簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 陳學宏
Hsueh-Hung Chen
論文名稱: 留離攻防-琉傳天下
Glass story
指導教授: 葉穎蓉
Ying-Jung Yeh
口試委員: 陳正綱
Cheng-Kang Chen
Chun-Hsi Chen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 企業管理系
Department of Business Administration
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 55
中文關鍵詞: 文化創意產業創業家的精神資源拼湊組織靈活性
外文關鍵詞: cultural and creative industries, entrepreneurial spirit, resource patchwork, organizational flexibility
相關次數: 點閱:615下載:3
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Due to the rapid development of aesthetic and creative economic thoughts, the cultural and creative industry has now become a trend in the newly emerging eco-nomic era. Moreover, many advanced countries regard their cultural and creative in-dustries as an important strategy for the development of the national economy. At present, the Taiwan government is also actively developing and assisting cultural and creative industries, not only including it in the national four-year plan for develop-ment and promoting six emerging industries, actively promoting auxiliary industry upgrade measures, counseling to expand industrial scale, attracting private invest-ment, and thereby increasing employment Opportunities to create another wave of industry opportunities.
The main purpose of this research is how the glaze cultural industry can create local value with relevant stakeholders through the combination of resource sharing platforms. The protagonist of the case has a master's degree in aerospace engineering from the United Kingdom. He has worked in a well-known semiconductor company in Silicon Valley in the United States. Because he loves the art of glaze, he estab-lished a glaze-making world that mainly produces glaze after returning to China. The lack of glaze production technology in the initial stage of the venture encountered many setbacks , But strongly embrace the creative ideas and dreams, give full play to the spirit of entrepreneurs, read a large number of books, find online information, watch video teaching, and refer to relevant domestic and foreign literature. Because there is insufficient information at hand, the use of resources The search for re-sources will never come to the meeting, from the meeting to the skilled, from the skilled to the innovative, and lead the management team towards creative ideas and dreams. Teacher Zhou Yuxuan started from the creation of Liuli art, to the establish-ment of a sightseeing factory, using organizational flexibility, combined with local communities to develop the tourism industry, and then to the catering-related, inno-vative approach all the way to expand market marketing and improve the company's competitiveness.
This research is conducted in the form of a Harvard case study. It explores how the case company invested in the completely unfamiliar glaze cultural and creative industry from the original semiconductor industry, how to realize the entrepreneurial spirit, and use resources to piece together to achieve the purpose of entrepreneurship. Strategic cooperation, development and innovation of the business model that will open the door to achieve the goal of enterprise transformation; look forward to learning from this case, for the use of professionals in heterogeneous industries and generalists to explore the organizational flexibility of the mutual use of resources.
Keywords: cultural and creative industries, entrepreneurial spirit, resource patchwork, organizational flexibility

目次 壹、個案本文 1 一、序場 –琉傳天下觀光工廠 1 二、關於台灣琉璃產業 2 三、琉傳天下觀光工廠概述 3 (一) 初創期─接觸琉璃工藝(2004–2005) 3 (二) 過渡期─技術的衝擊(2005–2007) 4 (三) 穩定期─入駐國立傳統藝術中心(2007–2012) 4 四、琉傳天下的競爭優勢 10 五、在地資源結合、整合與創新發展觀光 11 六、琉傳天下的五力分析 16 七、附錄 21 貳、個案討論 24 一、個案總覽 24 二、教學目標與適用課程 24 三、學生課前討論問題 27 四、個案人物背景 28 五、個案分析 28 六、課程結論 43 七、教學建議 44 八、板書規劃 48 參、參考文獻 52 一、中文部分 52 二、英文部分 53 三、網站部分 54 表目錄 表 2 1台灣玻璃發展史 2 表 3 1琉傳天下品牌特色 5 表 3 2琉璃製作技法 6 表 7 1琉傳天下大事記 21 表 8 1教學目標 25 表 8 2適用課程 26 表 8 3人物介紹 28 表 8 4創業家定義 34 表 8 5創業家精神 35 表 8 6拼湊理論定義描述 39 表 9 1課程目標一 44 表 9 2課程目標二 45 表 9 3課程目標三 46 表 9 4課程目標四 46 圖目錄 圖 3 1材料使用 7 圖 3 2琉璃的知識介紹及製程參觀 8 圖 3 3彈珠遊戲 8 圖 3 4琉璃DIY 9 圖 3 5琉璃成品展示 9 圖 3 6咖啡屋 9 圖 4 1琉璃成品展示 10 圖 5 1淡水文化古蹟 12 圖 5 2麗萊登植物工場 13 圖 5 3紫藤咖啡園 13 圖 5 4淡水忠寮市民農園 13 圖 5 5北新有機農場 14 圖 5 6草堂花譜濕地生態敎育站 14 圖 5 7羅媽媽有機農場 15 圖 5 8石牆仔內 15 圖 6 1琉傳天下的五力分析 16 圖 7 1琉傳天下logo 23 圖 8 1教學目標層次圖 資料來源:本研究整理 25 圖 8 2個案策略思維圖 29 圖 8 3淡水滬尾休閒農業區共享平台概念圖 32 圖 8 4產業層次(industry level)」的共創關係圖 33 圖 8 5琉璃天下資源拼湊的模式 40 圖 8 6琉傳天下的價值共創模式 41 圖 9 1琉傳天下文化創意產業模式 48 圖 9 2創業家精神 49 圖 9 3資源拼湊 50 圖 9 4組織靈巧性 51

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