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研究生: 周志文
論文名稱: 資訊系統委外關鍵成功因素之研究-以金融業為例
A Study On Critical Success Factors For Information System Outsourcing -The Case Of Financial Institutes
指導教授: 余尚武
Shang-Wu Yu
Cheng Huang Hung
口試委員: 盧瑞山
Ruei-Shan Lu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 資訊管理系
Department of Information Management
論文出版年: 2011
畢業學年度: 99
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 97
中文關鍵詞: 委外資訊委外紮根理論成功關鍵因素
外文關鍵詞: Outsourcing, IT outsourcing, grounded theory, critical success factor
相關次數: 點閱:469下載:10
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近年,隨著兩岸簽署經濟合作架構協議(Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement,ECFA)政策,金融業到大陸增設分行也陸續開通,兩岸三地的資訊整合需求大增,透過資訊委外來快速建置安全的資訊整合平台,將是金融業唯一的選擇。

Regular business facing competition from around the world, coupled with rapid development of information technology, enterprise resource limited circumstances, to increase the competitiveness of enterprises need to expand the use of information technology to provide a variety of information products, and provide higher Service quality, business information needs to face such a large, select IT outsourcing has become an enterprise competitive strategy.

In recent years, with the two sides signed an economic cooperation framework agreement (Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement, ECFA) policy, financial sector also went to the mainland to open more branches, the three areas of demand for information integration, and through outsourcing to quickly build secure Information integration platform, will be the only choice for the financial industry.

Although outsourcing has been in business for years, but still heard the case of outsourcing failure, resulting in business does not improve competitiveness, and increase business costs. Therefore, the main purpose of this study to investigate the impact of the academic side of the proposed information systems outsourcing success factors and whether there is gap between the practical side.

This study is the use of grounded theory, case-depth interviews to find out the effectiveness of information systems outsourcing key factors.
Found that practical side of IT outsourcing summarized results, divided into six categroies, 23 key factors:

First, the "outsourcing service recipients characteristics " category: contains "top management support ", "Human resource planning","outsourcing select business model. "

Second, the "characteristics of outsourcing service providers"category: contains "outsourcing service provider industry knowledge","outsourcing service providers technical ability "and"outsourcing service provider operating, ""outsourcing service provider of human Resources "," outsourcing service provider control of the degree of project requirements, "" outsourcing service provider of human position "," outsourcing service provider integration, "" development and management of outsourcing service providers. "

Third, "the project and product characteristics"category: contains "the scope of the project characteristics ","project schedule special line","product maturity, "" product adjustment principle. "

Fourth, "the contract characteristics " category: contains "serious and precise scope of the contract, ""clearly defined service level agreement. "

Fifth, the "project management characteristics " category: contains "project control","demand management" "risk management. "

Sixth, "our relationship and values"category: contains "bilateral cooperation relations, ""intuitive user price. "

Surface and the practical side of academic major differences between the key factors of 7 items, including "user right values","the guiding principle of the right product, ""contract service level agreements set out in detail, ""The two sides remain equal partnership " And "on the project scope, schedule and resource planning for the best" as to the current emphasis on the academic side, but the practice has shown the importance of key factors; In addition, the "willingness of users to accept the new system high " and "contractors understand the contract outsourcing business objectives ", are all key factors in the academic and the emphasis, but the plane did not attach importance to practice.

論文內容提要:------------- ----------I ABSTRACT ----------------------------III 誌 謝---------------------- ----------V 目 錄--------------------- ----------VI 第1章 緒論---------------------------1 1.1 研究背景與動機 -------------------1 1.2 研究目的-------------------------9 1.3 研究流程-------------------------10 第2章 文獻探討-----------------------11 2.1 委外的內涵-----------------------11 2.2 委外的主要緣由 -------------------20 2.3 資訊委外的主要利益及風險---------24 2.4 資訊委外成功定義及成功關鍵因素---28 第3章 研究方法-----------------------37 3.1 研究架構------------------------37 3.2 研究方法------------------------38 3.3 個案選擇------------------------42 3.4 資料蒐集及訪談設計--------------43 3.5 資料分析步驟--------------------43 第4章 個案分析-----------------------45 4.1 個案A---------------------------45 4.2 個案B---------------------------61 第5章 結果分析-----------------------73 5.1 六大主範疇關鍵因素分析----------75 5.2 學術面與實務面關鍵因素之比較----79 第6章 結論---------------------------85 6.1 研究發現------------------------85 6.2 研究結論------------------------90 6.3 研究限制------------------------93 參考文獻-----------------------------95

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