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研究生: 余威萱
Wei-Xuan Yu
論文名稱: 比較專利被引證數與專家判斷之專利價值差異之研究:以親水性敷料為例
A Comparative Study of the Difference of Patent Value Between Patent Forward Citations and Expert Judgment: The Case of Hydrocolloid Dressing
指導教授: 耿筠
Yun Ken
口試委員: 陳宥杉
Yu-Shan Chen
Hung-wen Tsai
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 應用科技學院 - 專利研究所
Graduate Institute of Patent
論文出版年: 2018
畢業學年度: 106
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 92
中文關鍵詞: 專利指標專利價值專利被引證數
外文關鍵詞: patent index, patent value, patent forward citation
相關次數: 點閱:1020下載:1
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  • 知識經濟時代的來臨使得智慧財產權逐漸成為相當重要的資源,但隨著公司所申請的專利愈來愈多,延續專利權的費用也會累積出巨大的開銷,公司如何判斷專利所擁有的價值高低來決定取捨,是一個相當複雜難解的問題,也因此成為了許多學者一直以來的研究目標。而過去的文獻中有部分學者運用實證資料證明被引證數之於專利價值為正相關,也有部分學者運用數據資料庫分析出對此學說有疑慮之結果。



    The arrival of the era of knowledge economy has gradually made intelligence property more important an asset. However, along with the accumulation of the applications of patents a company has made, comes the enormous amount of expense of the maintenance fee of the rights. As a result, evaluate patents’ value and determine whether a company should keep holding on to them has become a complicated problem and a research topic scholars have been working on. Some of the scholars had proved with substantial evidences in the previous literatures that the value of a patent has positive correlation with the number of patent forward citations. However, there are scholars indicating otherwise with database analysis and doubt the results.
    The research reviewed the related previous literature and define the scope of the subject with the R&D senior executive of the partner cooperation. After searching for the patent pool aimed to determine, the R&D senior executive will then asked to subjectively judge the value of the patent. At last, the research will investigate the credibility of the determination that the value of the patent correlates with the number of patent forward citations.
    The result of the research are listed as below:
    1. Under the integrate data analysis of the research, the group of patents that are valued higher by the expert does not necessarily have higher number of patent forward citations;
    2. In this research, the forward citation analysis of forward citation number with or under 99, the group of patents having higher value, determined by the expert, have a higher forward citations in average;
    3. Within the scope of the subject’s technical field in this research, based on the judgement of the expert, although using the forward citations of patents as index of patent value has some certain extent of referencing, there is still a high probability of misjudge;
    4. In the research, patents having 0 forward citation still has the chance to be determined as middle or high value. As a result, expert’s consultant is still required to correctly determine the value of a patent.

    摘要 I ABSTRACT III 誌謝 V 目錄 VII 表目錄 IX 圖目錄 X 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 研究背景 1 1.2 研究動機 6 1.3 研究目的 6 1.4 章節概要 7 第二章 文獻探討 9 2.1 專利資訊 9 2.2 專利引證 10 2.3 專利價值 12 2.4 專利指標 14 2.5 以引證為基礎的專利指標 15 2.6 以引證為基礎之專利指標的相關研究整理 16 2.6.1 與Trajtenberg之主張相關之文獻 17 2.6.2 與Narin之主張相關之文獻 21 2.6.3 與Ernst之主張相關之文獻 22 2.6.4 Abrams等人(2013)對以引證為基礎之專利指標有疑慮之看法 24 2.7 小結 25 第三章 研究設計 27 3.1 探索性研究 27 3.2 研究設計 29 3.3 研究標的物之選擇 30 3.4 待驗證專利群組之篩選 32 3.4.1 資料庫之選擇 33 3.4.2 關鍵字之選擇 34 3.4.3 擬定檢索式 41 3.5 由專家判斷待驗證專利群組之價值高低 42 3.5.1 受訪者之資格認定 42 3.5.2 專家之判斷標準及方法 44 3.6 比較專家判斷與使用專利被引證數之分析結果之間的差異 45 3.7 檢視以引證為基礎之專利指標對於專利價值判斷的有效性 46 3.8 資料分析限制 47 第四章 研究結果 49 4.1 完整數據分析 49 4.1.1 各專利價值之平均被引證數分析 51 4.1.2 各專利價值之平均被引證數比對 52 4.1.3 被引證數對應專利件數分析 55 4.1.4 申請年分析 57 4.2 被引證次數99次(含)以下之專利數據分析 61 4.2.1 各專利價值之平均被引證數分析 63 4.2.2 各專利價值之平均被引證數比對 65 4.2.3 申請年分析 68 4.3 被引證數為零之分析 69 第五章 結論 71 5.1 研究分析總結 71 5.2 研究之限制 73 5.3 未來研究的建議 74 參考文獻 75

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