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研究生: 黃永毅
Yung-Yi Huang
論文名稱: 群眾募資出資影響因素研究
Factors Influence Intention of Investment on Crowdfunding
指導教授: 欒斌
口試委員: 廖前隆
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 企業管理系
Department of Business Administration
論文出版年: 2016
畢業學年度: 104
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 45
中文關鍵詞: 群眾募資價值意向框架科技接受模型認知價值出資意願
外文關鍵詞: Crowdfunding, Value-intention framework, Technology acceptance model, Perceived value, Investment intention
相關次數: 點閱:558下載:0
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Crowdfunding comes from the concept of crowdsourcing, which was first proposed by Jeff Howe on Weird magazine in 2008. Since Indiegogo launched in 2008, the number of crowdfunding websites have blooming beyond everyone’s anticipate and still grown in rapid speed. Crowdfunding, a whole new way of fund raising, not only help SME and new ventures handling the financial issues, but also reaching the real consumers on the market. Due to the early development of crowdfunding, United States and Europe are now the leading country in crowdfunding field in the world, and have accumulated lots of successful cases. In Asia, China is the most successful country so far.
The first crowdfunding website in Taiwan lunched in 2011, but till now the industry scale and development are far from Unite States and Europe. We are also lack of relevant research about what kind of characteristics will influence the intention of participating in crowdfunding on websites. Therefore, this study used extend value-intention framework combined with TAM, aimed to realize the influence factors of crowdfunding and how perceived benefits, perceived sacrifice influence the perceived value and the intention of investment in crowdfunding. At Last, develop an effective model which can be used for innovative technology service like crowdfunding.
The study found that perceived usefulness, perceived playfulness, perceived price and personal innovativeness have significantly impact on perceived value and investment intention.

中文摘要 I Abstract II 誌謝 III 目錄 IV 圖目錄 VI 表目錄 VII 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景 1 第二節 研究動機與目的 2 第三節 研究流程 4 第二章 文獻探討 5 第一節 群眾募資的發展 5 (一)群眾外包 5 (二)群眾募資 6 第二節 科技接受行為相關理論 8 (一)理性行為理論 9 (二)計畫行為理論 10 (三)科技接受模型 11 第三節 價值意向框架相關理論 13 (一)價值意向框架 13 (二)延伸價值意向框架 14 第四節 個人創新性 16 第三章 研究架構與方法 18 第一節 研究架構 18 第二節 研究假設 19 第三節 研究變數操作型定義與衡量 22 第四節 研究設計與分析方法 25 (一)研究對象與資料收集 25 (二)問卷設計 25 (三)資料分析方法 26 第四章 研究結果與分析 28 第一節 樣本基本資料統計分析 28 (一)基本人口變數 28 (二)網路金融使用與群眾募資經驗 30 第二節 問卷量表之信效度檢驗與相關分析 30 (一)信度分析 31 (二)效度分析 31 (三)相關分析 32 第三節 假說驗證 34 第五章 結論 37 第一節 研究發現 37 第二節 研究貢獻 38 (一)學術意涵 38 (二)實務意涵 39 第三節 研究限制 39

Ajzen, I. (1991). The theory of planned behavior. Organizational behavior and human decision processes, 50(2), 179-211.
Belleflamme, P., Lambert, T., & Schwienbacher, A. (2014). Crowdfunding: Tapping the right crowd. Journal of Business Venturing, 29(5), 585-609.
Beugré, C. D., & Das, N. (2013). Limited Capital and New Venture Creation in Emerging Economies: a Model of Crowd-Capitalism. SAM Advanced Management Journal, 78(3), 21.
Brabham, D. C. (2008). Crowdsourcing as a model for problem solving an introduction and cases. Convergence: the international journal of research into new media technologies, 14(1), 75-90.
Bradford, C. S. (2012). Crowdfunding and the federal securities laws. Columbia Business Law Review, 2012(1).
Casamatta, C., & Haritchabalet, C. (2014). Dealing with venture capitalists: shopping around or exclusive negotiation. Review of Finance, 18(5), 1743-1773.
Cassar, G. (2004). The financing of business start-ups. Journal of Business Venturing, 19(2), 261-283.
Chen, X.-P., Yao, X., & Kotha, S. (2009). Entrepreneur passion and preparedness in business plan presentations: a persuasion analysis of venture capitalists' funding decisions. Academy of Management Journal, 52(1), 199-214.
Chen, Z., & Dubinsky, A. J. (2003). A conceptual model of perceived customer value in e‐commerce: A preliminary investigation. Psychology & Marketing, 20(4), 323-347.
