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Author: 許勝翔
Sheng-Hsiang Hsu
Thesis Title: 基於MQTT協定架構之安全物聯網韌體更新機制
A Secure IoT Firmware Update Mechanism based on MQTT Protocol
Advisor: 羅乃維
Nai-Wei Lo
Committee: 吳宗成
Tzong-Chen Wu
Shi-Cho Cha
Degree: 碩士
Department: 管理學院 - 資訊管理系
Department of Information Management
Thesis Publication Year: 2017
Graduation Academic Year: 105
Language: 中文
Pages: 54
Keywords (in Chinese): 物聯網韌體更新身分鑑別感測裝置訊息佇列遙測傳輸
Keywords (in other languages): Internet of Things, Firmware Update, Authentication, Sensors, Message Queuing Telemetry Transport
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  • 隨著物聯網的快速發展,目前在家庭、醫院以及工廠等環境皆有可能看見被大量部署的感測裝置,藉由這些感測裝置以蒐集環境中的各種數據,我們能夠分析這些數據作後續利用。然而,這些大量部署於環境中且具有連線能力的感測裝置,已經成為有心人士的攻擊目標,雖然感測裝置製造商會定期發布新版韌體以修補漏洞,但若感測裝置之管理者疏於更新,則仍可能造成讓攻擊者造成危害。


    綜合上述,本論文發展了一套基於訊息佇列遙測傳輸(Message Queuing Telemetry Transport, MQTT)協定架構之安全物聯網韌體更新機制,以確保感測裝置製造商提供的新版韌體能夠有效率地推送至目標型號的感測裝置。另外,在協定中利用橢圓曲線迪菲-赫爾曼金鑰交換(Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange, ECDH)、數位簽章(Digital Signature)及金鑰雜湊訊息鑑別碼(Keyed-hash Message Authentication Code, HMAC)等方法,以完成裝置對裝置的身分鑑別。若韌體在推送的過程中遭人竄改,或是韌體的發布者並非原感測裝置製造商,透過本論文設計的協定皆可檢驗出來,因此確保了攻擊者所提供的惡意韌體不會被安裝於感測裝置之上。最後,本論文亦對所設計的協定進行安全性分析,驗證協定可抵擋常見的竊聽攻擊、中間人攻擊、重送攻擊、偽冒攻擊等常見手法。

    With the rapid advancements in Internet of Things (IoT), there are a lot of sensors deployed in each environment such as home, hospitals, and factories. By using these sensors, we can collect different kinds of data from the environment and analyze it later. However, these sensors which have functionality to connect Internet have become attacked targets by malicious hacker. Although the manufacturers release new version of firmware to resolve vulnerability for specific sensors, the administrator of sensors may ignore the importance of firmware update. As a result, sensors are still under threat of attacks.

    Nevertheless, the firmware update mechanism for sensors is not perfect nowadays. We must assure that a reliable method to verify the integrity and provider of firmware. Otherwise, if sensors install malicious firmware, they will be out of order or controlled by attackers to launch attacks in the future.

    To sum up, this thesis designs a secure IoT firmware update mechanism based on Message Queuing Telemetry Transport(MQTT) protocol. It assures that new version of firmware provided by manufacturers can be pushed to corresponding sensors efficiently. We use Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange(ECDH), Digital Signature, and Keyed-hash Message Authentication Code(HMAC) algorithms in the protocol to accomplish machine-to-machine authentication. If firmware is modified or provided by attackers, our proposed protocol will detect it. Consequently, we promise that malicious firmware won’t be installed on sensors. Finally, we adopt a security analysis for our protocol, and confirm that our proposed protocol can defend common attacks such as Eavesdropping Attack, Man-in-the-middle Attack, Replay Attack, and Impersonation Attack.

    摘要 I Abstract II 誌謝 III 目錄 IV 圖目錄 VI 表目錄 VII 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 研究背景 1 1.2 研究動機與目標 1 1.3 章節介紹 3 第二章 密碼學相關理論與技術 4 2.1 橢圓曲線迪菲-赫爾曼金鑰交換 4 2.2 數位簽章 5 第三章 MQTT協定 6 3.1 MQTT協定介紹 6 3.2 MQTT之控制封包結構 7 3.3 MQTT之服務品質等級 10 3.4 MQTT之保留旗標 11 3.5 MQTT之清除會談旗標 12 第四章 文獻探討 13 4.1 MQTT協定適用性 13 4.2 裝置對裝置的身分鑑別機制 14 4.3 物聯網韌體更新機制及情境 15 第五章 物聯網韌體更新協定設計 16 5.1 設計概念 16 5.2 協定角色 18 5.3 前提假設 21 5.4 修改MQTT協定 22 5.5 符號定義 23 5.6 韌體更新協定 24 5.6.1 初始化階段 24 5.6.2 訂閱階段 25 5.6.3 第一階層:製造商伺服器與訊息中繼站之通訊 26 金鑰協商階段 26 韌體推送階段 29 5.6.4 第二階層:訊息中繼站與閘道器之通訊 30 金鑰協商階段 30 韌體推送階段 33 5.6.5 第三階層:閘道器與感測裝置之通訊 34 韌體推送階段 35 第六章 安全性分析 37 6.1 竊聽攻擊之防禦 37 6.2 金鑰安全性 37 6.3 中間人攻擊之防禦 37 6.4 重送攻擊之防禦 38 6.5 偽冒攻擊之防禦 39 6.6 前向安全性 39 第七章 結論 41 參考文獻 42

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