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研究生: Teshome Mulatie Bogale
Teshome - Mulatie Bogale
論文名稱: Research on the Design and Optimization of Drilling Parameters of a Microdrill for a Printed Circuit Board
Research on the Design and Optimization of Drilling Parameters of a Microdrill for a Printed Circuit Board
指導教授: 修芳仲
Fang-Jung Shiou
口試委員: 廖運炫
Yunn-Shiuan Liao
Ching-Kong Chao
Geo-Ry Tang
Pai-Shan Pa
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 機械工程系
Department of Mechanical Engineering
論文出版年: 2015
畢業學年度: 103
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 167
中文關鍵詞: 螺旋槽CAD模型微型鑽針幾何特徵最佳化Pro/Mechanica軟體灰色關聯度分析田口方法主成分分析方法PCB鑽削加工參數最佳化參數分析刀腹磨耗孔徑刀具壽命
外文關鍵詞: Flute, CAD model, Microdrill, Optimal geometrical features, Pro/Mechanica software, Grey relational analysis, Taguchi method, Principal component analysis, PCB drilling parameters, Multiple response optimizations, Flank wear area, Hole diameter, Tool life
相關次數: 點閱:805下載:0
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本研究主要分兩個部分:首先以微型鑽針之螺旋槽實際製程的數學關係來建構CAD模型,並透過靜態應力分析的結果找出最佳化之刀具幾何特徵;第二部分則是基於田口方法設計灰色關聯結合主成分分析之有效方法,應用於印刷電路板(PCBs)鑽削參數的最佳化。根據第一部份的研究是透過微型鑽針(半成品)與研磨砂輪個別的斷面輪廓以及兩物體之間的切削位置、設定角等關係,建構其螺旋槽的數學模型,並以3D建構軟體完成CAD模型。本研究以該模型比較於現今市場上販售的微型鑽針,在不同的位置截面下所取得的心厚特徵值其結果大致相同。同時在使用光學顯微鏡的驗證結果下,不論是在第一切刃面、第二切刃面、切邊、鑿刃等幾何特徵其結果幾乎是相符合的。因此,利用輪旋槽之數學模型來建構微型鑽針的CAD模型式可行的。為了尋求微型鑽針刀具幾何特徵的最佳化設計,本研究使用Pro/Mechanica軟體控制設計參數來分析微型鑽針,探討其應力與變形量的關係,而約束條件是微型鑽針上的要求操作中 von Mises 應力最大值小於材料降伏強度。第二部分的實驗經由田口方法設計加工鑽削參數及灰階關聯度分析結果最佳化,特別是以二切刃面磨耗和孔徑結果為主要指標。而主成分分析方法於本實驗中依據各項檢驗結果的重要指標分別設定不同的權重,實驗中主要探討的鑽削參數有主軸轉數、進給率及退刀速率等指標尋求最佳化。然而,為取得主軸轉速的最佳參數,本研究以變異數分析(ANOVA)與實際鑽削實驗結果得到此參數的顯著差異,經由實驗驗證得知其平均灰色關聯度可達到95%信賴區間。本研究所推演出的最佳化結果可以將微型鑽針的刀具斷裂提高到26,000次(鑽孔),由此可見本研究方法可以有效的獲得微型鑽針鑽削印刷電路板時的最佳化參數。

This research had two main objectives: the first one was to determine mathematically a flute, to construct a CAD model and to determine the optimal geometric features of a microdrill based on the stress analysis. The second one was to study an effective method using grey relational analysis coupled with principal component analysis based on Taguchi method, focusing on the optimization of drilling parameters with multiple responses in drilling printed circuit boards (PCBs). Based on the first objective, the flute of a microdrill was determined mathematically by defining the undercutting relative positions of both the microdrill and grinding wheel and their profiles with respect to setting angle. The mathematically determined flute was used to construct a CAD model of a microdrill using the Pro/Engineer software. The cross-sectional comparison between the model and fabricated microdrill was carried out by cutting at different lengths, and the results of the web thickness of the model and the fabricated microdrill were approximately the same. Besides, the images of primary flank areas and secondary flank areas of fabricated microdrills were taken using an optical microscope, and they were compared with the shapes of cutting edge, chisel edge, primary flank areas and secondary flank areas of the model. Based on these comparison results, they were almost the same. Hence, the consideration of the mathematically determined flute for the construction of the CAD model of a microdrill was feasible. The optimal geometric features of a microdrill have been determined by setting design control parameters for geometric features and carrying out optimization of the stress/displacement analysis using Pro/Mechanica software so that the maximum von Mises stress on the microdrill was minimized below the yield stress of the material property. The second objective was also accomplished as follows. The grey relational analysis that uses grey relational grade as response index was adopted with Taguchi method to determine the optimal combination of drilling parameters in PCB drilling process with multiple response characteristics, specifically, the flank wear area and the hole diameter. Moreover, the principal component analysis was applied to evaluate the weighting values corresponding to these multiple response characteristics. Based on the combination of these multiple response characteristics, the spindle speed, infeed, and backfeed were optimized in this research. The infeed and spindle speed are the significant factors according to the analysis of variance (ANOVA) results in this study. The effectiveness of this approach was verified by conducting confirmation experiment. The average of grey relational grade for confirmation results falls within the 95% confidence interval for confirmation experiment. The tool was broken after 26,000 hits for the conducted experiment using optimized drilling parameters. Hence, this method can be effective to optimize drilling parameters for multiple responses in printed circuit board drilling process.

