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研究生: 黃振益
Chen-I Huang
論文名稱: 應用智慧型手機的市場反饋數據進行可靠度分析
Using the field return data of smartphones to analyze its reliability
指導教授: 王福琨
Fu-Kwun Wang
口試委員: 杜志挺
Chih-ting Du
Tsung-Shin Hsu
James T. Lin
Houn-Gee Chen
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Management
論文出版年: 2013
畢業學年度: 101
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 60
中文關鍵詞: 智慧型手機市場反饋數據區間設限資料最大概似法
外文關鍵詞: Smartphones, Field return data, Interval censored data, Maximum likelihood estimation
相關次數: 點閱:536下載:0
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  • 近年來智慧型手機裝置已經成為人們每日不可或缺的重要工具與資訊獲得媒介。智慧型手機的正常使用與品質穩定度因素對於消費者、手機銷售商與製造商有著不同的影響層面,對於後兩者而言其可靠度與失效率的分析數據探討研究便顯得日益重要。由於智慧型手機的設計能力及製造技術不斷更新,客戶對智慧型手機之可靠性要求也不斷的相對提高。因此,本研究使用國內某手機維修商所蒐集而得的品牌A、B、C三款不同智慧型手機於銷售後報修數據來進行探討,本研究假設三品牌不同款的品質是一致。利用統計分析手法與工具軟體計算出四種失效機率分佈函數(Exponential、Log-normal、Log-logistic、Weibull)之各種參數值。並運用最大概似法(Maximum likelihood estimation, MLE)評估這三款智慧型手機的最大概似值(Log-likelihood value),以決定那款智慧型手機最適合的失效機率分佈。計算出品牌A、B、C三款智慧型手機的分佈市場預估失效率。本研究所得之結論將能提供在這市場主要角色如消費者、手機銷售商與製造商等對於智慧型手機產品之品質、銷售策略、售後保固產品服務內容包裝與製程改善等有所助益。

    In recent years, smartphones have become indispensable tools and media for obtaining information, and the standard usage and quality stability factors of smartphones have a significant and varied influence on consumers, mobile phone retailers, and manufacturers. Consequently, investigative and data analysis studies exploring smartphone reliability and failure rates have become increasingly important for mobile phone retailers and manufacturers. The design capabilities and manufacturing technologies for smartphones are continuously upgraded, and consumer demands for reliability increase correspondingly. Therefore, this study investigated after-sales repair and maintenance data obtained from a Taiwanese mobile phone maintenance provider for three brands of smartphones (A, B, and C). We assumed that the quality of the different models of the three brands is consistent. Statistical analysis techniques and software were used to calculate the parameter values of four failure probability distribution functions (i.e., exponential, log-normal, log-logistic, and Weibull). The maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) method was also employed to assess the log-likelihood value and determine the most appropriate failure probability distribution for each smartphone. Finally, we calculated the predicted market failure rate for the A, B, and C smartphone brands. The results and conclusion obtained in this study can benefit important market players, such as consumers, mobile phone retailers, and manufacturers, regarding smartphone quality, sales strategies, after-sales warranty service packages, and manufacturing process improvements.

    Chapter 1 Introduction ........................................1 1.1 Research background .......................................1 1.2 Research objectives .......................................3 1.3 Research procedure ........................................4 Chapter 2 Literature review ...................................8 2.1 Smartphone technologies and applications ..................8 2.2 Reliability and field return data .........................9 2.3 Failure concept and definition ...........................11 2.4 Data types ...............................................15 Chapter 3 Methodology ........................................20 3.1 Survival analysis method .................................20 3.2 Introduction to interval-censored data estimation ........22 3.3 Reliability functions and product life ...................23 3.4 Maximum likelihood estimation ............................31 3.5 Analysis procedure .......................................34 Chapter 4 Data analysis ......................................37 4.1 Smartphone failure data ..................................37 4.2 Smartphone survival analysis .............................39 4.3 Failure rate prediction and efficacy assessment ..........40 4.4 Log-likelihood and lifetime values for the three brands ..41 4.5 Discussions ..............................................42 Chapter 5 Conclusion and future studies ......................55 5.1 Conclusion ...............................................55 5.2 Future studies ...........................................56 References ...................................................59

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