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研究生: 張繻文
Ju-Wen Chang
論文名稱: 電化學刺激對於卵巢癌細胞型態、基因與衰亡原因之研究
The effect of electrochemical stimulation on the morphology, genes and cell death mechanism of ovarian cancer cells
指導教授: 王復民
Fu-Ming Wang
口試委員: 王鵬惠
Peng-Hui Wang
Meng-Yi Bai
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 應用科技學院 - 應用科技研究所
Graduate Institute of Applied Science and Technology
論文出版年: 2021
畢業學年度: 109
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 96
中文關鍵詞: 卵巢癌癌細胞電刺激氧化銦錫導電玻璃片
外文關鍵詞: ovarian cancer, cancer cell, electric stimulation, indium tin oxide
相關次數: 點閱:358下載:1
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In this study, we used electrochemical method is used to realize the effect of the electric stimulation, and the effect of the direct current on cancer cell is demonstrated from cell morphology and voltage change. Due to the transparent nature and high conductivity of the indium tin oxide, the conductive glasses coated ITO as a working electrode in three electrode system and culture the cancer cell on the surface. We applied 0.1 mA constant current on cell, we found that whether the cells are resistant to cisplatin, the conductivity of cells to direct current is different, so whether the cells are resistant to cisplatin is different in the electrochemical trends. From the result of survival rate, we found the positive current has more cell deaths than negative current, which indicates that positive current has a greater impact on cisplatin-resistant cells and its survival rate is about 70 %, in comparison to the positive current, the survival rate of cell under negative current which less than 40 %. From the cellular calcium concentration, we found positive current increase cell permeability and increase cellular calcium concentration. As our results, we pointed out the effect of positive and negative current on the cancer cell and cisplatin-resistant cells are different, we show the electrochemical results that the efficiency of positive current and its impact on the cancer cell is greater, indicating that the impact of oxidation reaction is larger than that of reduction reaction on cisplatin-resistant cells. we hope that this application can be used in clinical development one day.

摘要 I Abstract II 目錄 III 圖目錄 V 第一章、緒論 1 1-1、前言 1 1-2、研究動機與目的 4 第二章、文獻回顧 6 2-1、卵巢癌之簡介 6 2-2、 卵巢癌之診斷 9 2-3、卵巢癌之治療 14 2-4、卵巢癌細胞對於電化學刺激之研究發想 18 2-4-1、氧化銦錫的材料性質 18 2-4-2、氧化銦錫細胞培養 20 2-4-3、氧化銦錫電極發展及相關電刺激應用 22 第三章、實驗設備與程序 31 3-1、實驗所使用之藥品與實驗設備 31 3-2、細胞培養於氧化銦錫導電玻璃 32 3-3、通電實驗之電化學測試 33 3-4、通電實驗後之相關分析 35 3-4-1、通電實驗結束後之細胞收集 35 3-4-2、通電實驗結束後之存活率測試 35 3-4-3、通電實驗之鈣離通道分析 35 3-4-4、通電實驗之統計分析 36 第四章、實驗結果與討論 38 4-1、細胞培養結果與檢測結果 38 4-1-1、氧化銦錫導電玻璃片導電度測試 38 4-1-2、細胞培養於氧化銦錫導電玻璃片電化學測試 42 4-2、ES-2細胞與其抗藥株通以固定電流通電下之結果 44 4-2-1、ES-2細胞與其抗藥株通以負電流通電下之結果 45 4-2-2、ES-2細胞與其抗藥株通以正電流通電下之結果 49 4-3、A2780細胞與其抗藥株通以固定電流通電下之結果 53 4-3-1、負電流下A2780細胞與其抗藥株通電結果 53 4-3-2、正電流下A2780細胞與其抗藥株通電結果 59 4-4、通電後鈣離子通道的測試 64 4-4-1、ES-2細胞株與抗藥株於固定負電流實驗下細胞內部鈣離子濃度分析 64 4-4-2、ES-2細胞株與抗藥株於固定正電流實驗下細胞內部鈣離子濃度分析 67 4-4-3、A2780細胞株與抗藥株於固定負電流實驗下細胞內部鈣離子濃度分析 70 五、結論與未來工作 75 六、參考文獻 77

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