Cheung, C. M., Chiu, P.-Y., & Lee, M. K. (2011). Online social networks: Why do students use facebook? Computers in Human Behavior, 27(4), 1337-1343.
Chiao, Y.-C. (2001). An integrated model for the effects of perceived product, perceived service quality, and perceived price fairness on consumer satisfaction and loyalty.
Chin, W. W., & Gopal, A. (1995). Adoption intention in GSS: relative importance of beliefs. ACM SigMIS Database, 26(2-3), 42-64.
Davis, F. D. (1989). Perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and user acceptance of information technology. MIS quarterly, 319-340.
Davis, F. D., Bagozzi, R. P., & Warshaw, P. R. (1992). Extrinsic and intrinsic motivation to use computers in the workplace1. Journal of applied social psychology, 22(14), 1111-1132.
Deci, E. L., & Ryan, R. M. (1987). The support of autonomy and the control of behavior. Journal of personality and social psychology, 53(6), 1024.
Doan, A., Ramakrishnan, R., & Halevy, A. Y. (2011). Crowdsourcing systems on the world-wide web. Communications of the ACM, 54(4), 86-96.
Dodds, W. B., & Monroe, K. B. (1985). The effect of brand and price information on subjective product evaluations. Advances in consumer research, 12(1), 85-90.
Dodds, W. B., Monroe, K. B., & Grewal, D. (1991). Effects of price, brand, and store information on buyers' product evaluations. Journal of marketing Research, 307-319.
Estellés-Arolas, E., & González-Ladrón-de-Guevara, F. (2012). Towards an integrated crowdsourcing definition. Journal of Information science, 38(2), 189-200.
Faiers, A., & Neame, C. (2006). Consumer attitudes towards domestic solar power systems. Energy Policy, 34(14), 1797-1806.
Fishbein, M., & Ajzen, I. (1975). Belief, attitude, intention and behavior: An introduction to theory and research.
Gerber, E. M., Hui, J. S., & Kuo, P.-Y. (2012). Crowdfunding: Why people are motivated to post and fund projects on crowdfunding platforms. Paper presented at the Proceedings of the International Workshop on Design, Influence, and Social Technologies: Techniques, Impacts and Ethics.
Griffin, Z. J. (2012). Crowdfunding: fleecing the American masses. Case W. Res. JL Tech. & Internet, 4, 375.
Hellmann, T. (2007). Entrepreneurs and the process of obtaining resources. Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, 16(1), 81-109.
Heslop, L. A., & Marshall, J. (1990). Prise de décision jointe chez les couples âgés: un schéma d'étude. Recherche et Applications en Marketing, 5(3), 27-52.
Hoffman, D. L., & Novak, T. P. (1996). Marketing in hypermedia computer-mediated environments: conceptual foundations. The Journal of Marketing, 50-68.
Horton, J. J., & Chilton, L. B. (2010). The labor economics of paid crowdsourcing. Paper presented at the Proceedings of the 11th ACM conference on Electronic commerce.
Howe, J. (2006). The rise of crowdsourcing. Wired magazine, 14(6), 1-4.
Huili, Y., & Yaodong, Z. (2014). Research on Influence Factors of Crowdfunding. International Business and Management, 9(2).
Hung, S.-Y., Ku, C.-Y., & Chang, C.-M. (2003). Critical factors of WAP services adoption: an empirical study. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 2(1), 42-60.
Igbaria, M., Zinatelli, N., Cragg, P., & Cavaye, A. L. (1997). Personal computing acceptance factors in small firms: a structural equation model. MIS quarterly, 279-305.
Jin, X., Zhou, Y., & Mobasher, B. (2004). Web usage mining based on probabilistic latent semantic analysis. Paper presented at the Proceedings of the tenth ACM SIGKDD international conference on Knowledge discovery and data mining.
Johnson, R. A., & Hignite, M. A. (2000). Applying the technology acceptance model to the WWW. Academy of Information and Management Sciences Journal, 3(2), 130-142.
Kamel Boulos, M. N., & Wheeler, S. (2007). The emerging Web 2.0 social software: an enabling suite of sociable technologies in health and health care education1. Health Information & Libraries Journal, 24(1), 2-23.
Kappel, T. (2008). Ex ante crowdfunding and the recording industry: A model for the US. Loy. LA Ent. L. Rev., 29, 375.
Kleemann, F., Voß, G. G., & Rieder, K. (2008). Un (der) paid innovators.
