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研究生: 鄭名劭
Ming-shao Cheng
論文名稱: 植基於曲率淘汰策略及半徑估計的快速圓偵測演算法
Curvature–Based Elimination Strategy and Radius Estimation for Fast Circle–Detection
指導教授: 鍾國亮
Kuo-liang Chung
口試委員: 陳建中
Jiann-jone Chen
Homer-H Chen
Kuo-chin Fan
Hong-yuan Liao
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 資訊工程系
Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering
論文出版年: 2010
畢業學年度: 98
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 46
中文關鍵詞: 圓偵測曲率淘汰策略哈克轉換半徑估計.
外文關鍵詞: Circle detection, curvature, elimination strategy, Hough transform, radius estimation.
相關次數: 點閱:507下載:0
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  • 圓的偵測是影像處理領域中的一個基礎問題。一般來說,哈克轉

    Circle-detection is an important issue in the image processing. In
    general, the Hough transform is most common method for detecting
    circles from digital images. However, given an input image, the Hough
    transform consumes a lot of time to perform the voting process on a 3-D
    accumulator array. To improve the execution-time performance of the
    Hough transform, we first present curvature-based elimination strategy to
    reduce the number of edge pixels considered in the voting process. Based
    on the curvatures of edge pixels, we discard those edge pixels which have
    lower probability of lying on circles and only a small amount of edge
    pixels will be considered in the voting process. Further, the curvature of
    each edge pixel is also considered in our proposed radius estimation
    scheme to estimate the radius of the circle. Based on the estimated radius
    and the gradient direction, each edge pixel only considers a range of
    radius rather than considers all possible centers and radiuses to perform
    the voting process. Combining the proposed curvature-based
    elimination strategy and radius estimation scheme, the proposed fast
    circle detection algorithm is presented. Experimental results demonstrate
    that the proposed algorithm has 87.67% average execution-time
    improvement ratio when compared to four currently published

    目錄 ................................................................... i 圖目錄 ................................................................iii 表目錄 .................................... ............................vi 1. 緒論 ................................................................ 1 2. 相關研究 ............................................................ 3 3. 植基於曲率淘汰策略與半徑估計之測圓演算法 ........................... 14 3.1 邊點偵測 .......................................................... 15 3.2 平均曲率計算 ...................................................... 16 3.3 植基於曲率之邊點淘汰策略 .......................................... 18 3.4 植基於曲率淘汰策略與半徑估計之測圓演算法 .......................... 23 4. 實驗結果 ........................................................... 29 4.1 標準哈克測圓(SHT)實驗結果討論 ..................................... 30 4.2 CTEA 實驗結果討論 ................................................. 32 4.3 ACOD 實驗結果討論 ................................................. 35 4.4 EVCD 實驗結果討論 ..................................................36 4.5 CFHT 實驗結果討論 ................................................. 37 4.6 測圓演算法執行時間與準確度比較 .................................... 39 5. 結論 ............................................................... 43 參考文獻 .............................................................. 44

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