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研究生: 蔡承斌
Chen-Bin Tsai
論文名稱: 台灣汽車品牌創建過程個案分析-以裕隆集團LUXGEN汽車品牌為例
Taiwan car brand creation process case study-for example to Yulong group LUXGEN
指導教授: 吳克振
Cou-Chen Wu
口試委員: 陳崇文
Chen Chung-wen
Yang Wei-ning
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 企業管理系
Department of Business Administration
論文出版年: 2011
畢業學年度: 99
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 44
中文關鍵詞: 品牌傳播通路汽車LUXGEN
外文關鍵詞: Branding, Broadcasting, Channels, Automobile, LUXGEN
相關次數: 點閱:465下載:2
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本研究將解析LUXGEN的產品和品牌建立的過程,研究LUXGEN的產品與品牌定位的策略,並運用哪些行銷戰術來建立品牌。在經過分析後,發現LUXGEN從產品定位「智慧高級車」出發,建立品牌核心價值「預先設想 超越期待」,然後依此展開產品、廣宣、通路、銷售的行銷組合,希望藉由符合客戶需求的差異化策略來達成品牌建立的目的。

Taiwan automobile industry always focuses on the OEM (usually named domestic car) or import sales directly from foreign brands. No matter it’s domestic or import car, they continue using the foreign brands. Although Taiwan automobile manufactory has been accumulating the professional production experience and independent design capability for years, they still don’t have their cars with self-owned brand.
Taiwan Yulong Group integrated the automobile production experience for years and created their self-brand – LUXGEN in 2009. The consumers recognize the brand more impressed for the products owing to the high investment amounts dedicated by the automobile industry. The marketing 4Ps functions require to be integrated so that the self-brand can be established successfully.
This paper is to interpret the branding process of LUXGEN, the proposition strategy, and the marketing tactics for branding. The analysis finds the LUXGEN started from the proposition of ‘Smart & Quality Car’ with the core branding value of ‘Think ahead’, and followed by the promotion components of Product, Marketing, Channel and Sales. The strategy is expected to fulfill the differentiation of customer’s requirements to achieve the goal of branding.
The brand management is not only about the advertisement but also about the product design, marketing appeal and customer’s physical experience on product and sales. These are all the components of branding value what LUXGEN likes to deliver. According to the sales volume of LUXGEN, the LUXGEN has won the initial success. However, the new brand will still be challenging. This thesis is expected to be leveraged by people who like to study the branding process and learn the conception and expansion on brand management.

誌謝I 中文摘要II 英文摘要III 目錄IV 圖目錄VI 表目錄VII 第一章LUXGEN成立的市場背景1 第一節裕隆集團的孤注一擲1 第二節台灣汽車銷售市場概況1 第三節消費者購車重視因素8 第四節銷售型態概述9 第五節裕隆集團的汽車事業11 第二章LUXGEN的品牌如何建立15 第一節品牌價值的提出16 第二節產品的差異化策略17 第三節順應趨勢發展電動車產品22 第三章LUXGEN的傳播策略24 第一節階段性傳播任務24 第二節以「Branding TAIWAN」為品牌建立認同感24 第三節關於產品力的傳播25 第四節上市後的口碑累積操作26 第五節多種媒體組合之運用27 第四章LUXGEN的通路策略30 第一節通路策略包含的元素介紹30 第二節展示中心規劃與產品利益的展示與體驗30 第三節銷售人員的訓練31 第四節銷售與售後服務流程的差異化33 第五節如何確保客戶服務流程符合規定35 第六節如何對應客戶的議價36 第五章LUXGEN的銷售實績37 第一節上市以來的銷售量37 第二節媒體的肯定與外銷拓展37 第六章結論與挑戰39 第一節品牌策略架構圖39 第二節評估LUXGEN的品牌建構40 第三節LUXGEN的挑戰42 第四節結語43 參考文獻44

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