Kshetri, N. (2015). Success of Crowd-based Online Technology in Fundraising: An Institutional Perspective. Journal of International Management, 21(2), 100-116.
Kunze, O., & Mai, L.-W. (2007). Consumer adoption of online music services: The influence of perceived risks and risk-relief strategies. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 35(11), 862-877.
Kuo, Y.-F., & Yen, S.-N. (2009). Towards an understanding of the behavioral intention to use 3G mobile value-added services. Computers in Human Behavior, 25(1), 103-110.
Lai, V. S., & Li, H. (2005). Technology acceptance model for internet banking: an invariance analysis. Information & Management, 42(2), 373-386.
Lam, S. Y., Shankar, V., Erramilli, M. K., & Murthy, B. (2004). Customer value, satisfaction, loyalty, and switching costs: an illustration from a business-to-business service context. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 32(3), 293-311.
Lee, D. Y., & Lehto, M. R. (2013). User acceptance of YouTube for procedural learning: An extension of the Technology Acceptance Model. Computers & Education, 61, 193-208.
Legris, P., Ingham, J., & Collerette, P. (2003). Why do people use information technology? A critical review of the technology acceptance model. Information & Management, 40(3), 191-204.
Lehner, O. M. (2012). A literature review and research agenda for crowdfunding of social ventures. Paper presented at the Research Colloquium on Social Entrepreneurship, University of Oxford, Skoll Center of SAID Business School.
Lichtenstein, D. R., Ridgway, N. M., & Netemeyer, R. G. (1993). Price perceptions and consumer shopping behavior: a field study. Journal of marketing Research, 234-245.
Liu, C., & Forsythe, S. (2011). Examining drivers of online purchase intensity: Moderating role of adoption duration in sustaining post-adoption online shopping. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 18(1), 101-109.
Luarn, P., & Lin, H.-H. (2005). Toward an understanding of the behavioral intention to use mobile banking. Computers in Human Behavior, 21(6), 873-891.
McGrath, J. E., & Kelly, J. R. (1986). Time and human interaction: Toward a social psychology of time: Guilford Press.
Mollick, E. (2014). The dynamics of crowdfunding: An exploratory study. Journal of Business Venturing, 29(1), 1-16.
Morris, M. G., & Dillon, A. (1997). How user perceptions influence software use. IEEE software, 14(4), 58-65.
Nov, O. (2007). What motivates wikipedians? Communications of the ACM, 50(11), 60-64.
O'reilly, T. (2007). What is Web 2.0: Design patterns and business models for the next generation of software. Communications & strategies(1), 17.
Park, N., Rhoads, M., Hou, J., & Lee, K. M. (2014). Understanding the acceptance of teleconferencing systems among employees: An extension of the technology acceptance model. Computers in Human Behavior, 39, 118-127.
Rao, A. R., & Monroe, K. B. (1989). The effect of price, brand name, and store name on buyers' perceptions of product quality: An integrative review. Journal of marketing Research, 351-357.
Reichwald, R., & Piller, F. (2006). Interaktive Wertschöpfung. Open Innovation, Individualisierung und neue Formen der Arbeitsteilung, Wiesbaden.
Rogers, E. M. (2010). Diffusion of innovations: Simon and Schuster.
Rogers, E. M., & Shoemaker, F. F. (1971). Communication of Innovations; A Cross-Cultural Approach.
Sandelancls, L. E., & Buckner, G. C. (1989). Of art and work: Aesthetic experience and the psychology of work feelings. Research in organizational behavior, 100.
Starbuck, W. H., & Webster, J. (1991). When is play productive? Accounting, Management and Information Technologies, 1(1), 71-90.
Steenkamp, J.-B. E. (1990). Conceptual model of the quality perception process. Journal of Business research, 21(4), 309-333.
Tam, J. L. (2004). Customer satisfaction, service quality and perceived value: an integrative model. Journal of marketing management, 20(7-8), 897-917.
Udoh, E. (2012). Technology acceptance model applied to the adoption of grid and cloud technology. International Journal of Grid and High Performance Computing (IJGHPC), 4(1), 1-20.
Valanciene, L., & Jegeleviciute, S. (2013). Valuation of crowdfunding: benefits and drawbacks. Economics and Management, 18(1), 39-48.
Van der Heijden, H. (2003). Factors influencing the usage of websites: the case of a generic portal in The Netherlands. Information & Management, 40(6), 541-549.
Van der Heijden, H. (2004). User acceptance of hedonic information systems. MIS quarterly, 695-704.
