Author: |
陳柔蓁 Rou Jhen Chen |
Thesis Title: |
企業轉型與挑戰之個案研究 The Case Study Of Organization Transformation and Challenge |
Advisor: |
Day-Yang Liu 羅天一 Tain-Yi Luor |
Committee: |
Chun-nan Chen 曾國安 Kuo-an Tseng |
Degree: |
碩士 Master |
Department: |
管理學院 - 財務金融研究所 Graduate Institute of Finance |
Thesis Publication Year: | 2016 |
Graduation Academic Year: | 104 |
Language: | 中文 |
Pages: | 66 |
Keywords (in Chinese): | SWOT分析 、商業經營模式 、融資順位理論 、企業轉型 |
Keywords (in other languages): | SWOT, Business Model, The Pecking Order Theory, Enterprise Transformation |
Reference times: | Clicks: 675 Downloads: 3 |
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In the paper, one company is used as a case study. The company's product-the Lithium Polymer Battery- was faced with price competition. Moreover, due to failure to increase business volume, the company could not maintain old customers, not to mention new ones. As a result, the Board of Director of the company decided, in the third quarter of 2015, to stop producing the Lithium Polymer Battery and instead began to produce Lithium-Iron Battery for Electronic Vehicle and Energy Storage.
After the new decision, the re-shuffled management was engaged in implementing the new policy. Top priority measures were taken. First, our goal is vertical integration of up-and downstream industries. Second, we will penetrate into E-Vehicle & E-Storage market in different provinces logistic paths with government subsidies. Third, how to maximize productivity and optimize cost spending by re-designing factory structure, purchasing new equipment, re-adjusting production-line from the Lithium Polymer Battery to Lithium-Iron Battery for EV and NS, and finally, shortening the period of re-orientation for the new management.
From the above-mentioned case, we follow that it is absolutely essential that the mid-or-small size company should always prepare itself for adaption to changing environment so that its product can always be marketable, its crisis can be turned to opportunity, and its product can always be competitive.
The thesis is divided to two parts. One is the case study. The other deals with manual for teachers. The author hopes to contribute to readers' mindset regarding their thinking and decision-making process, their planning business and analyzing problems.
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