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Author: 黃鈺婷
Thesis Title: 斷鏈風險-S網通製造廠商的故事
The risk of supply shortage-S Netcom manufacturer's story
Advisor: 陳俊男
Chun-nan Chen
Committee: 陳俊男
Chun-nan Chen
Lin, H. C.
C. P. Shieh
Jen-Wei Cheng
Degree: 碩士
Department: 管理學院 - 財務金融研究所
Graduate Institute of Finance
Thesis Publication Year: 2022
Graduation Academic Year: 110
Language: 中文
Pages: 55
Keywords (in Chinese): 大流行風險長鞭效應供應鏈敏捷
Keywords (in other languages): Pandemic, Risk, Bullwhip effect, Supply chain, Agility
Reference times: Clicks: 383Downloads: 2
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  • 全球供應鏈快速變化,國際戰略情勢詭譎,自然災害及全球性瘟疫的大流行對供應鏈的影響使得原本就競爭激烈的各個產業,不但在本業中要絞盡腦汁創造獨特的價值,另一方面又要因應各種突發狀況以求謀生存之道。

    The global supply chain is changing rapidly, the international strategic situation is treacherous, and the impact of natural disasters and global pandemics on the supply chain has made various industries that are already fiercely competitive not only have to rack their brains to create unique value in the industry, but also on the other hand, it is necessary to deal with various emergencies in order to find a way to survive.
    In 2020, the new crown virus (COVID-19) will hit the world hard. Purchasing managers must strike a balance among many factors such as shortage of stock, price increase, priority of material preparation, and operational risk of broken chain, so as to achieve resource harmony to complete the goal of smooth manufacturing and production of the enterprise Therefore, relevant source search strategies, procurement tactics application, supply forecasting, inventory management, risk management, etc. have become important factors related to the normal operation of enterprises.
    The thesis is presented in a HBS individual case, including case contents as well as teaching guidelines. The content is integrated with the experience accumulated by the researcher's workplace experience. However, some of the plots and events described are fictitious and do not refer to specific companies, organizations or individuals. The author hopes to learn from the case examples to enable business operators, professional managers, and purchasing managers to deal with contingency measures and supply chain in the face of incomplete inventory management. The strategic application of chain-breaking risk includes issues such as risk management, procurement management, inventory management, and supply chain management, as well as how individual companies build agility and risk management capabilities in supply chain operations. The conclusions of this study provide the establishment of rapid recovery capabilities for enterprises in supply chain management after being impacted by major disturbance events.

    摘要 I ABSTRACT II 致謝 III 目錄 IV 圖目錄 V 表目錄 VI 第壹章 個案本文 1 第一節 序曲-困境開始 1 第二節 回首來時路 2 第三節 供需失衡的災難 3 第四節 詭譎多變的航程 5 第五節 斷鏈其實是種鍛鍊 6 第六節 邁向敏捷之路 8 第七節 時勢造贏家 10 附件1採購部門重點管理及相關作業 12 附件2原物料短缺的因素 13 附件3敏捷性的定義 14 附件4衡量敏捷性(能力) 14 第貳章 教學指引 15 第一節 個案總覽 15 第二節 教學目標 18 第三節 適用課程與對象 18 第四節 課前準備 19 第五節 個案人物背景 19 第六節 個案問題與討論 20 第七節 教學總覽 21 第八節 問題與參考答案 22 第九節 結論 42 第十節 教學建議與時間分配 43 第十一節 板書規劃 44 參考文獻 47

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