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研究生: 謝東榮
論文名稱: 電競顯示器產業之研發策略-以個案公司為例
Research and Development Strategies for the Gaming Display Industry-A Case Study of T Company
指導教授: 袁建中
Chien-Chung Yuan
Chih-Wei Lu
口試委員: 耿筠
Yun Ken
Chien-Chung Yuan
Chih-Wei Lu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 高階科技研發碩士學位學程
Executive Master of Research and Development
論文出版年: 2022
畢業學年度: 110
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 120
中文關鍵詞: 電競顯示器利基市場差異化聚焦策略研發策略技術藍圖
外文關鍵詞: gaming display, niche market differentiation focus strategy, R&D strategy technology roadmap
相關次數: 點閱:379下載:0
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The rapid development of display technology comes mainly from the needs of human life. Since humans need to use their eyes to see things, displays will be one of the closest products to consumers in the future and will always be there. The traditional displays produced by case companies are mainly used in personal computers for word processing and internet search. However, as laptops and tablets become more popular, the demand for traditional displays is slowing down or even declining. Due to the large proportion of production in traditional displays, case companies have to seek for more different applications and new product development to increase sales and turnover.
In terms of research methodology, a qualitative analysis is used to first review the development, evolution, mainstream technology, and industry chain of the entire display technology to illustrate the development overview and market trend of the entire display. Then, we analyze the different hardware requirements and development trends of gaming displays and compile them into key factors of gaming displays. In terms of R&D strategy, strategic analysis tools such as PEST analysis, five forces analysis, SWOT analysis, etc. are used. Evaluate the various strengths, weaknesses, and external opportunities and threats of the internal and external environment of the company. Finally, we identified the "niche market differentiation focus strategy" adopted by the case company.
Through this study, the case company decided to adopt the "niche market differentiation focus strategy" and the key technology of gaming display products, and chose to launch innovative and unique gaming display to achieve the goal of increasing the sales volume and turnover of the case company. By reviewing and updating the R&D strategy and technology blueprint every year, we are able to respond to the rapidly changing market conditions.

摘 要 I Abstract II 誌 謝 III 目錄 IV 表目錄 VIII 圖目錄 IX 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 研究動機 1 1.2 研究目的 2 1.3 研究範圍 2 1.4 研究流程 2 第二章 文獻探討暨產業分析 4 2.1 顯示器之技術發展 4 2.2 液晶顯示器之演進 8 2.3 顯示器之主流顯示技術 11 2.4 顯示器產業鏈 12 2.5 顯示器產業發展趨勢 13 2.6 顯示器市場發展趨勢 17 2.7 電競顯示器產業的發展歷程 24 2.7.1 高更新率的硬需求 24 2.7.2 強調反應速度 24 2.7.3 自行適應同步與防止畫面撕裂技術 25 2.7.4 融合曲面螢幕元素 25 2.7.5 電競顯示器品牌出貨排名 25 2.7.6 遊戲玩家的需求 26 2.8 電競顯示器面板特性 27 2.8.1 TN液晶面板之特性 28 2.8.2 VA液晶面板之特性 28 2.8.3 IPS液晶面板之特性 29 2.8.4 Mini LED &OLED &Micro LED面板之特性 30 2.9 電競顯示器之主流規格 32 2.9.1 解析度 33 2.9.2 螢幕尺寸 34 2.9.3 更新率 35 2.9.4 反應速度 36 2.9.5 平面/曲面螢幕的電競顯示器 37 2.9.6 自行適應同步技術 38 2.10 小結:電競顯示器關鍵技術因素 39 2.11 策略分析工具 40 2.11.1 PEST分析 41 2.11.2 波特五力分析 41 2.11.3 產品生命週期 43 2.11.4 BCG矩陣 46 2.11.5 SWOT策略分析 48 2.11.6 T-Plan 技術策略藍圖 49 第三章 研究方法 51 3.1 研究方法 51 3.2 研究架構 53 第四章 個案公司研發策略分析 55 4.1 個案公司介紹 55 4.1.1 發展歷程 55 4.1.2 經營理念 56 4.1.3 營運策略 57 4.1.4 市場地位 58 4.1.5 核心競爭力 59 4.2 外部環境與產業競爭力分析 59 4.2.1 PEST外在宏觀環境之分析 60 4.2.2 五力分析(產業競爭分析) 63 4.3 內部環境與競爭力分析 68 4.3.1 內部競爭力分析 68 4.3.2 產品生命週期 69 4.3.3 波士頓BCG矩陣產品組合分析 71 4.4 公司研發營運政策 73 4.4.1 SWOT分析 75 4.4.2 短期研發營運策略 79 4.4.3 中、長期研發營運策略 87 4.4.4 研發策略技術藍圖 95 4.4.5 組織資源之安排 96 第五章 結論與建議 100 5.1 研究結論 100 5.2 後續研究方向建議 102 參考文獻 103

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