研究生: |
蔡文亭 Wen-Ting Tsai |
論文名稱: |
立體擴增環境下使用者操作3D水平選單之績效研究 User performance in operating the stereoscopic Menus in augmented reality |
指導教授: |
Chiuh-Siang Lin |
口試委員: |
Bernard Jiang 梁曉帆 Sheau-Farn Liang |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
管理學院 - 工業管理系 Department of Industrial Management |
論文出版年: | 2019 |
畢業學年度: | 107 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 61 |
中文關鍵詞: | 擴增實境 、立體實境 、選單操作 、使用者表現績效 |
外文關鍵詞: | augmented reality, stereoscopic reality, menu operation, the performance of user |
相關次數: | 點閱:556 下載:2 |
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顯示環境主要利用人眼知覺 3D 影像之單眼及雙眼線索進行設計,而其中影響立體視覺最主要來自單眼影像之視覺影像融合,本研究利用負像差之原理將選單呈現在3D電視螢幕及人眼之間。互動方式則仿擴增實境常使用之手勢追蹤輸入方法,利用Leap手勢追蹤裝置監測食指指尖之座標及移動方向,模擬真實環境按壓按鈕的情境;任務困難度由改變按鈕尺寸及距離進行調整。
In view of the 3D technologies such as AR and VR getting popular, but there are still no consistent design principles, thus this study reviews the current research in stereoscopic reality and sorts out several factors: the design of display, interaction and the difficulties of task.Menus are important in system operation, and often be operated via pointing. Since gesture tracking as input method commonly found in the augmented reality, here we used the Leap Motion to track user’s hands and fingers to operate the system, try to simulate how users press the button in the real environment.
This study controls the display environment, interaction mode, and the level of task difficulty to understand users’ performance. People use the monocular and binocular cues to detect the 3D images, but for the stereoscopic images are formed by the visual fusion from each eye. Here we compare negative parallax and zero parallax which belong to different display environments, and with cursors or without cursors in different interaction mode and different task difficulty.
The results show that the most important factor affecting the performance comes from the size of the menu button and the distance between the buttons. As the button size is larger and the distance between the buttons is shorter, the movement time will decrease, and the error rate will decrease, too. In cursor-assisted condition, user can measure the distance effectively, so the error rate reduced. And since the human will percept the distance incorrectly, the condition of smaller negative parallax is better. In addition, the button position affects user performance, for the center button, it has the lowest error rate. The results can be applied to design the stereoscopic menu in peripersonal space.
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