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研究生: 劉詩瑜
Shih-Yu Liu
論文名稱: 遊戲化元素激勵青少年閱讀行為、動機與滿意度之研究 —以閱讀平台為例
Gamification Elements for Enhancing Adolesence in Reading Behavior, Motivation and Satisfaction- A Case of a Reading Platform
指導教授: 董芳武
Fang-Wu Tung
口試委員: 王則眾
Che-Chung Wang
Hsien-Hui Tang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學院 - 設計系
Department of Design
論文出版年: 2019
畢業學年度: 107
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 119
中文關鍵詞: 遊戲化元素青少年閱讀行為動機滿意度趣味感知
外文關鍵詞: Gamification Elements, Adolesence, Reading Behavior, Motivation, Satisfaction, Fun
相關次數: 點閱:325下載:0
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With the popularity of the Internet, the main channel for young people to obtain information comes from the Internet. However, the internet algorithm leads people to access information according to their preferences, resulting in unbalanced reading problems, particularly in teenagers. It is important for teenagers to maintain balanced reading behaviors. Thus, this study uses gamification elements as an incentive to encourage teenagers to read a wide range of articles and cultivate reading habits via the internet. A reading platform was to developed to investigate the impact of gamification design on teenagers’ reading behavior, motivation and satisfaction. Three gamification elements, leaderboard, badge, and avatar, were adopted to design the reading platform and the effects of the three gamification elements were further explored.
This study designed four reading platform as experimental models, includes three gamification elements experimental conditions and a non-gaming experimental condition as a control group. This study recruited 154 subjects to participated in the study. Statistical analysis was performed to analyze the background data and questionnaire data. The results of data analysis indicate that: (1) The use of gamification elements has significant effects on reading time. The gamification design can enable adolescents to be more focused and subjects would read additional articles in the avatar and leaderboard conditions. (2) Gamification design has a significant effect on extrinsic goal orientation and task value, and the avatar is the most powerful mechanic to enhancing extrinsic motivation. (3) Gamification design has a significant effect on satisfaction. (4) Gamification design is rated more fun than non-gamification design for the reading platform. The gamification design can promote the reading habits of teenagers, and the avatar and leaderboard received higher evaluation in satisfaction and feedback.

摘要 i 目錄 v 圖目錄 viii 表目錄 x 第一章、緒論 1 1.1 研究背景與動機 1 1.2 研究目的 4 1.3 研究流程 5 第二章、文獻探討 8 2.1 遊戲化之定義 8 2.1.1 遊戲化元素與機制 9 2.1.2 遊戲化應用之案例 13 2.2 網路學習之特點 25 2.3 閱讀行為之定義 25 2.4 閱讀動機之定義 26 2.4.1 閱讀動機量表 27 2.5 滿意度之定義 29 2.6 獎勵機制與趣味感知 30 2.7 小結 33 第三章、研究方法 37 3.1 研究架構 37 3.2 研究假設及問題 38 3.3 研究方法 39 3.4 實驗設計 40 3.4.1 實驗之模型設計 40 3.4.2 介面機制 43 3.4.3 實驗量測 46 3.5 前導性測驗 49 第四章、實驗結果分析 50 4.1 實驗流程 50 4.2 實驗對象 51 4.3 實驗結果分析 53 4.3.1 閱讀行為結果與分析 54 閱讀時間之分析 54 閱讀數量之分析 56 閱讀廣度之分析 57 閱讀測驗行為之分析 58 其他閱讀行為之分析 61 4.3.2 閱讀動機結果與分析 64閱讀動機之信度分析 64 閱讀動機之差異檢定 65 4.3.3 滿意度結果與分析 69 滿意度之信度分析 69 滿意度之差異檢定 69 4.3.4 趣味感知結果分析 72 4.3.5 評價與感想結果分析 74 4.4 研究假設驗證和問題探討 81 第五章、結論與建議 85 5.1 研究結論 85 5.1.1 遊戲化設計對於閱讀行為中閱讀時間和廣度有顯著影響 86 5.1.2 遊戲化設計對於閱讀動機中外在目標導向與任務價值有顯著影響 88 5.1.3 遊戲化設計對於滿意度有顯著影響 90 5.1.4 不同遊戲化元素設計在閱讀平台上的趣味感知與評價 90 5.2 研究建議 93 5.2.1 設計應用建議 93 5.2.2 後續研究建議 95 參考文獻 97 中文文獻 97 英文文獻 98 網路文獻 103 附錄一、線上實驗問卷 104

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