ABSTRACT i 摘要 iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS v TABLE OF CONTENTS vii LIST OF FIGURES x LIST OF TABLES xiii NOMENCLATURES xv CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Scope and goal of the research 4 1.2 Research methodology 4 1.3 History of the past and current technology in PCB drilling process 6 1.3.1 History of PCBs 6 1.3.2 Progress of drilling technology 7 1.4 Outline of the thesis 8 CHAPTER 2. LITERATURE REVIEW 10 2.1 Geometric attributes of a microdrill 10 2.2 Mathematical and CAD modeling and optimization of a microdrill 12 2.3 Failure criterions of ductile materials 14 2.3.1 Maximum shear stress 14 2.3.2 Von Mises stress 14 2.4 Influences of drilling parameters on the tool wear and hole quality 16 2.5 Optimization of parameters using Taguchi method, neuro-genetic approach, grey relational analysis and principal component analysis 17 2.6 Tool wear 19 CHAPTER 3. ANALYSIS SOFTWARE, FLANK WEAR AREA OF A MICRODRILL MEASUREMENT SYSTEM AND DESIGN OF EXPERIMENT 23 3.1 Pro/Engineer /Mechanica 23 3.2 Measurement system for the flank wear area of a microdrill 29 3.2.1 Image processing procedure 29 3.2.2 Measurement of flank wear area using image processing method 29 3.2.3 Reference calibration scale for flank wear area measurement 33 3.3 Design of experiment and combined analysis methods 34 3.3.1 Taguchi method 35 3.3.2 Grey relational analysis 44 3.3.3 Principal component analysis 46 CHAPTER 4. MATHEMATICAL AND CAD MODEL, AND DETERMINATION OF OPTIMAL GEOMETRIC FEATURES OF A MICRODRILL 49 4.1 Introduction 50 4.2 Modeling of a microdrill 51 4.2.1 Mathematical determination of the flute of a microdrill 51 4.2.2 CAD model of the microdrill 57 4.3 Constraints and loads on the microdrill 65 4.4 Initial static analysis 70 4.5 Configuration of the design control parameters 74 4.6 Sensitivity study analysis of the configured design control parameters 80 4.7 Optimization analysis of the geometric features of a microdrill 84 CHAPTER 5. EXPERIMENTAL WORK IN PCB DRILLING PROCESS 87 5.1 Experimental apparatuses and their functions 88 5.1.1 CNC PCB drilling machine and its key components 88 5.1.2 Optical microscope for capturing the image of flank area of a microdrill 90 5.1.3 Toolmaker’s microscope and hole diameter measurement approach 91 5.2 Experimental design 93 CHAPTER 6. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS, ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSION 96 6.1 Experimental results 96 6.2 Analysis and discussion 100 6.2.1 Optimal combination of the drilling parameters 102 6.2.2 Analysis of variance (ANOVA) 112 6.2.3 Confirmation experiment 113 6.2.4 Tool life analysis 115 CHAPTER 7. CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE WORK 120 7.1 Conclusions 120 7.2 Future work 124 APPENDIX A. F VALUE 127 APPENDIX B. FLANK AREAS OF MICRODRILLS IN PIXELS 128 APPENDIX C. MODEL TREES FOR THE 3D CAD MODEL OF A MICRODRILL AND ITS SIMPLIFIED MODEL FOR FEA SOLUTION 130 APPENDIX D. AUTOMATIC GENERATED MESH ON THE 3D CAD MODEL OF A MICRODRILL 132 APPENDIX E. ANOVA TABLES FOR S/N RATIOS OF FLANK WEAR AREA AND HOLE DIAMETER 133 PUBLICATIONS 135 REFERENCES 137

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