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研究生: 謝政甫
Cheng-Fu Hsieh
論文名稱: 基於模糊法之感應電動機故障診斷與狀態監測系統
Fuzzy-based Fault Diagnosis and Condition Monitoring System for Induction Motors
指導教授: 張宏展
Hong-Chan Chang
口試委員: 吳瑞南
Ruay-Nan Wu
Cheng-Chien Kuo
Hong-Cheng Chen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電機工程系
Department of Electrical Engineering
論文出版年: 2016
畢業學年度: 104
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 91
中文關鍵詞: 電氣分析法振動分析法模糊演算法故障診斷狀態監測
外文關鍵詞: Electrical Signal Analysis, Vibration Analysis Method, Fuzzy Algorithm, Fault Diagnosis, Condition Monitoring
相關次數: 點閱:310下載:2
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In terms of the maintenance work for keeping normal operation of electrical equipments, the maintenance work was implemented after the equipment was in trouble in early stages, but this maintenance mode was likely to cause heavy direct and indirect economic losses. Therefore, the maintenance work was changed to periodic maintenance. The periodic maintenance is effective on reducing accidents and finding equipment defects to some extent, but the actual insulation or operating condition of equipment cannot be predicted, there may be excessive maintenance, wasting manpower and material resources. Therefore, the latest international development trend aims at the technology and study of electrical equipment fault diagnosis and on-line condition monitoring, hoping to upgrade the equipment maintenance levels and prevent sudden accidents.

This study aims to develop a fuzzy-based induction motor fault diagnosis and condition monitoring system. First, the electrical and vibration signals of motor are measured by using electrical analysis and vibration analysis methods. Secondly, the electrical indexes of international specifications are calculated and the vibrating shaft trajectory pattern is recorded. The feature values are extracted by index fitness evaluation and fractal theory then design the fuzzy-based fault diagnosis and condition monitoring system to evaluate the probability of various types of motor faults and the motor operating state level. Finally, the feasibility is evaluated by using health and common motor (stator, rotor, bearing and eccentric) fault defect models and simulation cases.

目錄 中文摘要 I Abstract II 誌 謝 III 目錄 IV 圖目錄 VII 表目錄 X 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 研究背景與動機 1 1.2 研究方法 2 1.3 章節概要 5 第二章 馬達故障檢測背景及方法論介紹 7 2.1 馬達訊號檢測法 7 2.1.1 電氣訊號檢測法 7 2.1.2 振動訊號檢測法 10 2.2 馬達常見故障種類 11 2.2.1 定子線圈匝間短路 11 2.2.2 轉子斷條 12 2.2.3 軸承損傷 14 2.2.4 對中故障 15 2.3 實驗模型建立 16 2.4 分形理論介紹 19 2.4.1 分形維數 20 2.4.2 間隙度 21 2.5 模糊理論介紹 23 2.5.1 模糊化 24 2.5.2 模糊規則庫 26 2.5.3 模糊推論引擎 27 2.5.4 解模糊化 29 第三章 感應電動機故障診斷系統 31 3.1 電氣指標介紹 31 3.1.1 電壓不平衡 31 3.1.2 電流不平衡 34 3.1.3 諧波失真 35 3.1.4 電壓偏差率 39 3.1.5 電流偏差率 40 3.2 電氣指標適切性評估 41 3.3 基於電氣分析法之故障診斷系統設計 44 3.3.1 歸屬函數設定 46 3.3.2 權重設定 47 3.3.3 模糊規則設定 48 3.4 混合振動及電氣分析法之故障診斷系統設計 50 3.4.1 第一階段振動分析法之診斷系統 51 3.4.2 第二階段電氣分析法之診斷系統 56 第四章 感應電動機運轉狀態監測系統 59 4.1 運轉狀態監測系統架構 59 4.2 指標門檻值設定 60 4.3 運轉狀態監測之模糊推理系統 62 4.3.1 歸屬函數設定 62 4.3.2 模糊規則設定 64 4.4 人機介面設計 65 第五章 實驗分析與驗證 71 5.1 故障診斷實驗結果 71 5.1.1 基於電氣分析法之故障診斷系統 71 5.1.2 混合振動及電氣分析法之故障診斷系統 75 5.1.3 小結 81 5.2 運轉狀態評估模擬結果 82 第六章 結論與未來展望 85 6.1 結論 85 6.2 未來展望 86 參考文獻 87

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