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研究生: 陳俊霖
Chun-Lin Chen
論文名稱: 使用LoG-AKAZE演算法與Haar結合LBP偵測器建構強健監控系統
Robust Pedestrian Tracking Using LOG-AKAZE Algorithm and Haar based LBP Detection
指導教授: 蘇順豐
Shun-Feng Su
口試委員: 王文俊
Wen-June Wang
Hsien-I Lin
Sheng-Luen Chung
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電機工程系
Department of Electrical Engineering
論文出版年: 2018
畢業學年度: 106
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 88
中文關鍵詞: 智慧監控系統高斯混和模型哈爾特徵局部二值模式Adaboost高斯拉普拉斯AKAZE適應性粒子濾波器
外文關鍵詞: intelligent surveillance system, Gaussian Mixture Model, Haar-like feature, LBP feature, Adaboost, Laplacian of Gaussian, AKAZE, Adaptive particle filter
相關次數: 點閱:466下載:3
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This study is to propose robust approaches for pedestrian detection and pedestrian tracking, especially when there are occlusions for those targets. For pedestrian detection, a Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) foreground mask is considered to increase the detection rate of pedestrians. Subsequently, the Haar-like and Local Binary Pattern (LBP) features are employed to define the body feature of human beings because those approaches have the invariance property for rotation and scaling. After defining those features, the Adaboost machine learning algorithm is further employed to train the features to form a robust detector in pedestrian detection procedure. For pedestrian tracking process, the AKAZE (accelerated-KAZE) is considered to compare the pedestrian Region-of-Interest (ROI) features from the detection process. Since the extracted ROI may have lower resolution, the Laplacian of Gaussian (LoG) is added into the AKAZE process to sharpen the features so as to obtain more feature key-points for matching. During the LoG-AKAZE matching process, a distance threshold is used to define the inlier and outlier key-points to increase the tracking accuracy. When occlusion occurred, the adaptive particle filter is triggered to predict the target position in the next frame. After that, the adaptive particle filter returns the position to the LoG-AKAZE to track continuously. Consequently, a robust surveillance system is built and can provide effectively pedestrian detection and tracking. Through the advantage of the proposed robust trained-detector and LoG-AKAZE, an intelligent surveillance system becomes possible and can possibly make the society more convenient and safe in the future.

This study is to propose robust approaches for pedestrian detection and pedestrian tracking, especially when there are occlusions for those targets. For pedestrian detection, a Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) foreground mask is considered to increase the detection rate of pedestrians. Subsequently, the Haar-like and Local Binary Pattern (LBP) features are employed to define the body feature of human beings because those approaches have the invariance property for rotation and scaling. After defining those features, the Adaboost machine learning algorithm is further employed to train the features to form a robust detector in pedestrian detection procedure. For pedestrian tracking process, the AKAZE (accelerated-KAZE) is considered to compare the pedestrian Region-of-Interest (ROI) features from the detection process. Since the extracted ROI may have lower resolution, the Laplacian of Gaussian (LoG) is added into the AKAZE process to sharpen the features so as to obtain more feature key-points for matching. During the LoG-AKAZE matching process, a distance threshold is used to define the inlier and outlier key-points to increase the tracking accuracy. When occlusion occurred, the adaptive particle filter is triggered to predict the target position in the next frame. After that, the adaptive particle filter returns the position to the LoG-AKAZE to track continuously. Consequently, a robust surveillance system is built and can provide effectively pedestrian detection and tracking. Through the advantage of the proposed robust trained-detector and LoG-AKAZE, an intelligent surveillance system becomes possible and can possibly make the society more convenient and safe in the future.

Contents ABSTRACT III 致謝 IV CONTENTS V FIGURE LIST VII TABLE LIST IX CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 BACKGROUND AND MOTIVATION 1 1.2 SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE 2 1.3 THESIS CONTRIBUTIONS 4 1.4 THESIS ORGANIZATION 6 CHAPTER 2 RELATED WORK 7 2.1 PEDESTRIAN DETECTION 7 2.2 ADABOOST MACHINE LEARNING 8 2.3 DYNAMIC BACKGROUND UPDATE 9 2.4 PEDESTRIAN TRACKING 10 CHAPTER 3 PEDESTRIAN DETECTION 12 3.1 DYNAMIC BACKGROUND UPDATE 12 3.1.1 Gaussian Mixture Model Background Update 13 3.1.2 Expectation Maximization (EM) 15 3.1.3 GMM Background Update 16 3.2 HAAR-LIKE BASED LBP DETECTOR 19 3.2.1 Haar-Like Feature Detection 20 3.2.2 Local Binary Pattern (LBP) 22 3.3 ADABOOST TRAINING FEATURES 25 3.3.1 Adaboost Model Training 28 3.3.2 Database for Training 30 CHAPTER 4 TARGET TRACKING 33 4.1 AKAZE FEATURE EXTRACTION 33 4.1.1 Non-linear Scale Space Construction 34 4.1.2 Normalized Keypoints Localization 37 4.1.3 Vector Orientation Assignment 39 4.1.4 Feature Description 40 4.1.5 Keypoints Matching 41 4.2 LAPLACIAN OF GAUSSIAN AKAZE 44 4.3 OCCLUDED TRACKING BY PARTICLE FILTER 46 4.3.1 Bayesian Filter 47 4.3.2 Particle Filter 49 4.3.3 Adaptive HSV Color-based Particle Filter 51 CHAPTER 5 EXPERIMENT RESULTS 55 5.1 DYNAMIC BACKGROUND UPDATE AND EXTRACTION 55 5.2 CASCADE TRAINING DETECTOR 59 5.3 AKAZE FEATURE MATCHING 65 5.4 OCCLUSION TRACKING 70 CHAPTER 6 CONCLUSIONS & FUTURE WORK 73 6.1 CONCLUSIONS 73 6.2 FUTURE WORK 74 REFERENCES 75

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