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研究生: 楊淑華
論文名稱: 以服務品質探討政府教育部門推動產業學院計畫作業流程之研究
A service quality study on industrial institute project by education sector in Taiwan government
指導教授: 王孔政
Kung-Jeng Wang
口試委員: 梁瓊如
Chiung-Ju Liang
Chao Ou-Yang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Management
論文出版年: 2014
畢業學年度: 102
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 71
中文關鍵詞: 服務品質服務藍圖紮根理論產業學院計畫
外文關鍵詞: service quality, service blueprint, grounded theory, industrial institute project
相關次數: 點閱:721下載:5
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The 21st century is the era of the knowledge economy; the government’s vision is to achieve customer satisfaction and service-quality through organization restricting, administration reforming, research and innovation for the adaptation of the globalized environment. The ministry of Education advocates technical colleges and universities to found the industrial institute project, which together with industries for preparing facilities, teachers, and courses to cultivate talents to be expert in various fields. Establishing a well-designed platform for cooperation, strengthening the integration of resources, and discovering the developing characteristics and benefits of cooperation between the technical and vocational education system and enterprises. Students graduate from the technical and vocational education system are the key human resources needed for industrial development, are equipped with the ability to be proficient with jobs immediately.
Based on the characteristics of the industrial institutes, a grounded theory approach is adopted in this qualitative-research. We interview four experts and discuss methods of improving the technical and vocational education system with respect to the core value of technical and vocational education and offering assistance to students in career planning and in fostering practical ability, creativity, competence, and competitiveness. The study recommends the implementing procedures and outlines a service blueprint to promote the industrial institute project. It investigates the relation between the design of procedure, customer service shortages, and service failures. From the interviews of four experts, we can diagnose the completeness of administrative procedures, foresee and bridge the gap between plan and policy implementation. In this study, data analysis process includes coding, classification, and compiling and synthesizing related information from interview transcripts.
This study observes and examines causes of the gap between industry and academia to redesign a service blueprint. Discoveries in this study can be used to assess the achievement of the industrial institute project, induce a customer-oriented scheme, and provide reference for the platform for cooperation between industry and the government. Therefore, it helps the improvement of the industrial institute project in the future.

目  錄 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景 1 第二節 研究目的 2 第三節 研究範圍 3 第四節 研究流程 4 第二章 文獻探討 5 第一節 服務品質之特性 5 第二節 PZB服務評估模式 6 第三節 服務藍圖 8 第四節 質性研究 8 第五節 紮根理論 10 第三章 研究設計 11 第一節 研究主題:產業學院計畫 11 第二節 產業學院計畫作業流程 14 第三節 研究架構 17 第四章 文本分析 19 第一節 資料蒐集與分析 19 第二節 計畫 23 第三節 人才培育 23 第四節 課程規劃 24 第五節 合作機制及責任 26 第六節 產業環境 27 第七節 績效 28 第八節 研究發現 30 第五章 結論與建議 36 第一節 結論 36 第二節 建議 38 附錄、逐字稿概念化結果 40 附錄表1、20130925訪談逐字稿概念化之結果 40 附錄表2、20131016訪談逐字稿概念化之結果 54 附錄表3、20131030訪談逐字稿概念化之結果 62 參考文獻 70

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