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研究生: 黃晉岳
Jim-Yuh Huang
論文名稱: 運用混合式公司治理決策模型強化金融控股公司永續經營
Corporate Governance of Financial Holding Companies for Boosting Business Sustainability by Using a Hybrid Decision-Making Model
指導教授: 謝劍平
Joseph C.P. Shieh
口試委員: 曾國雄
Gwo-Hshiung Tzeng
Chun-Nan Chen
Kao-Yi Shen
Joseph C.P. Shieh
James J.H.Liou
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Management
論文出版年: 2019
畢業學年度: 107
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 80
中文關鍵詞: 公司治理公司永續經營多準則決策分析模型決策實驗室分析法結合決策實驗室分析法的網路層級分析法模糊理論
外文關鍵詞: corporate governance, business sustainability, multiple criteria decision-making (MCDM), decision-making trial and evaluation laboratory (DEMATEL, VIKOR; DEMATEL-based analytical network process (DANP), fuzzy set theory
相關次數: 點閱:491下載:10
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本研究試圖改進自2014年以來台灣證券交易所(TWSE)建立的公司治理評鑑系統(CGES),目前的CGES在其複雜的設計中存在一些爭議性問題(例如,它包括80多個指標分屬於不同類型) ,為了解決這些問題,本研究邀請了10名資深領域專家從CGES的四個構面中萃取13個基本準則,專家們都曾在銀行或金融領域服務超過30年,有些專家來自學術界和政府部門,還有一些則是金融控股公司的執行長。此外,本研究還整合了多準則決策分析(MCDM)模型(例如:決策實驗室分析法(DEMATEL),層級分析法(AHP),修正的VIKOR,結合DEMATEL的網路層級分析法(DANP))以及模糊評價技術來對挑選的實證公司進行公司治理排名。最終排名結果與2017年CGES公布的版本呈現完全一致的情況ㄌ。

Although the importance of corporate governance has been widely recognized in global financial markets and academic research, how to design a practical evaluation system has not been relatively developed. This paper attempts to improve the Corporate Governance Evaluation System (CGES) established by the Taiwan Stock Exchange (TWSE) since 2014. The current CGES has some controversial issues in its complex design (for example, it includes more than 80 indicators in different types). In order to solve these problems, this study invited 10 senior domain experts to extract 13 basic criteria from the CGES in four dimensions. They have served in the banking or financial field for more than 30 years, some experts come from academia and government departments and others are CEOs of financial holding companies. In addition, the study also integrates multiple criteria decision-making (MCDM) methods (i.e., decision-making trial and evaluation laboratory (DEMATEL), analytic hierarchy process (AHP), modified VIKOR, DEMATEL-based analytical network process (DANP)) and the fuzzy evaluation technique to rank the exemplary companies. The final ranking is consistent with the 2017 CGES release. Additional evidence was provided in this study to ensure the robustness of the results. The newly designed model not only helps in ranking decisions, but also supports companies to explore viable action plans to strengthen analytics-based corporate governance. These empirical results enhance the understanding of corporate governance and help achieve sustainable business of financial holding companies.

Content 中文摘要 I ABSTRACT II Acknowledgements III List of figures VII List of tables VIII Chapter I Introduction 1 Chapter II Literature Review 8 2.1. Mainstream Research Topics of Corporate Governance Covered in The CGES 8 2.2. Impacts of Corporate Governance to Financial Institutions 12 2.3. MCDM Methods Adopted in This Corporate Governance Evaluation Model 13 Chapter III Combined VIKOR-DANP Decision-Making Model for Corporate Governance Evaluation 15 3.2. DEMATEL Technique and DEMATEL-Based ANP (DANP) Method 17 3.3. Modified VIKOR Method for Aggregating Performance Scores 20 3.4. The Advantages and Weaknesses of the Combined DEMATEL-Based ANP and Modified VIKOR 22 Chapter IV Empirical Case Study for Evaluating Five Financial Holding Companies in Taiwan… 24 4.1. Framework and the Latest Developments of Corporate Governance Evaluation System (CGES) 24 4.2. Data Description 24 4.3. Select critical criteria by the Delphi method 26 4.4. Forming a hybrid model by the DEMATEL technique and the DANP method 31 4.5. Integrating DANP influential weights and modified-VIKOR for performance ranking 33 Chapter V Result and Discussions 38 Chapter VI Concluding Remarks and Future Research Direction 42 Appendix A (Indicators of CGES) 44 Appendix B (DEMATEL and DANP Calculations) 53 Appendix C (Crisp and Fuzzy Semantic Evaluations of the Five Companies) 55 References 60

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