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研究生: 蔡振乾
Chen-chien Tsai
論文名稱: 史帝文生型六連桿機構之分支判別與運動範圍分析
Branch Identification and Motion Domain Analysis of Stephenson Type Six-bar Linkages
指導教授: 王勵群
Li-Chun T. Wang
口試委員: 蔡穎堅
Hsu, Cheng-Ho
Chen, Dar-Zen
Shyh-Chin Huang
Geo-Ry Tang
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 機械工程系
Department of Mechanical Engineering
論文出版年: 2006
畢業學年度: 94
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 172
中文關鍵詞: 史帝文生分支分支構型迴圈死點位置死點構型運動範圍史塔定理史塔函數
外文關鍵詞: Stephenson, branch, branch configuration, circuit, dead-center position, dead-center configuration, stationary configuration, Sturm theorem, Sturm function
相關次數: 點閱:389下載:21
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本文針對史帝文生型平面六連桿機構之死點位置、分支與運動範圍之判斷準則與分析方法進行研究。於文中首先提出一套死點構型之解析分析方法,此方法係以連桿機構之輸入與輸出多項式(Input-Output Polynomial Equation,IOPE)之特性為基礎,配合史塔定理(Sturm Theorem)中的史塔函數(Sturm Function)之應用,導出死點位置之必要條件式為一僅含輸入變數之高次多項式。同時並提出一簡單的解析法以排除例外之狀況。由於此方法不受限於輸入接頭的選擇,且無需推導死點構型的特殊幾何條件,因此除史帝文生型六連桿機構之外,亦可泛用於其它各種平面或空間單自由度多迴路機構之死點位置分析。


This dissertation deals with the branch identification and motion domain analysis of Stephenson type six-bar linkages. Firstly, a new method for analyzing the dead-center positions of such linkages is presented. This method uses the input-output polynomial equation (IOPE) of the linkage and the corresponding Sturm functions to formulate the necessary condition of the dead-center configurations as a polynomial equation in terms of the input parameter only. A simple analytical method for identifying the true dead-center positions among the real solutions to the condition equation is also developed. This method is conceptually straightforward and does not rely on any structure-related geometric conditions; therefore, it can be systematically applied to all types of Stephenson linkages and other multiple-loop, single degree-of-freedom linkages regardless of the selections of the input-output pair and the type of the joints.

Secondly, a systematic approach for identifying the branches of the linkage and their motion domains is presented. In this approach, the dead-center positions are first classified into two groups as the upper dead-center positions and the lower dead-center positions based on the application of the Sturm theorem to the IOPE. In addition, a unified methodology to attribute the branches and the dead-center positions is developed for determining the motion domains and the circuits of the linkage for the case where the input joint is chosen within the four-bar chain. The results of this analysis are then applied to identify the motion domains of the more complicate case where the input joint is selected to be one of the uncoupled joints within the five-bar chain. Finally, several numerical examples are presented to verify and demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed methods.

中文摘要 英文摘要 誌 謝 符號索引 圖表索引 第一章 緒論 第二章 機構之分支、迴圈與運動範圍特性之介紹 2.1 分支構型 2.2 運動範圍與死點位置的分類 2.3 分支屬性 2.4 子分支特性 2.5 分支迴圈圖 第三章 史帝文生型機構之位移分析 3.1史帝文生III型機構SIII3,1之位移分析 3.2史帝文生III型機構SIII3,6之IOPE推導 3.3轉置後之史帝文生II型機構SII1,2之位移分析 3.4具兩滑動桿件之史帝文生II型機構SII1,p的位移分析 第四章 史塔定理 4.1史帝文生II型機構SIII3,1之死點位置分析 4.2史帝文生III型機構SIII3,6之死點位置分析 4.3轉置後之史帝文生II型機構SII1,2與SII1,p之死點位置分析 第五章 輸入接頭於四連桿迴路之史帝文生型機構之分支構型分析 5.1死點位置之類型與特性 5.2分支構型之分析 第六章 輸入接頭於五連桿迴路之史帝文生型機構之分支構型分析 第七章 數值範例 第八章 結論與建議 參考文獻 附錄A史帝文生型機構之位移分析之係數 附錄B史塔函數之各項係數展開式 附錄C死點位置對應限制相關公式之係數展開式 附錄D空間四連桿機構之分支分析實例 作者簡介

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