簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 吳韋霆
Wei-ting Wu
論文名稱: 專利訴訟案件與專利指標關聯性研究
The Study of The Relative of Patent Litigation and Patent Index
指導教授: 蔡鴻文
Hung-Wen Tsai
口試委員: 蘇威年
Wei-Nien Su
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 應用科技學院 - 專利研究所
Graduate Institute of Patent
論文出版年: 2014
畢業學年度: 102
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 74
中文關鍵詞: 專利管理專利評價專利訴訟專利指標價值專利
外文關鍵詞: Patent Evaluation, Patent Management, Patent Index, Patent Litigation, Patent Valuation
相關次數: 點閱:1474下載:5
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  • 在眾多無形資產中,對於企業最為重要的,就是透過人類智慧活動所創造出的智慧資產,透過法律制定使其有財產權的性質,而在這之中又屬專利權最積極的被運用來保護或與相關同業競爭。

    Among all the intangible assets, the most important ones for business and corporations are the intellectual properties which are created through human intellectual activities. Patent is the most valuable one of the intellectual properties that are protected by companies or used for competition.
    Due to the advanced technology, lots of new patents are filed by companies and research organizations, and how to properly manage and utilize these new patents, these activities have become important issues. A valuable patent can be granted authority of exclusive rights to others for profits. It is to properly manage the patents for a company can mainly increase the company's competitions in its industry. From the historical researches, they suggest that a patent index can be determined by analyzing the citations, patent families, and claims. This research collects 51 patent litigation cases, which involved 140 patents. It is used the patent search tools to analyze the detail of each patent and compare them with prior art of research. Also, this research is conducted to see if the compensation from the claim is related to the value of the said patents such as the range of claims, or the market value of the related products. For some cases, the industrial researches for medical and electrical are achieved to enhance a convinced conclusion. This research also gives helpful suggestions for the patent evaluation, in which could help business manage their patents more effectively.

    摘要I ABSTRACTII 誌謝III 表 次VII 圖 次VIII 第一章 緒論1 第一節 研究背景及動機1 第二節 研究目的2 第三節 研究方法3 1.3.1資料收集3 1.3.2選用指標介紹4 第四節 研究步驟6 1.4.1研究設計6 1.4.2研究步驟流程圖7 第二章 文獻分析8 第一節評價指標建構目的與原則.8 2.1.1建構目的8 2.1.2 設計原則8 第二節常用指標介紹9 2.2.1CHI Research指標9 2.2.2Ernst專利指標11 2.2.3OECD 之專利分析指標13 2.2.4工研院,明星專利指標15 2.2.5數量指標16 2.2.6品質指標19 2.2.7特性指標21 第三節 指標之效益23 2.3.1專利管理25 2.3.2企業評價25 2.3.3同業競爭26 2.3.4國家發展27 第三章 實證結果與分析29 第一節 訴訟案樣本與指標比較29 第二節 特定技術領域相關訴訟專利分析41 3.2.1 A類訴訟專利分析41 3.2.2 H類訴訟專利分析46 3.2.3特定領域訴訟案與全體樣本及指標比較關係50 第三節 特定技術領域中個別訴訟案分析51 3.3.1 A類特殊案例51 3.3.2 H類特殊案例57 第四章研究發現與展望61 參考文獻63

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