簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 詹博淵
Po Yuan Chan
論文名稱: 強化耳罩之結構剛性以改良其隔音性能
The Improvement on the Sound Insulation Effects of An Earmuff by Strengthening its Structural Stiffness
指導教授: 徐茂濱
Mau-Pin Hsu
口試委員: 黃以玫
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 機械工程系
Department of Mechanical Engineering
論文出版年: 2006
畢業學年度: 94
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 158
中文關鍵詞: 耳罩有限元素法邊界元素法隔音插入損失
外文關鍵詞: earmuff, hearing protection device, finite eleme
相關次數: 點閱:246下載:0
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  • 勞工在工作環境中若長久暴露於高噪音之環境下,會對聽力健康造成嚴重的危害,政府已有法令明文規定防音防護具之使用場合及必要性,以避免勞工遭受外界噪音傷害。

    Exposed to the high-level noise in working environments for extended time would cause serious damage to workers' hearing. The government has legislated for the occasions of using hearing protection devices(HPD) in order to protect labors from being injured by external noise.
    This thesis studied the vibro-acoustic phenomenon of an earmuff by combining the finite element structure model and the indirect boundary element acoustic model. Simulation results showed the distribution of sound pressure inside the earmuff. Results of our experiments revealed that the sound insulation of an earmuff is only good above 1000Hz, which could be over 30dB. The insertion loss in the 125 Hz 1/1 octave frequency band is less than 3dB, 7 to 10dB at 250Hz, and about 22 to 25dB at 500Hz. Therefore, the main goal of this research is to improve the sound insulation of an earmuff below 1000Hz.
    This research proposed several rib-strengthened structures trying to improve the sound insulation of an earmuff by increasing its stiffness. Results from simulation showed that in addition to increasing the overall structural stiffness, vibration displacements in influential regions have to be reduced to effectively improve the sound insulation. Among the cases that we investigated, the cross-and-ring type rib-strengthened earmuff offered the best insulation effect. Compared with the original earmuff, insertion loss was shown to be increased by 10.7dB at 125Hz, 9.8dB at 250Hz, 8.8dB at 500Hz, and 11.4dB at 1000Hz. When the width and thickness of the stiffened ring was increased from 1 cm to 2 cm, the insertion loss was further increased by about 5 dB at each frequency band from 125Hz to 1000Hz.

    摘 要 i ABSTRACT ii 致 謝 iii 目 錄 iv 圖 目 錄 vii 表 目 錄 xiv 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 前言 1 1.2 研究動機 3 1.3 研究目的 4 1.4 文獻回顧 5 1.5 本文架構 7 第二章 耳罩簡介與基本理論 9 2.1 耳罩簡介 9 2.1.1 耳罩之功能與類型 9 2.1.2 影響耳罩有效性之因素 12 2.2 基本聲學理論 14 2.3 應用軟體簡介 20 2.3.1 有限元素分析軟體ANSYS的基本介紹 20 2.3.2 邊界元素分析軟體LMS/SYSNOISE的基本介紹 24 第三章 簡易耳罩模型之模擬 27 3.1 分析方式與流程 28 3.2 耳罩模態分析 30 3.3 耳罩聲場模擬 31 3.4 小結 34 第四章 耳罩插入損失實驗 49 4.1 主觀法與客觀法 50 4.2 實驗儀器介紹與實驗步驟 52 4.2.1 實驗儀器介紹 52 4.2.2 實驗量測步驟 54 4.3 插入損失實驗 55 4.3.1 實驗一:不同功率音源對插入損失之影響 55 4.3.2 實驗二:耳罩內內襯吸音材對插入損失之影響 57 4.4 小結 58 第五章 改良耳罩模型之模擬 76 5.1 改良耳罩模型 77 5.2 單一形式肋條結構之模擬 79 5.2.1 單一形式肋條結構之模態分析 79 5.2.2 單一形式肋條結構之聲場模擬 83 5.3 組合型肋條結構之模擬 84 5.4 組合型肋條結構(鋼肋條)之模擬 87 5.5 類蜂巢式結構之探討 89 5.5.1 類蜂巢式結構之模態分析 89 5.5.2 類蜂巢式結構之聲場模擬 92 5.6 環圈型肋條之探討 94 5.7 小結 96 第六章 結論與建議 150 6.1 結論 150 6.2 對未來研究方向的建議 151 參考文獻 152 附錄A 阻抗管量測簡介 154 作者簡介 158

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