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研究生: 陳雅芬
論文名稱: 從亞洲到世界,傳統產業的創新實踐 – 以法藍瓷為例
Innovation of Traditional Industry : From Asia to the World – FRANZ
指導教授: 盧希鵬
Hsi-Peng Lu
Tain-Yi Luor
口試委員: 盧希鵬
Hsi-Peng Lu
Tain-Yi Luor
Sun-Jen Huang
Jen-Chuen Tzou
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Management
論文出版年: 2021
畢業學年度: 109
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 86
中文關鍵詞: 法藍瓷創業家精神品牌權益SWOT 分析行銷 4PCOVID-19
外文關鍵詞: Franz Collection Inc., Entrepreneurial Spirit, Brand Equity, SWOT Analysis, The Marketing Theory of 4Ps, COVID-19
相關次數: 點閱:445下載:0
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2020年世紀大浩劫COVID -19襲捲全球,法藍瓷作品是需要人與作品近距離觀賞和品味,送禮需求更要專業的推薦與說明,這是高強度的人與人接觸,但防疫期間的「社交距離」徹底打破近20年來的「人氣就是買氣」的銷售模式,加上「電商」運營模式尚未成為法藍瓷的銷售主力,業績掉了近三成,這是品牌創立20年來最大的挑戰和危機,下一步該如何往前,考驗著創辦人陳立恆 總裁的智慧和團隊再創新的能量。

The case in this article is Franz Collection Inc., which is a traditional yet innovative company and has its self-owned brand. Also it is a leader in the domestic "cultural and creative industry" with extremely high media exposure. In the past 20 years, the word "FRANZ" has often appeared in major electronic and print media. It has won international awards for years, and it has found favor with both leaders in Taiwan and China. The products of FRANZ are known as "national gifts" to the heads of international friendly nations. People from all walks of life even use them as gifts. They become a trend of tradition.
With the rising popularity, there are lots of invitations of lectures from industry, government, academics, and research circles, and envoys from various countries have visited FRANZ through the recommendation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. From time to time, you can see many tourist buses full of visitors at the gate of headquarters. Major business organizations, the International Rotary Club, and EMBA students from both places across the strait are also rushing to visit taking this as the subject of thesis. Also the middle and high-level executives of the financial and high-tech industries visit here as taking an "Aesthetic Journey".
In 2013, mainland China made the policy of "ban on luxury and anti-corruption", which directly influenced the 200 counters of FRANZ in the mainland. About 30% of all performance came from official purchase, and the performance of the mainland declined for the first time. Immediately following the global economic slump in 2016, Around FRANZ's 6,000 branch offices worldwide were affected. Taiwan was the most affected because it was positioned as a "fashion gift" and "functional artwork".
FRANZ carried out the first manpower consolidation and counterpoint integration, stabilizing the performance of the Taiwan headquarters and continuing to move forward.
The great catastrophe of the century COVID -19 hit the world in 2020. The works of FRANZ require close viewing and taste. Choosing gifts require professional recommendations and explanations. This is a high-intensity human-to-human contact, but during the epidemic prevention period "Social distancing" has completely broken the sales model of "popularity is buying mood" in the past 20 years. In addition, the "e-commerce" operation model has not yet become the main sales force of FRANZ, and its performance has dropped by nearly 30%, which is the largest challenges and crises, and how to move forward in the next step test President Chen's wisdom and team innovation.
This thesis contains two parts: case content and a teacher’s manual. Through this thesis, we can understand the growth and ups and downs of the innovation industry. "Innovation" has achieved FRANZ, but "re-innovation" has also become the challenge it has to face. How to achieve another 20-year peak of innovation? Students can explore the innovative strength of FRANZ how it became a big hit from abroad to Taiwan and how to "re-innovate" in order to reproduce the unchanging elegance of the works for thousands of years!

目錄 摘要 I ABSTRACT II 誌謝 IV 圖目錄 VII 表目錄 VIII 第一章、個案本文 1 第一節、序場 1 第二節、中華傳統陶瓷演進歷程(法藍瓷 2011) 3 第三節、法藍瓷創辦人的創業軌跡 6 第四節、法藍瓷品牌及其發展歷程(附錄一、法藍瓷大事紀) 11 第五節、品牌創新策略 22 第六節、行銷 4P 策略 29 第七節、法藍瓷面臨COVID-19疫情的衝擊和挑戰 35 第二章、教師教學指導手冊 38 第一節、個案總覽 38 第二節、教學目標 39 第三節、學生課前準備與討論 40 第四節、適用課程與對象 40 第五節、教學總覽 41 第六節、問題與參考答案 42 第七節、板書教學時間配置 58 第八節、板書教學規劃 59 參考文獻 60 英文文獻 60 中文文獻 62 網路資源 63 附錄 64 附錄一、法藍瓷大事紀 64 附錄二、法藍瓷得獎記錄 68  

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1. 法藍瓷網站 www.franzcollection.com.tw
2. 中華傳統陶瓷演進歷程圖片出處
 秦磚:https://twgreatdaily.com/OZFJz20BMH2_cNUgpXGN.html
 漢瓦:https://www.163.com/dy/article/E9LM606U0523864R.html
 唐三彩:https://reurl.cc/E2eX6v
 宋青瓷:https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/58980760
 元鈞釉:https://blog.xuite.net/karl6688/twblog/111010084
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 清五彩與鬪彩:http://news.socang.com/2013/04/19/1617065011.html
3. 世界七大名瓷LOGO出處
 Meissen:https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Staatliche_Porzellan-Manufaktur_Meissen_2009_logo.svg
 Imperial Porcelain Manufacturer:https://ipm-jsc.com/
 Wedgwood:https://www.vippng.com/preview/hiwmmJo_wedgwood-logo-png-transparent-wedgwood-logo/
 Royal Copenhagen:https://paulusporcelain.com/top-brands/royal-copenhagen-2/
 Bernardaud :https://cz.linkedin.com/company/bernardaud
 Noritake:https://www.pinterest.com.au/pin/343540277826266435/
 Lladró:https://curio.com.tw/pages/lladro

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