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研究生: 張智開
Chih-Kai Chang
論文名稱: 手持行動裝置應用之槽孔天線開發
Slot Antenna Designs for Handheld Devices
指導教授: 廖文照
Wen-Jiao Liao
口試委員: 周錫增
Hsi-Tseng Chou
Chang-Fa Yang
Tzyh-Ghuang Ma
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電機工程系
Department of Electrical Engineering
論文出版年: 2016
畢業學年度: 104
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 69
中文關鍵詞: 槽孔天線MIMO天線手持裝置天線長期演進技術微型化天線
外文關鍵詞: slot antennas, MIMO antennas, handheld antennas, long term evolution, miniaturized antennas
相關次數: 點閱:837下載:3
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  • 本篇論文提出了三款槽孔天線,利用槽孔天線本身能與金屬結合的特點,以簡單架構配合集總元件,達到寬頻效果,可符合目前手機金屬背蓋的設計趨勢。本論文第一部份為一應用於手持行動裝置的WLAN 2.4/5 GHz雙頻帶雙槽孔天線系統,天線結構為一L型槽孔,置於主板角落為的平面式架構,天線上有一電感及一電容分別作為短路邊界以及縮短共振路徑使用,達到雙模態的效果。為搭配MIMO傳輸,將另支同款天線置於主板的另一角落,天線間因為場型分集的關係,其耦合量不大,亦有良好的輻射特性。第二款設計為應用於LTE/WWAN的全頻帶槽孔天線,可應用於5吋手機平台,其結構直接施作於金屬背蓋上。LTE高頻為一雙端開路的槽孔,由前項天線設計所改良而來,能提供三個模態(兩個四分之一波長共振及一個半波長共振),進而涵蓋1710~2690 MHz頻帶。LTE低頻為一單端開路槽孔,提供四分之一波長共振模態,可涵蓋698 ~ 960 MHz頻帶,槽孔內有一長條金屬,其作用為利用其結構達成阻抗匹配;饋入方式是採用單饋入,分兩路徑到低、高頻天線上,其特點為低、高頻的匹配網路除了匹配本身的路徑之外,也可藉由調整集總元件值來阻隔另一頻帶的訊號,達到分頻的效果;經由實作及量測,驗證此款設計在4G頻帶有良好的模態及輻射效能。第三款天線設計為應用於LTE/WWAN全頻帶雙槽孔天線系統,其結構改良了第二款設計中較不對稱的槽孔配置,採用一橫條狀雙端開路槽孔,在中間補上一小片金屬作為短路共用點,因此提供了兩段不同長度的四分之一波長共振路徑給LTE低、高頻;兩個槽孔內部皆利用本身結構中的長條金屬去匹配其阻抗。饋入方式為單饋入,分兩路徑至兩支天線上,匹配網路亦有自動切換分頻效果。吾人亦將此架構作成雙天線的型式,分別置於手機平台上緣及下緣,量測所得分集效果與隔離度都有不錯的表現;此款設計看來符合簡潔的美感要求,亦有良好的輻射效能。

    This thesis presents three slot antenna designs. Since slot antenna configuration is compatible with metal surfaces, we attempt to implement slot antennas with lumped elements to configure broadband antennas. The slot structure can be conveniently incorporated with metal frame, which is a welcome feature for trendy mobile device designs. The first design is a dual band WLAN 2.4/5 GHz two antenna system for handset devices. The planar antenna structure is integrated with an L-shaped slot antenna. An inductor is placed on the slot to provide short-ended boundary and a capacitor is used to shorten the resonance length. To support MIMO uses, we arrange the two element antennas at corners of the system platform. The couplings between antennas are small due to radiation pattern diversity. Both element exhibit good radiation characteristics.In the second part, a metal body-integrated open-ended slot antenna design for LTE/WWAN uses on handsets is proposed. The slot is directly etched on the metal frame. The antenna composes three parts: LTE lower band antenna, LTE higher band antenna and feeding network. LTE lower band antenna is a quarter-wavelength slot covering the 698 ~ 960 GHz band. There is an internal metal strip in the LTE lower band slot, improves the impedance matching. The LTE higher band antenna is made with a dual open-ended slot that provides three resonance modes: They are two quarter-wavelength modes and one half-wavelength mode that cover the 1710 ~ 2690 GHz band. The feeding network is adopted to feed two slots with just one port. The feeding network contains not only a matching network but also a frequency divider. We can adjust the lumped element values to trade off matching condition and frequency divider condition. Through fabrication and measurement, good matching and radiation performance features are validated.The third part of this study proposes an LTE/WWAN linear dual open-ended slot antenna designs for handsets. It modifies the asymmetrical structure presented in the second part. A dual open-ended slot is etched on the metal frame and a metal piece is added in the slot. Hence, it functions as two open-ended slots. They can offer LTE lower and higher band operations, respectively. To support MIMO uses, the two element antennas are placed on the upper and lower edges of the metal frame. Measured isolation and diversity verify its superior performance.

    摘要 I ABSTRACT III 誌謝 V 目錄 VII 圖目錄 IX 表目錄 XII 第1章 第一章 緒論 1 1.1. 研究背景與動機 1 1.2. 論文組織 2 第2章 第二章 應用於手持行動裝置WLAN雙頻帶雙槽孔天線系統 3 2.1. 前言 3 2.2. 天線結構與設計原理 5 2.2.1 單一天線結構設計 5 2.2.2 單一天線結構之演進 6 2.2.3 天線參數分析 8 2.2.4 MIMO雙天線系統佈置效能 13 2.3. 雙天線系統實作及效能驗證 15 2.4. 小結 21 第3章 第三章 應用於金屬背蓋LTE全頻帶槽孔天線 22 3.1. 前言 22 3.2. 天線設計 24 3.2.1 天線結構 24 3.2.2 天線設計過程 26 3.2.3 天線參數分析 31 3.3. 天線之效能驗證 36 3.4. 小結 42 第4章 第四章 應用於金屬背蓋LTE全頻帶線性槽孔天線 43 4.1. 前言 43 4.2. 天線設計 45 4.2.1. 天線結構 45 4.2.2. 天線設計過程 47 4.2.3. MIMO雙天線配置 51 4.3. 雙天線系統效能驗證 53 4.4. 低頻天線切換工作之分析 59 4.5. 小結 64 第5章 第五章 結論 65 5.1. 總結 65 5.2. 未來發展 66 參考文獻 67

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