Van der Heijden, H., Verhagen, T., & Creemers, M. (2003). Understanding online purchase intentions: contributions from technology and trust perspectives. European journal of information systems, 12(1), 41-48.
Varki, S., & Colgate, M. (2001). The role of price perceptions in an integrated model of behavioral intentions. Journal of Service Research, 3(3), 232-240.
Venkatesh, V., & Davis, F. D. (2000). A theoretical extension of the technology acceptance model: Four longitudinal field studies. Management science, 46(2), 186-204.
Yang, K., Li, X., Kim, H., & Kim, Y. H. (2015). Social shopping website quality attributes increasing consumer participation, positive eWOM, and co-shopping: The reciprocating role of participation. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 24, 1-9.
Yang, K. C. (2005). Exploring factors affecting the adoption of mobile commerce in Singapore. Telematics and informatics, 22(3), 257-277.
Yang, Z., & Peterson, R. T. (2004). Customer perceived value, satisfaction, and loyalty: The role of switching costs. Psychology & Marketing, 21(10), 799-822.
Yoon, C. (2009). The effects of national culture values on consumer acceptance of e-commerce: Online shoppers in China. Information & Management, 46(5), 294-301.
Zeithaml, V. A. (1988). Consumer perceptions of price, quality, and value: a means-end model and synthesis of evidence. The Journal of Marketing, 2-22.
Zheng, H., Li, D., Wu, J., & Xu, Y. (2014). The role of multidimensional social capital in crowdfunding: A comparative study in China and US. Information & Management, 51(4), 488-496.
Ajzen, I. (1991). The theory of planned behavior. Organizational behavior and human decision processes, 50(2), 179-211.
Belleflamme, P., Lambert, T., & Schwienbacher, A. (2014). Crowdfunding: Tapping the right crowd. Journal of Business Venturing, 29(5), 585-609.
Beugré, C. D., & Das, N. (2013). Limited Capital and New Venture Creation in Emerging Economies: a Model of Crowd-Capitalism. SAM Advanced Management Journal, 78(3), 21.
Brabham, D. C. (2008). Crowdsourcing as a model for problem solving an introduction and cases. Convergence: the international journal of research into new media technologies, 14(1), 75-90.
Bradford, C. S. (2012). Crowdfunding and the federal securities laws. Columbia Business Law Review, 2012(1).
Casamatta, C., & Haritchabalet, C. (2014). Dealing with venture capitalists: shopping around or exclusive negotiation. Review of Finance, 18(5), 1743-1773.
Cassar, G. (2004). The financing of business start-ups. Journal of Business Venturing, 19(2), 261-283.
Chen, X.-P., Yao, X., & Kotha, S. (2009). Entrepreneur passion and preparedness in business plan presentations: a persuasion analysis of venture capitalists' funding decisions. Academy of Management Journal, 52(1), 199-214.
Chen, Z., & Dubinsky, A. J. (2003). A conceptual model of perceived customer value in e‐commerce: A preliminary investigation. Psychology & Marketing, 20(4), 323-347.
Cheung, C. M., Chiu, P.-Y., & Lee, M. K. (2011). Online social networks: Why do students use facebook? Computers in Human Behavior, 27(4), 1337-1343.
Chiao, Y.-C. (2001). An integrated model for the effects of perceived product, perceived service quality, and perceived price fairness on consumer satisfaction and loyalty.
Chin, W. W., & Gopal, A. (1995). Adoption intention in GSS: relative importance of beliefs. ACM SigMIS Database, 26(2-3), 42-64.
Davis, F. D. (1989). Perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and user acceptance of information technology. MIS quarterly, 319-340.
Davis, F. D., Bagozzi, R. P., & Warshaw, P. R. (1992). Extrinsic and intrinsic motivation to use computers in the workplace1. Journal of applied social psychology, 22(14), 1111-1132.
Deci, E. L., & Ryan, R. M. (1987). The support of autonomy and the control of behavior. Journal of personality and social psychology, 53(6), 1024.
Doan, A., Ramakrishnan, R., & Halevy, A. Y. (2011). Crowdsourcing systems on the world-wide web. Communications of the ACM, 54(4), 86-96.
Dodds, W. B., & Monroe, K. B. (1985). The effect of brand and price information on subjective product evaluations. Advances in consumer research, 12(1), 85-90.
Dodds, W. B., Monroe, K. B., & Grewal, D. (1991). Effects of price, brand, and store information on buyers' product evaluations. Journal of marketing Research, 307-319.
