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研究生: Yohan Prakoso
Yohan Prakoso
論文名稱: Hand Gesture Based Remote Control of Mobile Robot and Arm Manipulator
Hand Gesture Based Remote Control of Mobile Robot and Arm Manipulator
指導教授: 施慶隆
Ching-Long Shih
口試委員: 黃志良
Chih-Lyang Hwang
Wen-Yo Lee
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電機工程系
Department of Electrical Engineering
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 101
中文關鍵詞: human machine interfacevision based controllerhand gesture recognitionomni mobile robotrobot arm
外文關鍵詞: human machine interface, vision based controller, hand gesture recognition, omni mobile robot, robot arm
相關次數: 點閱:754下載:11
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  • The application of robots developed ubiquitously this day. Some of them are automatically controlled and the others are manually controlled. This thesis implements a manual human-machine interface by using a webcam to avoid the friction like in mechanical device and attached cable which reduce user’s movement dexterity like in wearable device. The implementation method used is accomplished by extracting the information of the hand grasping and pointing gestures. The grasping gesture is used to control the position of the robot arm end effector while the pointing gesture is used to control the speed of the omni mobile robot. The extraction processes of the information from the hand gesture are involve thresholding, morphology filtering, contour finding, maximum inscribed circle finding, polygon contour approximating, convexity defect finding, and minimum enclosing circle finding. The experimental result shows that the method used accurately detects the position of hand and fingertips. The extracted information is successfully processed into the commands to control the armed-mobile-robot movement and capable to perform picking and moving objects.

    The application of robots developed ubiquitously this day. Some of them are automatically controlled and the others are manually controlled. This thesis implements a manual human-machine interface by using a webcam to avoid the friction like in mechanical device and attached cable which reduce user’s movement dexterity like in wearable device. The implementation method used is accomplished by extracting the information of the hand grasping and pointing gestures. The grasping gesture is used to control the position of the robot arm end effector while the pointing gesture is used to control the speed of the omni mobile robot. The extraction processes of the information from the hand gesture are involve thresholding, morphology filtering, contour finding, maximum inscribed circle finding, polygon contour approximating, convexity defect finding, and minimum enclosing circle finding. The experimental result shows that the method used accurately detects the position of hand and fingertips. The extracted information is successfully processed into the commands to control the armed-mobile-robot movement and capable to perform picking and moving objects.

    ABSTRACT I ACKNOWLEDGMENT II NOMENCLATURE III TABLE OF CONTENTS VI LIST OF FIGURES VIII LIST OF TABLES XII CHAPTER 1 1 1.1 Research background 1 1.2 Organization of this thesis 2 CHAPTER 2 4 2.1 System block diagram 4 2.2 Omni mobile robot 5 2.3 Robot arm design 8 2.4 Full robot assembly 10 CHAPTER 3 12 3.1 Webcam placement 13 3.2 Skin color segmentation 15 3.3 Hand feature extraction 20 3.4 Grip level estimation 29 3.5 Finger Angle 31 3.6 Motion command extraction 32 CHAPTER 4 36 4.1 Overview 36 4.2 Threading system 36 4.2.1 Vision thread 37 4.2.2 Trajectory thread 38 4.2.3 Serial thread 43 4.2.4 Main thread 45 4.3 Arm kinematic system 47 4.4 Omni-mobile robot kinematic system 50 4.5 Position control of omni-wheeled mobile robot 52 CHAPTER 5 53 5.1 Arduino setting 53 5.1.1 Motor servo PWM setting 53 5.1.2 Motor stepper pulse setting 56 5.1.3 Motor stepper position estimation setting 60 5.2 Streaming system 61 5.3 Power system of the robot 64 5.4 Hand feature extraction result 65 5.4.1 Maximum inscribed circle and fingertips candidate features result 65 5.4.2 Gripper level extraction process result 66 5.4.3 The finger angle experimental result 68 5.4.4 Z position extraction process results 69 5.5 Mobile robot motion integration and demonstration 71 CHAPTER 6 81 6.1 Conclusion 81 6.2 Future Work 82 REFERENCES 83

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