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Author: 吳雪如
Hsueh - Ju Wu
Thesis Title: 發展品牌與代工左右開弓模式
Developing OBM and ODM Simultaneous Business Model
Advisor: 周子銓
Tzu-Chuan Chou
Committee: 李國光
Degree: 碩士
Department: 管理學院 - 管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Management
Thesis Publication Year: 2013
Graduation Academic Year: 101
Language: 中文
Pages: 53
Keywords (in Chinese): 品牌代工企業核心能力資源配置左右開弓
Keywords (in other languages): OBM, ODM, Core Competency, Resources Allocation, Ambidexterity Organization
Reference times: Clicks: 507Downloads: 47
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  • 代工毛利越來越微薄狀況下,大環境氛圍都是鼓勵廠商轉向經營自有品牌或提高產品或服務的附加價值,突破代工製造的低毛利窘境及強化企業的競爭力。然而本個案描述個案公司先發展自有品牌,因緣際會下投入到代工市場。在個案公司逆向操作投入代工製造時,其決策過程面臨到經營模式的改變、企業內部資源配置問題、企業核心能力再造等問題。


    As a result of low margins, many OEMs (original equipment manufacturers) tend to develop their own brands strategies in order to increase their competitiveness. In this thesis, the case company, PTC, is an own-brand company in Taiwan for years. In 2009, the company earned an unexpected opportunity to serve as an OEM for an international giant, GSC. PTC has confronted with several challenges such as business model transformation, resources allocation and core competency re-configuration.

    This case describes how PTC develops an OBM and ODM simultaneous business model. Issues can be discussed in this case including the conflicts between OBM and ODM business models, the core competency development, the resource allocation strategy and the design and development of ambidextrous organization.

    目錄IV 圖目錄V 表目錄VI 摘要VII ABSTRACTVIII 致謝IX 壹、個案本文(A)1 一、序場1 二、產業介紹2 三、個案公司簡介4 四、危機下的新機會5 五、當機會降臨6 六、合作契機10 七、阻礙與限制12 八、品牌發展的限制13 九、面臨抉擇15 貳、個案本文 (B)17 一、調整內部結構17 二、啟動新營運模式18 三、附件與圖19 參、教學指引25 一、個案總覽25 二、教學目標與適用課程26 三、學員課前討論27 四、學員課前準備28 五、個案背景28 六、個案分析31 七、教學建議48 八、板書規劃49 肆、參考文獻52 一、中文部分52 二、英文部分53

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    18.“商業模式再創新”Mark W. Johnson,HBR 中文版,2008/12。
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    5.Hamel, G. and Prahalad C.K. (1990), “The core competence of the corporation,” Harvard Business Review, 68(3), 79-91.
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