Author: |
江秉叡 Ping-Jui Chiang |
Thesis Title: |
合作學習教學輔助系統開發設計之研究 Design and Development of Cooperative Learning Teaching-Aided Software System |
Advisor: |
Sun-Jen Huang |
Committee: |
Hsi-Peng Lu 鄒仁淳 Jen-Chuen Tzou |
Degree: |
碩士 Master |
Department: |
管理學院 - 資訊管理系 Department of Information Management |
Thesis Publication Year: | 2020 |
Graduation Academic Year: | 108 |
Language: | 中文 |
Pages: | 89 |
Keywords (in Chinese): | 問題導向教學法 、合作學習 、智能代理 、聊天機器人 、學習成效 |
Keywords (in other languages): | PBL, Effectiveness of Teaching |
Reference times: | Clicks: 641 Downloads: 0 |
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近年來陸續有研究指出,嚴謹的問題導向教學法課程在高等教育中,教學效果方面呈現出優於傳統教學的效果,是改進學生學習方式與勝任進階課程的重要方法。但是目前在亞洲實施問題導向教學法的合作學習時發現,由於亞洲學生的沉默寡言的個性與合作學習所強調的open communication style是相反的,導致在實施問題導向教學法合作學習時遇到很大的困難,此外,亞洲學生由於不習慣問題討論、合作學習的框架也導致學生在合作學習過程當中的參與率降低。
In recent years, studies have pointed out that the rigorous Problem-Based Learning teaching method is superior to the Subject-Based Learning teaching method in teaching effect, which is an important way to improve students’ effectiveness of learning.
However, it is founded that the uncommunicative personality of Asian students is contrary to the open communication style which emphasized by cooperative learning, and some culture factors of Asia lead to some problem while implementing Problem-Based Learning in Asia.
Other studies found that the intelligent agent has the ability to guide the situation and can avoid direct interaction with people, which helps to improve the user's interactive participation. Therefore, this study first uses the key elements of cooperative learning to analyze the problems encountered by scholars during implementing cooperative learning in course, after designing the solution through literature review, based on the construction architecture of intelligent agent, the study proposed an architecture and guidelines for developing an teaching aid system which can enhance the effectiveness of cooperative learning.
The results found that, through the teaching aid system proposed by this study, students have a greater motive to seek solutions to problems and show more positive attitude than usual in course. After the course, the class average of test score also increased from 71.1 to 81.5, this proves that the teaching aid system and course design proposed by this study can help to improve the effectiveness of cooperative learning.
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