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研究生: 張智超
Zhi-Chao Zhang
論文名稱: 筆電裝置之行動通訊與無線網路天線設計
LTE and WLAN Antenna Designs for Notebooks
指導教授: 廖文照
Wen-Jiao Liao
口試委員: 廖文照
Wen-Jiao Liao
Tzyh-Ghuang Ma
Ding-Bing Lin
Huy Nam Chu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電機工程系
Department of Electrical Engineering
論文出版年: 2019
畢業學年度: 107
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 91
中文關鍵詞: 頻率可重置天線 頻率可重置天線行動裝置天線長期演進技術無線區域網路
外文關鍵詞: frequency reconfigurable antenna
相關次數: 點閱:393下載:0
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本論文第一部份提出一款置於二合一翻轉式觸控筆電轉軸內部且操作在無線區域網路頻段(Wireless LAN, WLAN)的雙頻天線設計。其架構採用雙端開槽孔。為了在有限空間創造出兩分明之共振模態,槽孔使用細線與高頻之尾端加大開口兩種技巧,使此天線可以達到包覆雙頻全頻段的需求。該設計不僅在筆電模式與平板模式下表現良好,亦為全平面設計,能夠降低製作成本,符合應用於二合一翻轉式觸控筆電轉軸內部的需求。
第二個設計為置於筆電螢幕上方之頻率可重置天線,操作頻段為行動通訊的長期演進技術(Long Term Evolution, LTE)全頻段,此天線頻率可重置原理為在IFA天線末端加上金屬片,並以二極體切換方式改變天線尾端電容負載值,來達成頻率可重置之設計。論文中提出三款不同尺寸之天線,第一款是尺寸為66.5 mm × 15 mm × 0.8 mm之平面式天線,其優勢為0.8 mm的厚度;第二款為65 mm×7 mm×6 mm之立體式天線,其優勢為較小之長度與較小的寬度,並且包涵LTE全頻帶;第三款為70 mm×7 mm×3 mm的天線,其優勢為高度只有3 mm。經實做及量測驗證,每隻天線在效能表現與縮小化的部分各有其特色。

Owing to the prosperity of the wireless communication industry, various mobile devices have been developed. Pervasive connection to the Internet at all-time has become a norm-throughput. In addition to the higher in wireless transmission, consumers also prefer sleek and light weight product. Increased connection requirements and configuration narrow border for high-end laptop models also make the design task more challenging.
The first part proposes a dual-band WLAN antenna design that is placed inside the hinge area of a 2-in-1 convertible-type notebook. In order to create two resonant modes in a limited antenna space, the antenna uses two open-ended slots to cover WLAN 2.45/5 GHz bands. Two techniques including the use of a thin wire and a broadened slot opening are adopted. This design performs well in both notebook and tablet modes. It’s implemented on a single-sided printed circuit board, which can reduce the manufacturing cost.
The second design is a frequency-reconfigurable antenna placed on the top edge of laptop screen. The operating bands comply with the long term evolution (LTE) needs for mobile communication. The principle feature of the reconfigurable antenna is adding metal patchs at the end of the IFA antenna. The diodes are connected to the patches and can be used to change the capacitive loading values. Three different antenna design of different sizes are proposed. The first one is a 66.5 mm × 15 mm × 0.8 mm planar thickness; the second design sizes are 65 mm × 7 mm × 6 mm, which has the advantages of a smaller length and a smaller width. It provides comprehensive LTE band coverage; the third one dimensions are 70 mm × 7 mm × 3 mm. The antenna height is reduced to merely 3 mm.

摘要 x 目錄 xiii 圖目錄 xv 表目錄 xx 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 研究背景 1 1.2.論文組織 2 第二章 應用於筆電轉軸內部之WLAN雙頻天線設計3 2.1 前言 3 2.2 二合一翻轉式筆電中的天線環境 6 2.3 WLAN雙端開口槽孔之天線結構 10 2.4 平板模式天線特性 11 2.5 筆電模式天線特性 15 2.6 天線參數分析 20 2.7 實作天線於筆電轉軸內的量測結果 27 2.8 小結 35 第三章 應用於筆電之頻率可重置LTE天線設計 36 3.1前言 36 3.2 平面式頻率可重置天線設計 37 3.3 天線尾端負載電容對於頻率之影響 39 3.4 改變天線尾端電容負載的頻率重置方法 44 3.5 二極體偏壓電路設計與等效模型 48 3.6 平面式頻率可重置天線模擬結果 51 3.7 平面式頻率可重置天線實作與實測 54 3.8 立體式頻率可重置天線設計 59 3.9 低姿態立體式頻率可重置天線 73 3.10 LTE頻段頻率可重置天線特性比較 81 3.11 小結 82 第四章 結論 83 參考文獻 84 附錄I 88 附錄II 89

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