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Author: 黃美蘭
Mei-lan Huang
Thesis Title: 通路霸權與獲利能力的兩難
A Dilemma Between Channel Negotiation Power and Profitability
Advisor: 周子銓
Tzu-Chuan Chou
Committee: 李國光
Degree: 碩士
Department: 管理學院 - 管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Management
Thesis Publication Year: 2013
Graduation Academic Year: 101
Language: 中文
Pages: 59
Keywords (in Chinese): 通路霸權通路衝突消費者洞悉相依關係商業生態
Keywords (in other languages): Keywords: Channel negotiation Power, consumer insight, Dependence relation and business ecosystem
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  • 個案描述供應商面臨通路商要求做深度促銷要求下,如何在銷售量及利潤間做出選擇?而台灣通路量的密度過高,通路間的競爭所引發的通路衝突,供應商如何降低通路衝突,同時也可能有合理的獲利空間呢?

    The case is description about a supplier faces a problem on a channel requested to do deeper promotion. How the supplier to make a best decision to reduce profit impaction? The retailers are competition due to retailer density is very high in Taiwan and channel conflict is always happened. Supplier needs to think how to reduce the channel conflict and then get an acceptable profit.
    Channel power is stronger for many years, because distribution is a key to drive sales and brand exposure. This is why the trade expense was increased more and more by retailers. How supplier to get enough profit under product cost and trade expense was increased? Wal-Mart is biggest retailer in US, the supplier who support Wal-Mart has been went out of business because they cannot get enough profit from Wal-Mart. We should to think about this case, if we follow it, how many suppliers will be faced same situation. How the supplier to do to get profit to continue running business?
    What is a relationship between channel and supplier? They should be relied on each other. How do supplier’s strategy to reduce the channel conflict because they are facing the competitive among retailers. How to use the consumer insight on marketing strategy and channel decision? Through the brand power and channel power to make the profitable eco-business system and best product value to consumers.

    目錄 摘要I ABSTRACTII 目錄VI 表目錄VII 圖目錄VIII 壹、個案本文1 一、序場1 二、個案公司簡介1 三、家用清潔用品市場分析3 四、通路概況5 五、商討對策7 六、破盤的衝突9 七、深度促銷的決策10 八、消費者型態改變11 九、通路談判權力11 十、其他供應商的因應對策14 十一、通路間價格競爭是否正確?15 十二、尋找出通路關鍵經營模式16 十三、附件17 貳、教學指引29 一、個案總覽29 二、教學目標與適用課程31 三、學員課前討論問題33 四、個案背景34 五、個案分析34 六、教學項目37 七、教學建議48 八、板書規劃50 九、板書51 參、中文參考文獻56 肆、英文參考文獻58

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