Estellés-Arolas, E., & González-Ladrón-de-Guevara, F. (2012). Towards an integrated crowdsourcing definition. Journal of Information science, 38(2), 189-200.
Faiers, A., & Neame, C. (2006). Consumer attitudes towards domestic solar power systems. Energy Policy, 34(14), 1797-1806.
Fishbein, M., & Ajzen, I. (1975). Belief, attitude, intention and behavior: An introduction to theory and research.
Gerber, E. M., Hui, J. S., & Kuo, P.-Y. (2012). Crowdfunding: Why people are motivated to post and fund projects on crowdfunding platforms. Paper presented at the Proceedings of the International Workshop on Design, Influence, and Social Technologies: Techniques, Impacts and Ethics.
Griffin, Z. J. (2012). Crowdfunding: fleecing the American masses. Case W. Res. JL Tech. & Internet, 4, 375.
Hellmann, T. (2007). Entrepreneurs and the process of obtaining resources. Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, 16(1), 81-109.
Heslop, L. A., & Marshall, J. (1990). Prise de décision jointe chez les couples âgés: un schéma d'étude. Recherche et Applications en Marketing, 5(3), 27-52.
Hoffman, D. L., & Novak, T. P. (1996). Marketing in hypermedia computer-mediated environments: conceptual foundations. The Journal of Marketing, 50-68.
Horton, J. J., & Chilton, L. B. (2010). The labor economics of paid crowdsourcing. Paper presented at the Proceedings of the 11th ACM conference on Electronic commerce.
Howe, J. (2006). The rise of crowdsourcing. Wired magazine, 14(6), 1-4.
Huili, Y., & Yaodong, Z. (2014). Research on Influence Factors of Crowdfunding. International Business and Management, 9(2).
Hung, S.-Y., Ku, C.-Y., & Chang, C.-M. (2003). Critical factors of WAP services adoption: an empirical study. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 2(1), 42-60.
Igbaria, M., Zinatelli, N., Cragg, P., & Cavaye, A. L. (1997). Personal computing acceptance factors in small firms: a structural equation model. MIS quarterly, 279-305.
Jin, X., Zhou, Y., & Mobasher, B. (2004). Web usage mining based on probabilistic latent semantic analysis. Paper presented at the Proceedings of the tenth ACM SIGKDD international conference on Knowledge discovery and data mining.
Johnson, R. A., & Hignite, M. A. (2000). Applying the technology acceptance model to the WWW. Academy of Information and Management Sciences Journal, 3(2), 130-142.
Kamel Boulos, M. N., & Wheeler, S. (2007). The emerging Web 2.0 social software: an enabling suite of sociable technologies in health and health care education1. Health Information & Libraries Journal, 24(1), 2-23.
Kappel, T. (2008). Ex ante crowdfunding and the recording industry: A model for the US. Loy. LA Ent. L. Rev., 29, 375.
Kleemann, F., Voß, G. G., & Rieder, K. (2008). Un (der) paid innovators.
Kshetri, N. (2015). Success of Crowd-based Online Technology in Fundraising: An Institutional Perspective. Journal of International Management, 21(2), 100-116.
Kunze, O., & Mai, L.-W. (2007). Consumer adoption of online music services: The influence of perceived risks and risk-relief strategies. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 35(11), 862-877.
Kuo, Y.-F., & Yen, S.-N. (2009). Towards an understanding of the behavioral intention to use 3G mobile value-added services. Computers in Human Behavior, 25(1), 103-110.
Lai, V. S., & Li, H. (2005). Technology acceptance model for internet banking: an invariance analysis. Information & Management, 42(2), 373-386.
Lam, S. Y., Shankar, V., Erramilli, M. K., & Murthy, B. (2004). Customer value, satisfaction, loyalty, and switching costs: an illustration from a business-to-business service context. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 32(3), 293-311.
Lee, D. Y., & Lehto, M. R. (2013). User acceptance of YouTube for procedural learning: An extension of the Technology Acceptance Model. Computers & Education, 61, 193-208.
Legris, P., Ingham, J., & Collerette, P. (2003). Why do people use information technology? A critical review of the technology acceptance model. Information & Management, 40(3), 191-204.
Lehner, O. M. (2012). A literature review and research agenda for crowdfunding of social ventures. Paper presented at the Research Colloquium on Social Entrepreneurship, University of Oxford, Skoll Center of SAID Business School.
Lichtenstein, D. R., Ridgway, N. M., & Netemeyer, R. G. (1993). Price perceptions and consumer shopping behavior: a field study. Journal of marketing Research, 234-245.
