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Author: 馬先右
Hsien-Yu Ma
Thesis Title: 房價相關因素探討-台灣90年至100年第一季的實證研究
An Empirical Study on the Factors Affecting Housing Price and Difference in the Five Main Metropolitan Areas from Year 2001 to the First Quarter of 2011
Advisor: 羅天一
Tain-Yi Luor
Luarn Pin
Committee: 盧希鵬
Hsi-Peng Lu
Degree: 碩士
Department: 管理學院 - 企業管理系
Department of Business Administration
Thesis Publication Year: 2012
Graduation Academic Year: 100
Language: 中文
Pages: 33
Keywords (in Chinese): 市場區隔利率經濟指標房價
Keywords (in other languages): Market segmentation, Interest rate, Business index, Housing price
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  • 曾有部份學者研究房地產景氣與總體經濟景氣的關係,但瞭解房地產市場與總體經濟景氣的關係並不容易。另一方面,關係房地產價格的人不在少數,但目前著重於房地產可能成交價格與經濟指標的研究並不多。本研究整理自90年至100年第一季等房價及與一般用於與房地產相關之經濟數據及指標等以為研究之樣本資料。經統計相關係數等檢定後發現:(1)與房價相關指數為景氣指標,而非景氣對策訊號及房地產指數,(2)與房價相關最主要為利率及貨幣總計數, (3)利率在一年後影響力比同期影響為大及(4)全國與都會區在房價與漲跌幅上確有差異。此項發現可提供房產供給、需求者及金融機構做為房地產授信客戶爭取及風險控管的參考。

    Several studies have focused on the relationships between housing price index and macroeconomic indices. However, exploring the relationship between housing market and macroeconomic indices is not an easy task. Housing price is of public concern, but only a few articles have focused on the relationship between housing price and economic indices. Our study collects the data on economic indices and figures related to the housing price from 2001 to the first quarter of 2011 and attempts to explore the relationships between housing price index and economic indices. After the tests, the results show the following: (1) the difference in housing price is significant in the five main metropolitan areas in Taiwan and in the whole country; (2) housing price is related to business index rather than the business monitoring indicator and housing monitoring indicator; (3) interest rate and monetary supply are related to housing price; (4) the influence of interest rate on the housing price has lagged for one year; and Our findings provide useful reference not only for housing suppliers and customers but also for financial institutions in selecting loan customers.

    目錄 摘要 I ABSTRACT II 致謝狀 III 目錄 IV 表目錄 VI 圖目錄 VII 壹、 緒論 1 一、 研究動機 1 二、 研究目的 2 三、 研究範圍 4 四、 研究流程 4 貳、 文獻回顧 6 一、 房地產業 6 二、 經濟指標 6 三、 貨幣供給與放款利率 7 四、 房價 7 五、 景氣指標/景氣對策分數及訊號 8 六、 房地產對策分數及訊號 9 七、 貨幣供給及利率 11 參、 研究方法 12 一、 研究樣本 12 二、 變數選擇及模型設立 13 三、 研究工具 13 肆、 研究結果 14 一、 描述性分析 14 二、 與房價相關指數為景氣指標, 而非景氣對策訊號及房地產指數 18 三、 與房價相關最主要為利率及貨幣總計數 22 四、 利率在一年後影響力比同期影響為大 24 五、 全國與都會區在房價與漲跌幅上確有差異 26 伍、 結論與建議及研究限制 28 陸、 參考文獻 32

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