorporation of plasticizers enhanced the flexibility of the PCL/HA composite and led to a 70% increase in compressibility. Among the plasticizers investigated in this study, DMSU exhibited the highest efficiency due to its ability to improve the mechanical properties of the materials. Notably, DMSU and DBP performed similarly in this regard, highlighting the potential of DMSU as a non-toxic plasticizer.
    The MTT test results indicated that the resin containing plasticizers exhibited comparable biocompatibility to the original resin. The integration of 3D porous structures, plasticizer addition, and dynamic stimulation further enhanced the proliferation of osteoblasts. Notably, the combination of 3D structures and plasticizer addition proved to be more effective in promoting cell viability through pulse compression. Among the various scaffolds, the cells cultured on 3D scaffolds containing DMSU demonstrated the highest viability, potentially due to the improved flexibility of the scaffold. The ALP results demonstrated that the integration of 3D structures and plasticizer addition facilitated early osteogenic activity. In particular, the presence of DMSU as the plasticizing agent led to earlier expression of ALP, highlighting the osteoinductive effects of the flexible 3D scaffolds developed in this research.

    目錄 摘要 I 致謝 IV 目錄 V 圖目錄 IX 方程式目錄 XVI 專有名詞及縮寫 XVII 第一章 緒論 1 第二章 文獻回顧 3 2.1 積層製造技術介紹 3 2.1.1 積層製造技術分類 3 2.1.2 光固化樹脂主要成分及反應機制 6 2.1.3 影響光固化樹脂在積層製造表現的因素 7 2.1.4 積層製造用於生醫領域 8 2.2 骨支架介紹 9 2.2.1 骨支架材料 9 2.2.2 3D列印支架的應用 11 2.2.3 多孔結構對機械強度之影響 13 2.2.4 彈性支架性對骨組織再生之影響 15 2.3 塑化劑介紹 17 2.3.1 塑化劑作用原理 17 2.3.2 塑化劑分類及應用 18 2.3.3 塑化劑之添加對細胞或組織之影響 21 2.3.4 塑化劑在3D列印中的應用 23 第三章 實驗材料與方法 25 3.1 實驗藥品 25 3.2 實驗儀器 27 3.3 生物支架製備 29 3.3.1 製備含有塑化劑之光固化樹脂 29 3.3.2 光固化樹脂列印 29 3.3.3 製備含有塑化劑之生物墨水 30 3.4 材料性質檢測 31 3.4.1 熱重分析(TGA) 31 3.4.2 熱示差掃描分析(DSC) 31 3.4.3 黏度測試 31 3.4.4 壓縮測試 32 3.4.5 多功能固體密度量測 32 3.4.6 傅立葉轉換紅外線光譜儀(FTIR)分析 33 3.4.7 材料穩定性分析 33 3.4.8 樹脂質量流失測試 34 3.5 體外細胞測試 35 3.5.1 光固化材料試片製作 35 3.5.2 生物相容性檢測方式與操作 35 3.5.3 培養基配置 35 3.5.4 細胞來源 36 3.5.5 細胞培養 37 3.5.6 細胞冷凍保存 37 3.5.7 細胞解凍及培養 38 3.5.8 細胞計數 38 3.5.9 體外細胞培養 40 3.5.10 粒線體活性測試 40 3.5.11 鹼性磷酸酶測試 42 3.5.12 蛋白質濃度測定 43 3.6 動態培養系統建立 45 3.6.1 機械裝置壓縮之培養系統 45 第四章 結果與討論 46 4.1 添加不同塑化劑之物理性質分析 46 4.1.1 熱性質分析 46 4.1.2 流變性質分析 51 4.1.3 壓縮強度分析 53 4.1.4 材料穩定度分析 55 4.1.5 收縮率分析 61 4.2 不同後固化時間對添加增塑劑樹脂關係分析 64 4.2.1 轉化率分析 64 4.2.2 壓縮強度分析 68 4.3 支架設計及機械性質調控 70 4.3.1 多孔結構支架機械性質差異 70 4.3.2 往復壓縮支架測定回復性 75 4.4 含塑化劑樹脂之生物性質分析 80 4.4.1 材料細胞毒性分析 80 4.4.2 細胞型態分析 87 4.5 靜態與動態系統細胞活性分析之差異 90 4.5.1 靜態培養細胞活性分析 90 4.5.2 動態培養之細胞活性分析 92 4.6 靜態與動態系統骨母細胞分化分析 98 4.6.1 靜態培養細胞分化分析 98 4.6.2 動態培養細胞分化分析 103 4.7 添加塑化劑之生物墨水機械性質分析 112 4.7.1 壓縮強度分析 112 第五章 結論 117 第六章 未來工作 118 參考文獻 119 附錄 141

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