Liu, C., & Forsythe, S. (2011). Examining drivers of online purchase intensity: Moderating role of adoption duration in sustaining post-adoption online shopping. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 18(1), 101-109.
Luarn, P., & Lin, H.-H. (2005). Toward an understanding of the behavioral intention to use mobile banking. Computers in Human Behavior, 21(6), 873-891.
McGrath, J. E., & Kelly, J. R. (1986). Time and human interaction: Toward a social psychology of time: Guilford Press.
Mollick, E. (2014). The dynamics of crowdfunding: An exploratory study. Journal of Business Venturing, 29(1), 1-16.
Morris, M. G., & Dillon, A. (1997). How user perceptions influence software use. IEEE software, 14(4), 58-65.
Nov, O. (2007). What motivates wikipedians? Communications of the ACM, 50(11), 60-64.
O'reilly, T. (2007). What is Web 2.0: Design patterns and business models for the next generation of software. Communications & strategies(1), 17.
Park, N., Rhoads, M., Hou, J., & Lee, K. M. (2014). Understanding the acceptance of teleconferencing systems among employees: An extension of the technology acceptance model. Computers in Human Behavior, 39, 118-127.
Rao, A. R., & Monroe, K. B. (1989). The effect of price, brand name, and store name on buyers' perceptions of product quality: An integrative review. Journal of marketing Research, 351-357.
Reichwald, R., & Piller, F. (2006). Interaktive Wertschöpfung. Open Innovation, Individualisierung und neue Formen der Arbeitsteilung, Wiesbaden.
Rogers, E. M. (2010). Diffusion of innovations: Simon and Schuster.
Rogers, E. M., & Shoemaker, F. F. (1971). Communication of Innovations; A Cross-Cultural Approach.
Sandelancls, L. E., & Buckner, G. C. (1989). Of art and work: Aesthetic experience and the psychology of work feelings. Research in organizational behavior, 100.
Starbuck, W. H., & Webster, J. (1991). When is play productive? Accounting, Management and Information Technologies, 1(1), 71-90.
Steenkamp, J.-B. E. (1990). Conceptual model of the quality perception process. Journal of Business research, 21(4), 309-333.
Tam, J. L. (2004). Customer satisfaction, service quality and perceived value: an integrative model. Journal of marketing management, 20(7-8), 897-917.
Udoh, E. (2012). Technology acceptance model applied to the adoption of grid and cloud technology. International Journal of Grid and High Performance Computing (IJGHPC), 4(1), 1-20.
Valanciene, L., & Jegeleviciute, S. (2013). Valuation of crowdfunding: benefits and drawbacks. Economics and Management, 18(1), 39-48.
Van der Heijden, H. (2003). Factors influencing the usage of websites: the case of a generic portal in The Netherlands. Information & Management, 40(6), 541-549.
Van der Heijden, H. (2004). User acceptance of hedonic information systems. MIS quarterly, 695-704.
Van der Heijden, H., Verhagen, T., & Creemers, M. (2003). Understanding online purchase intentions: contributions from technology and trust perspectives. European journal of information systems, 12(1), 41-48.
Varki, S., & Colgate, M. (2001). The role of price perceptions in an integrated model of behavioral intentions. Journal of Service Research, 3(3), 232-240.
Venkatesh, V., & Davis, F. D. (2000). A theoretical extension of the technology acceptance model: Four longitudinal field studies. Management science, 46(2), 186-204.
Yang, K., Li, X., Kim, H., & Kim, Y. H. (2015). Social shopping website quality attributes increasing consumer participation, positive eWOM, and co-shopping: The reciprocating role of participation. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 24, 1-9.
Yang, K. C. (2005). Exploring factors affecting the adoption of mobile commerce in Singapore. Telematics and informatics, 22(3), 257-277.
Yang, Z., & Peterson, R. T. (2004). Customer perceived value, satisfaction, and loyalty: The role of switching costs. Psychology & Marketing, 21(10), 799-822.
Yoon, C. (2009). The effects of national culture values on consumer acceptance of e-commerce: Online shoppers in China. Information & Management, 46(5), 294-301.
Zeithaml, V. A. (1988). Consumer perceptions of price, quality, and value: a means-end model and synthesis of evidence. The Journal of Marketing, 2-22.
Zheng, H., Li, D., Wu, J., & Xu, Y. (2014). The role of multidimensional social capital in crowdfunding: A comparative study in China and US. Information & Management, 51(4), 488-496.
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